Just interested to know.....do any here suffer from "Panic Attacks" or have done so in the past? Just interested to know. If so, how did you/do you deal with them....? I've only been having them on and off since 1999 (a particularly bad year in my life!) but I can remember hearing of people who had them and thinking that they just had to "pull themselves together" or "get a grip".....how wrong I was. On the whole now I'm ok, if I start to feel edgy at all, I have to remember to breathe deeply and focus on something else. Occasionally I have a real bad one, with feelings like you're gonna die or something, I hate those times so much, and I pray to Jehovah to help me, which is a bit selfish as its the only time I do pray. I suppose I'm lucky in the sense that my mum used to suffer from them and so am able to have someone whom I love, to talk to, that always helps. So, back to the original question...Do you suffer with Panic Attacks?
by ScoobySnax 13 Replies latest watchtower medical
I do now and again..I just get frantic. It's bizzarre to me. I haven't had one for quite some time, but I remember them......very unpleasant. I, like you, just immersed myself in something and tried to 'float' a bit. I could calm myself down if I tried.
Good luck...
Alligator Wisdom
Yeah! I still have them at times. Some days are not as bad as others. I especially hate it when it happens just before I go to work. Things seems to "crumble" and I get apprehensive and disturbed. Grateful I am to my wife for being patient and understanding with me. Of course, talking about it with anyone helps. And yes, I pray to God ("Jehovah") for "PEACE" when those feeling are boiling up.
Since doing a little research on "mental health", I found that it could be a tangent or off-shoot from those who are suffering from "paranoid schizophrenia". That is only what I understand, and while I'm not a "psychologist", I may be wrong.
My search now is to find the cause. I tend to be pre-mature and blame it on a variety of people or issues. Certainly I hope that you and those who suffer from "Panic Attacks" can conquer this sickness.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")
It seems that a couple of times per year I go through a period of anxiety that lasts for many weeks and the panic attacks will flair during those times. I find that some supplements help me, mainly Magnesium, St. John's Wort, Valerian and Selenium. In fact, low Selenium levels can cause the whole thing. If I slack off on taking them I will start to feel really wired. I have a hard time driving in heavy traffic during those times because I feel like a panic attack is going to strike any minute.
This sort of thing tends to be genetic. I have a couple of siblings with the same thing. And they were never JWs.
I tried the prescription stuff and all I got from that was a dry mouth and dead sex drive.
Of course its nothing to do with being JW. And thanks Alligator and Target for your posts. I know taht feeling of being in heavy traffic, I think its the feeling of being unable to "escape"....its like if I'm in a queue at the bank, I'm fine all the time in that queue because I know I can walk out if I feel strange, but the minute I hand over my bank book to the cashier I'm thinking hurry up hurry up...!, its like I know I have to wait until its handed back. Sounds strange, but thats the way it is. Maybe its the feeling of not having "total" control incase you take a turn, I'm not sure. Going to work is a biggy too, I always feel much better when I'm there with all my work mates, its just the aprehension of going....... Just know that if you feel like this at times, you're not alone, that person in the queue behind you might be feeling just the same! Take care.
Hey Scooby,
My panic attacks start when I let myself dwell on how little control I have in my life...started after my daughter committed suicide...anyway, I've tried meds and didn't care for them. The one thing that has literally saved my life is exercise. I think it releases the pent up feelings, and gives me a sense of control over my own body and the endorphines help too. I do 30-45 minute sessions of aerobic exercise and then some weigh lifting. I feel so good, I am usually singing and "car dancing" all the way home from the gym. Hope you find something that works!
((((((((((( SABINE )))))))))) ' nuff said.
I just wanted to ask a question, hopefully someone eles will understand what I am asking......
Here lately, as I go off to sleep, you know that state where you are aware your mind is wandering and things start making no sense and you know they are silly. You are still aware of your surroundings to a point, but you are like in a twilight time of zone.
Well durning this state, I have on here lately, especially a last nite, been started by absolute fear, terror even. All I know is I was not quite asleep, I could see myself standing at an elevator, and all of a sudden I feel like my heart explodes and I can feel the adreneline flowing, my heart is beating so fast and so hard the bed is shaking,,,,,,,,I have to catch my breath. It was like watching a horror movie and something jumps out at at on the screen, you know that feeling. But I don't understand because there was nothing I was thinking about consciously that made me jump wide awake and do that to my body like that. Has anyone ever had these,,,,,,,,, are these some sort of night terrors? It has happened before and the feeling is quite disturbing, because I can't imagine what could make me so afraid..It was hard to get back relaxed, I am wondering if this might be a physical problem, maybe my heart skipping a beat or something, that has happened before. But whatever it was, I was in a state of terror for a few minutes.
LyinEyes, I kinda know what you're talking about. You feel like your heart is going to explode out of your chest, and it's all you can do to tell yourself to breathe! Here's a question ( you'll probably think I'm crazy! ).....have you ever been asleep, and you hear something, and try to wake yourself up, but you can't move? You can see yourself trying to move your body, but no matter how hard you try you can't wake yourself up? And you are trying so hard because something frightening may occur, but you just can't do it? Okay, you'll all think I'm crazy! Just curious if any one else has that happen sometimes. Oh yeah,and back to the subject, when I get panic attacks, I try to breathe deeply, and remind myself that things aren't so bad, and I will get through it.
LyinEyes, you might enjoy this link on Sleep Paralysis. I think it describes your symptoms quite well.