by ScoobySnax 13 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • SheilaM


    You may be suffering from a type of panic disorder I had most of my attacks while almost asleep, same symptoms except I would get really bad vertigo and feel as if I was dying. No elevator though, just on the way to rem sleep it would happen. It got so bad I actually was able to sit up in REM sleep (had a sleep study) it freaked the technician out because you are supposed to not be able to move in REM LOL Well, proved that theory wrong didn I LOL If you wanna talk more about it email me!

  • LyinEyes

    Thanks for the link, that was interesting reading. I have had a weird relationship with my sleep, from love to I have always dreamed very vivid dreams. I used to sleep walk as a very young girl, I have also held conversations that are for the most logical sounding, but would forget about them at all, until my husband told me we talked about something. Then I would remember bits and pieces of what was said.

  • xjw_b12

    OK Snoob. Here goes...I'll give you TBOTD.

    There are 2 thing that gave me panic attacks.

    1. Starting a thread on JWD and not getting enough responses, to really count it as time in Field Service

    2. Meeting a dog who could talk. I was always taught that was DEMONIZED !

    P.S. Thnaks to LyingEyes for this thread resurrection.!

  • ScoobySnax

    LyingEyes...... Sorry to hear about these awful episodes you have, they really are a nightmare to have to deal with, and difficult to explain to those who don't or have never had them..... My Panic attacks are alot better now, I read some really good books by a DR. Claire wouldn't believe how much her books helped, so try and find some stuff that she has wrote. With what you said about dreams and stuff, I sometimes get that feeling just as you're dropping off and you feel like you've fallen off something...that always wakes me up fast with a racing heart! Anyway, hope you find some peace soon. Scott

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