Hi, Ive been in the Computer Industry for over 12 years now - and one of my roles has been to "build"
a Base Build Operating System for Laptops for large corporates in the UK. Ive had years of
experience with Compaq, HP, Dell, Toshiba, Sony and IBM.
They all have their Good and Bad points.
I agree with another comment made - DO NOT buy from PC World -they are an absolute disgrace
as to Customer Services etc - with added charges etc..the 0% Interest Free Options may look
ood - but if you look closely they are not worth the paper the contract's written on.
Up until last year I would of recommended either a Compaq/Tosh or a Dell - but at the moment
Dell sticks out as the front runner - Compaq did have a few bargains aswell
(dont know if you are aware, but HP now own Compaq - if you go to http://www.compaq.co.uk/auctions
you will find now and again they will have a batch of laptops there - going for a song...these have
been discontinued because of the name change from compaq to HP - I was lucky enough to get a 1600
laptop (DVD//CDR) 512MB RAM, 40GB HD for 489 - the warranty is still there aswell...they are not
always there...but worth looking at now and again. It all depends what you want the laptop for ...but Dell rocks at the moment - next day service call etc.
good warranty and decent DELL kit...not like some manufactureres now - they are just badged
products...ie. have a IBM badge on the front - but the iside you have other manufactureres hardware inside.
Hope that helps, if you give me an idea of what you are looking for - what you need as a necessity I'll get
u a list of a few for you to look at...and of course price....