Card-making/ Scrapbooking

by Scully 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    Does anyone else do scrapbooking or card-making??

    I took a class last night and enjoyed myself thoroughly. I'm taking my daughters back to the shop this morning so they can make some of their own cards for their teachers and friends.

    This is the card I made last night.... It's my first one, so no laughing!!

    Love, Scully

    Edited by - Scully on 6 December 2002 7:53:36

  • ChrisVance

    Good job!

  • Pathofthorns

    I would take a card made by hand any day over one that is store bought. The card looks nice.

    Path (not happy still about those Mariah Carrey comments.. haha)

  • Scully

    Thanks Chris and Path!

    I'm sorry we don't see eye-to-eye regarding Mariah Carey, Path. Everytime I hear her, I get visions of wounded baby harp seals, and it just breaks my heart. Something similar happens when I hear Celine Dion. We can still be friends, though... right??

    Love, Scully

  • Pathofthorns

    LOL.. i hope u know I'm just kidding. I had a good laugh over the Celine Dion thing yesterday and thought "not Celine too" haha.

    My taste is usually along the lines of hard rock/classic rock/alternative etc so I can't really explain the Mariah Carrey *thing*.. But if you could make me a card with Mariah in that santa suit... (smile)

    The funny thing is I'm sure our paths will cross because we are not so far away from each other and the first thing that will enter my mind is Marriah Have a good christmas.


  • LyinEyes

    I have been scrapbooking along time,but after I saw the movie the divine secrets of the yaya sisterhood, I did a mock one for me and the kids. I put everything this year in that scrap book , from movie tickets, postcards, letters, drawings, even my son put his first football injury bandaid in it.

    The theme of this scrapbook is,,,,,,, we are worse than Ozzy Osborne's family, since we like to watch how wild their home life is, makes us not look so

    I have all of my sons football programs in them, even letters from girls..... birthday cards, candles, tags from their favorite toys and clothes.

    I know one day it will be like looking at a time capsule. The years go by so fast with them, so I intend to do one for every year from now on,,,,,,,,, until I have grandchildren, then will continue with more subjects.

  • DevonMcBride

    I have been scrapbooking for a while. I was at one time considering opening a scrapbook supply store in my area.


  • eyegirl

    your card looks great scully! within this past year i've gotten bitten by the scrap booking bug. a couple of ladies at work are really into it and we get together and work on our books. i've yet to actually finish one, but i'm happy with how they look so far. my next big project is to get together with my gramma and put all of our old family pictures together. hopefully after the holidays i'll have a little more time to do that.

  • xenawarrior

    OMG- this stuff will suck you in and never let you go!!! I was just in Michaels the other day and went into the scrapbooking area and all of the new stuff they have for this is sooooo coool. Suddenly found myself wandering aimlessly in a daze. It's demons!!! I had to run out of the store to save myself from yet another obsession!

    But really, this is such a fun thing to do and the ideas are endless!!! One of my best friend couples got married a few years ago and for their wedding gift I went around and took pictures of groups at their reception and made a really nice scrapbook for them. This was the stuff they didn't have the time to see. I took pictures of the various groups at tables enjoying themselves. As it turned out, the husband's mother died about 4 months after the wedding and the picture I had taken for the scrapbook is one of the best ones the family had of her. I had a good time making it and they enjoyed it alot.

    It will suck you in though- be careful!!! LOL


  • Shakita

    Your card is beautiful!

    I just starting scrapbooking last year. I made one for my daughter. It has in it all the preparations of getting ready for her wedding....engagement, shower, wedding rehearsal, wedding, reception and honeymoon(I wasn't there, she gave me the pictures and items for the scrapbook). I had a good time making it. It turned out really nice and now she has something to remember the wedding and show her kids one day. Maybe I should open my own ACMoore or Michael's craft store. People are really into crafts bigtime!

    My daughter makes her own cards. She does a really good job. And, homemade cards are always special because the person who made them put a little bit of themselves in making it.

    Mrs. Shakita

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