Why People Believe Weird Things....

by Focus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    As many have observed, over the years JW-related boards and NGs have suffered from the attacks of some people with apparently extremist views that, while being baffling, distasteful, and on occasion even hateful to the majority, are based on SHEER KOOKERY, IDIOCY, IGNORANCE or LACK OF CLEAR THOUGHT. There is more "proof" that the earth is flat than there is for most such nonsense; however, Flat-Earth nonsense does not, as far as I know, harm people (unless such people are attempting transglobal navigation, when they will eventually encounter a major flaw in flat-earthist dogma), while racial/religious/sexual/class-based bigotry or hatred does, and is very upsetting to most sensitive persons (whether or not they belong to the grouping being attacked). But censorship is not the answer, as to do silence them by force of law or other authority adds a certain appeal to their shoddy kookery, especially where the inexperienced are concerned. The purpose of their propaganda is usually recruitment and if unchallenged it can and does influence some young, impressionable or gullible people into becoming increasingly intolerant and adopting, to a greater or lesser degree, such disgraceful views. So, they must be calmly refuted by those of us who can. Of course the other side will not play fair. They will refuse to debate in a reasoned way, perhaps because they are genuinely too dumb and uneducated to do so, but surely and in any event because they have no real grounds at all upon which to genuinely argue. Therefore, it is common for these people to resort to ad hominem, threats, strawman argumentation, cut-and-pasteism, gross absurdity, ground-shifting, reliance on ambiguity, the "nudge and wink" smear, "proof by assertion in quadruple-size type and with 'as we all know,'" and incitement of the reasonable and normally calm reader to rage and then, after a great deal of provocation, retaliation (to be followed by repeated claim by the perpetrator that he/she is the real victim because of expressing his/her beliefs). This whole charade may even be accompanied by sundry attempts - sometimes extending to implied or actual threats to identify, track down and incite the commission of violence on the opponent - to silence those who have the knowledge to refute their erroneous and weird beliefs. They see no hypocrisy in demanding their opponents being censored, while themselves crying out that their message, however unpopular, should be heard because of "freedom of speech". Super logic!

    During my cybernetic journeys, I often and in all variety of places encounter such fanatics possessed of their weird beliefs. Especially where these weird beliefs are actually harmful to innocent third parties, I usually have the effect, without even trying, I can't understand it, of getting them to commit all sorts of errors, which then prove very useful over the following years in ensuring that they are dealt with appropriately, or - better still - come to their senses.

    So what is the relevance of this to the ex-JW/anti-WTS cause?

    Well, for an adult to have believed in the Watchtower kookery proves that someone can be utterly fooled by a bunch of outrageous lies, distortions and half-truths, breathtakingly audacious hypocrisy and cunningly-contrived and worded propaganda. I do not mean this to be rude to that person. Virtually each one of us reading this has either been such a person and/or loves or has loved such a person, who believed in TRULY WEIRD things.

    Given this, is it surprising that some here, having escaped from Mother's disgusting bosom, fall for another pack of untruths? Cults are there aplenty, some worse than Watchtowerism (though not so widespread). And snares too.

    I contend it is not at all surprising. While some - having seen that the one they would have sworn was their "Spiritual Mother", God's self-appointed wife, was in fact the Great Whore of Babble-On, the Disgusting Thing of scripture, the False Prophet, the Beast of Revelation and an AntiChrist par excellence - become ultra-cautious and ultra-skeptical, others FAIL TO LEARN FROM THEIR OWN GRAVE MISTAKES AND PAST GULLIBILITY AND/OR STUPIDITY. And so history repeats itself. The surface detail is different, but they make the mistake again.

    One rather thoughtless poster here remonstrated with me that posters here are far too smart to fall for such weird cults - hilariously overlooking the FACT and perfect counter-example of the posters here who HAD fallen for the very same weird cult... Then the usual nonsense about untrammelled and unlimited rights to free speech are produced (usually by the very young; experience soon teaches them that ALL freedoms come with responsibilities), which would result in anarchy and a world consumed with hatred. Limits have to be put somewhere.

    And I view asses with weird views they can neither properly explain (without borrowing entirely from the works of other asses) let alone defend as being fair game for a hungry puss. I approve of their being given an appropriate venue to express their idiocy. Which I, and others more competent than I, can then leap upon and feast on. But there have to be some rules to which they must adhere, else discussion is impossible. After all, if all we wished to do was imbibe their cultic kookery, one could visit the error-filled websites of their Cult Leaders. What makes it fun for us (and hopefully actually helpful for them, for they may be viewed as victims of some cult or other) is when they actually try to explain their own beliefs and "reasoning" and ""logic"" and """facts""" and """"analysis"""" and """""history""""". Then, "we" can unravel their kookery nicely, humorously and conclusively, and the chance of them making any recruits is as remote as the chance of Usenet JWs making converts when that viprous Prominent Bethelite apostate is rampant.

    Here is a book written about this sort of thing. It is "Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time" by Michael Shermer, published in 1997 by W.H. Freeman & Co. It is available at http://www.amazon.com and I recommend it as a good read.

    Here is a little about it, from http://www.skepdic.com - an excellent site.

    Skeptics have been treated to several publications in recent years which might indicate that there is some hope for rationality after all. Sagan's Demon-Haunted World and Randi's Encyclopedia, for example, have done quite well. Michael Shermer's book is yet another attack on irrationality and unreason to find its way into print. Yet, lest we get too optimistic we might take a lesson from one of Shermer's debunking experiences.

    In the prologue, Shermer gives an account of James Van Praagh whom he calls "the master of cold-reading in the psychic world." He describes Van Praagh's success and how he wowed audiences on NBC's New Age talk show The Other Side. Shermer then tells us how he debunked Van Praagh on Unsolved Mysteries. Yet, none of the others in the audience was sympathetic to Shermer. One woman even told him that his behavior was "inappropriate" because he was destroying people's hopes in their time of grief. (Van Praagh specializes in being contacted by anybody's dead relatives.) Van Praagh is still going strong, having appeared recently (Dec. 10, 1997) on the Larry King Live show. He said he could "feel" Larry's dead parents and even pointed out where in the room these feelings were coming from. James took phone calls on the air and, once given a name, he started telling the audience what he was "hearing" or "feeling". He fished for positive feedback and got it, indicating that he really was being contacted by spirits who wanted to tell their loved ones that being dead ain't so bad when you've got a guy like James to talk to on Larry King Live. Larry didn't ask Van Praagh why he thought that billions and billions of dead souls were turning away from eternal life to get inside Van Praagh's head. Had Van Praagh told Larry that his parents were sorry for abusing him as a child and now request that Larry go public about his sadistic sexual practices with animals, Van Praagh would be history. But the charlatans of the world wouldn't be where they are if they tried to tell people what they don't want to hear. As long as they feed the hopes and dreams of their victims, the psychics will flourish. Of course, if they can't handle their finances they'll go broke like the Psychic Friends Network did. Otherwise, if they keep feeding the fish, the fish will return.

    So, why do people believe weird things? "More than any other, the reason people believe weird things," says Shermer, "is because they want to. . . .It feels good. It is comforting. It is consoling." Secondly, weird beliefs offer "immediate gratification." People like weird beliefs because they are simple. Weird beliefs also satisfy the quest for significance: they satisfy our moral needs and our desire that life be meaningful. Finally, he says, people believe weird things because weird things give them hope.

    You would think Shermer would know, for he has walked through the valley of weirdness as a believer and a challenger. He's been abducted by aliens and had colonic irrigation. He's been to the chiropractor to get aligned and balanced. He's been to many alternative health practitioners to get "purified" and "detoxified". He's been Rolfed and wrongly diagnosed by an iridologist.

    He's also been on a number of talk shows where he has faced not only psychics but those who deny that the Holocaust ever happened. He's confronted creationists and spiritualists on national television. He started Skeptic magazine and the Skeptic's Society. He has written many articles on various weird beliefs. In short, Michael Shermer has entered the lion's den, walked through the valley of death and known firsthand the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    Even so, Shermer seems to have overlooked or underemphasized some fundamental reasons why people believe weird things. Ignorance, for example, seems to be the main reason many people believe weird things. They simply do not know any better. If they had some knowledge about physics, chemistry, biology, memory, the brain, the body, etc., they would not even consider many of the crackpot ideas put forth for their consideration. Only a person ignorant of physics and neurology could consider it reasonable that wearing a takionic headband will improve thinking or that alpha waves are a sign one is entering a transcendent state of consciousness. A great deal of New Age quackery about "energy" medicine depends upon people being ignorant of quantum physics. It is unlikely that Shermer would have tried the detoxification regimes he did had he been more knowledgeable.

    Ignorance might explain why 90% of Deepak Chopra's followers believe him when he tells them that happy thoughts make happy molecules, but it doesn't explain why Chopra himself believes the mind can have a causal effect on the molecular level. He is a trained physician and knowledgeable of biology. It does not seem to be a very satisfactory explanation to say that he and other New Age gurus believe that disease can be controlled by thought because they want to believe so. The will to believe explanation seems too facile. Even William James, who has given us this expression from the title of an essay, did not try to explain most weird beliefs by claiming they were acts of will. James reserved using will alone to determine belief for those cases where (a) a decision must be made and (b) the evidence is equal on either side of the issue. Furthermore, he recognized that only some beliefs are living options for each individual. A devout Christian could no more accept the possibility that Mohammed is the Prophet of God than a devout Muslim could accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Not every claim is a living option for every person. Sheer willfulness should only be used to explain choosing one living option over another when the evidence for each is equal. Such a situation is definitely not the case for believing in the power of thought to control disease. The evidence is overwhelmingly against such a belief. What is of interest is why certain incredible and improbable claims are living options for some people and not for others.

    It is obvious that the difference cannot be explained in terms of differing intelligences. Duane Gish and the creationists, Willis Carto and the Holocaust deniers, and physicists John Barrow and Frank Tipler--to name just a few of those Shermer takes on--are at least as intelligent as their opponents. When an intelligent person believes something for which there is little more than faith to support the belief, what else can you say except that the person believes simply because he or she wants to?

    For example, Barrow and Tipler think they have a new and improved argument from design which uses only physics to prove God exists. And Tipler thinks he has proved the immortality and the resurrection by physics alone. Yet despite his enormous intellectual endeavors to prove Christianity by physics, Tipler comes off a bit disingenuous when he admits that the only thing really going for his theory at this point is its "theoretical beauty." Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that is not saying much. In short, for all his brilliance, Tipler's theory is an elaborate construction which can only be accepted on faith. Since there are probably only a handful of people who could even understand his argument, refuting it seems unlikely to be very rewarding, but Shermer gives it a go. The argument is very complicated and likely to produce more yawns than hurrahs.

    Likewise for his essay on Ayn Rand and her cult of followers. Other than being an example of colossal self-deception and egoism, the debunking of a second-rate metaphysician and the cult of adoration which grew up around her is of little more than historical interest. He might as well have done an essay on the Beatles and their adoring fans. Rand did not claim Objectivism is a science, but a philosophy. It's not a very interesting philosophy, nor was it innovative, despite what she and her followers believed.

    The argument against Carto and his anti-Semitic band is much easier to swallow and to follow, and the rewards are much more gratifying. For all those sucked in by the tempting arguments of the pseudohistorians of Nazism, chapter 14 of Shermer's book is a must read. He not only explains the methodology of the the Cartophiles, he responds with specific evidence to their arguments. For example, one of the favorite appeals of the Holocaust deniers is to demand some proof that Hitler gave the order for the extermination of the Jews (or the mentally retarded, mentally ill, and physically handicapped). Holocaust deniers point to Himmler's telephone notes of November 30, 1941, as proof that there was to be no liquidation of the Jews. The actual note says: "Jewish transport from Berlin. No liquidation." Whatever the note meant, it did not mean that Hitler did not want the Jews liquidated. The transport in question, by the way, was liquidated that evening. In any case, if Hitler ordered no liquidation of the Berlin transport, then liquidation was going on and he knew about it. Hitler's intentions were made public in his earliest speeches. Even as his regime was being destroyed, Hitler proclaimed: "Against the Jews I fought open-eyed and in view of the whole world....I made it plain that they, this parasitic vermin in Europe, will be finally exterminated." Hitler at one time compared the Jews to tuberculosis bacilli which had infected Europe. It was not cruel to shoot them if they would not work or if they could not work. He said: "This is not cruel if one remembers that even innocent creatures of nature, such as hares and deer when infected, have to be killed so that they cannot damage others. Why should the beasts who wanted to bring Bolshevism be spared more than these innocents?"

    In my view, however, the racist community doesn't believe its false notions about the holocaust for any of the reasons for weird beliefs listed by Shermer. They believe them because such beliefs are empowering. They make the believer feel superior and they allow evil to be rationalized as good. Ultimately, many weird beliefs are the beliefs of groups, not isolated individuals. Understanding the dynamics of social belief is no small undertaking and certainly goes beyond wishful thinking and laziness. The Holocaust deniers feed off of each other's anti-Semitism. But what gave birth to their hatred of the Jews? Resentment and projection of their own inadequacies onto another race? Perhaps. That was Sartre's argument, following Nietzsche's lead, in anti-Semite and Jew. We might say, though, that at least some weird beliefs are based upon wanting to believe them because they fit in with one's prejudices.

    Shermer does an admirable job of presenting Duane Gish's case for "scientific creationism" and then dismantling it. Here, too, I think the creationists want to believe Gish because his claims fit in with their own prejudices. One of my correspondent's, Claud Roux of France, wrote me about an all-night debate he had with a creationist.

    I started a dispute with this person which lasted until dawn...I was absolutely baffled by how much this person was insensitive to any arguments which would contradict his strong beliefs about a world made in 7 days... I couldn't find any flaw in his armor so that I could introduce a hint of questioning in his mind...If I gave him a scientific argument, this would be considered as a lie nourished by an army of scientists. In fact, there was a strong belief in all that he said that science was another religion opposed to the traditional religions. The discussion with this person was not a debate over the pertinence of a theory, but rather a fight between two different religions, science being a religion invented by the devil to "disbalance [desequilibrer]" the world. His personal fight was not to prove that science was wrong but to prove that science was evil...

    Science is evil because it is perceived to be very threatening to the creationist's religious beliefs. That intelligent people might adhere to weird beliefs mainly because they offer solace and refuge from other, terrifying beliefs, implies that the mind is often used to construct delusions as a kind of safety net. Let me give another example for another correspondent. Carol Lazetsky of Austria via England wrote me about a friend of hers who had received a Ph.D. in biology. The biologist's parents are also biologists and were pioneers in the legalization of euthanasia movement in Holland. Lazetsky writes that the daughter biologist with the Ph.D. was having a problem with her parent's stand on euthanasia.

    . . . and she started to have some sort of therapy. I then moved to Ireland and we lost touch, however, I had a few letters in which she touched upon the fact that she had become involved with the church and seemed to be getting some relief from her problems. We lost touch even more and then I had a letter from her after moving to Austria. Her letters had become more and more frantic and her thoughts seemed to have become disjointed, until 2 years ago at Christmas I had a letter which was totally incomprehensible and muddled up. I was worried when I got the letter but didn't react much since I felt I could do little from so far away. However, the alarm bells really started to ring when I received a brochure from her a year later when she told me that she had started working from home and had set up a therapy studio for reflexology. There was a whole load of glossy brochures with maps of feet and a rsum of her stating her qualifications as a biologist (which seemed to make her business sound believable). She then told me she was "studying" a lot to open up a "Spinal Correction" practice and was into all sorts of "New Age" theories including crystals, auras and chanting. Her marriage had nearly fallen apart because of her new ventures, but her husband was getting used to it, she said.

    I find this all very alarming and dangerous since it seems to me that these practices have robbed her of her identity and her reason. They nearly robbed her of her family and they are most definitely robbing her purse. I felt that as we had once been good friends that it was only decent of me to be honest with her and I wrote and told her how I felt about what she was doing. I knew that I may not hear from her again, but I thought it would be insincere of me not to write and tell her what I thought. I never heard from her again.

    One facile explanation is that the young biologist has gone mad. This may be true and it may explain her conversion from scientist to pseudoscientist, her new interest in religion and New Age mysticism, and her disjointed thinking. The chemicals in her brain may have become redistributed, causing her to have a serious thought disorder. This is possible and we should not dismiss this possibility out of hand just because there is a stereotype of the mad as out of control, completely irrational, babbling idiots. The mad are often quite intelligent and restrained, even polite or reclusive, even if their thoughts are illogical and their judgment unsound. However, there is another possibility here. Perhaps she is not mad, but deeply troubled. She had followed in her famous parents footsteps and become a scientist. But her parents are leaders of the euthanasia movement and euthanasia is something which repulses her. Rather than risk becoming "evil" like her parents, she leaves science and goes into something much safer. She enters a world of deluded but very happy, hopeful and caring people. The reasons for choosing reflexology rather than iridology or some other form of quackery are probably unimportant. It is probably by sheer accident that she fell into one bit of nonsense rather than another. The point is that we search in vain for why she believes in reflexology if we search for a logical explanation. To say she believes because she wants to believe is trivial. She believes because she does not want to follow in the footsteps of her scientific parents, because she does not want to bring evil into her life, because she wants hope and wants to do good. Perhaps.

    There is probably a long list of reasons why people want to believe certain things, but in the end they all amount to the same thing when looked at from the other side: it is generally pointless to produce counterarguments to their beliefs except to persuade some third party who might listen to both sides and realize which side has the stronger evidence.

    Another significant factor in weird beliefs, not mentioned by Shermer, is communal reinforcement. If others believe the same non-sense, it is often very difficult or dangerous to challenge the beliefs. For example, I have my philosophy of law students read a racist essay by an intelligent, educated lawyer and leader of the Confederacy during the Civil War. The essay makes one false claim after another regarding the physical, intellectual and moral nature of black people. Each of the claims is put forth with comments indicating that everybody knows this and it is scientific fact. My students invariably ask: How could anyone believe this stuff? The answer is simple: if your parents, teachers, ministers, and everyone else in your circle believes it, and contrary opinions are banned, why wouldn't you believe it, too?

    Other beliefs seem to be adhered to simply because they are possible. Even though the evidence is overwhelmingly against them, why do people believe in such things as dowsing? Many, of course, believe because they do not understand how easy it is to deceive ourselves. They do not understand the need for controlled studies to eliminate self-deception from influencing our beliefs. Yet, others seem to believe such things simply because they are possibly true. They are unaware of the fallacy of the argument to ignorance. However, simply because a claim is possibly true--in the absolutely loosest sense of the term 'possibly'--does not mean it is reasonable to use an act of will alone to accept the claim. In fact, for reasonable people, such claims are not living options because they contradict what has been established beyond a reasonable doubt. However, even though the evidence seems to be preponderantly on one side, there will always be those who claim that they do not believe that the evidence against a belief is overwhelming. That was James' view of the evidence regarding belief in God; the evidence for was proportionate to the evidence against, he thought. But he never proved that the evidence was equal for atheism and theism. He assumed this to be the case. It seems to me, however, that it is only politeness which grants him this point. The evidence is overwhelmingly against anything like the God of the western religions existing. How a Bernie Segal or a Deepak Chopra or a John Mack can steadfastly maintain their weird beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence against them seems explicable only if one assumes they are acting on faith alone.

    Even so, why do some people have faith? Why do they choose to believe preposterous, incredible, improbable claims? Shermer's explanation in terms of hope, simplicity, immediate gratification, and providing meaning to one's life seems to cover most of the reasons for faith. But the desire for power should also be included in this list of fideistic motivators. Such beliefs give the illusion of control over things which are either out of one's control or which require diligent effort and intellect to effect reasonable control.

    However, what is most valuable about Shermer's book is not his attempt at the psychology of belief, but his criticisms of specific weird beliefs. He has especially detailed criticisms of creationism and Holocaust denial. There are fairly straightforward chapters on Edgar Cayce, near-death experiences and alien abduction. There is a chapter on the repressed memory witch hunts, among other things.

    He even has a section on altered states of consciousness (ASC) which he prefaces with a remark that most skeptics will question his account of ASC. Shermer considers the hypnotic state to be an ASC, for example. He doesn't do much to bolster his case by quoting a straw man argument from Kenneth Bowers who trivializes Nicholas Spanos' cognitive-behavioral explanation in terms of role playing by calling it "the faking hypothesis." Playing a social role is not the same as "faking." Next, he considers sleep to be a state of consciousness, rather than unconsciousness, because we dream while sleeping. Finally, he produces a set of EEG readings to designate what he calls six different states of consciousness, one of which is the coma. He says: "If a coma is not an altered state, I do not know what is." Let me fill in the enthymeme using modus ponens. "A coma is not an altered state. Therefore, you do not know what an altered state is." On Shermer's criteria, sneezing would be an altered state. So would coughing. Each is likely to produce a distinct EEG reading. I find his argument puzzling, since he defends the view that sleep, deep sleep, drowsiness and coma are altered states of consciousness by appealing to the fact that they produce different squiggles on an EEG. But he defines an altered state subjectively, in terms of self-consciousness and self-control. "When there is a significant interference with our monitoring and control of our environment," he says, "an altered state of consciousness exists." People who are interested in altered states of consciousness, such as Charles Tart, think they are gateways to transcendent truths. I would agree that ASCs are brain states, but not every brain state is an ASC. I certainly would not include sleep or coma as ASCs because they are not states of consciousness at all. I understand the term ASC to refer to an altered state of consciousness. Unconscious states, such as sleeping, coma, concussion, fainting, etc. are not ASCs because the person is unconscious by definition. I take it for granted that to have an altered state of consciousness one must be conscious. On Shermer's analysis, I suppose death would be the ultimate altered state of consciousness: the flatline EEG.

    Overall, Shermer's collection of essays is a welcome addition to the growing body of skeptical literature that has for so long been wanting but is beginning to shed a little light in the darkness.

    Here follow a handful of other essays (for a change, this is a largely cut-and-paste post from me!) on the subject of the particular brand of weird kookery that may have infected this board.

    The first one gives a pretty balanced account of the "problem".

    Deniers in Revisionists Clothing by Ben S. Austin

    Denial is not Revision
    Crucial to understanding and combatting Holocaust denial is a clear distinction between denial and revisionism. One of the more insidious and dangerous aspects of contemporary Holocaust denial, a la Arthur Butz, Bradley Smith and Greg Raven, is the fact that they attempt to present their work as reputable scholarship under the guise of "historical revisionism." The term "revisionist" permeates their publications as descriptive of their motives, orientation and methodology. In fact, Holocaust denial is in no sense "revisionism," it is denial.

    Historical revisionism is a perfectly legitimate, respectable and necessary approach to historical analysis. Each new generation has at its disposal new information, new facts and new methods not available to its predecessors. Contemporary historians, armed with new documentary, archaeological and anthropological data, are in a much better position to assess the slavery era in the American south than were historians writing during slavery or in the decades immediately following Emancipation. Similarly, we are in a much better position today to assess the Vietnam War than we were in the 60s or the 70s. Our understanding of the role of women in U.S. and world history is largely the product of historical revisionists who dared to challenge the historical invisibility of women. African-American historians are now doing the same thing with regard to important contributions of African-Americans. The canons of scholarship and academic integrity make it incumbent upon historians to involve themselves in the on-going re-evaluation of historical events and issues. Even if they have an ideological "axe to grind," revisionist historians render a valuable service by bringing the issues into public discussion and clarification. But, as far as I am aware, no historian denies that slavery was ever practiced in the United States, that the Vietnam War never happened, or that women and blacks made important contributions to U.S. culture and history. Historical revisionism attempts to enhance and extend our understanding of history through continual re-interpretation of existing historical data.

    Holocaust deniers have coopted the terms "revisionism" as an attempt to make themselves appear respectable and legitimate. In fact, there is not a qualified historian in the bunch. Greg Raven, editor of the Journal of Historical Review, a self-proclaimed "revisionist" journal, has a Masters degree in history and David Irving does not even have a college degree. Arthur Butz, one of the leading Holocaust deniers, is a professor of Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern University. Fred Leuchter, the self-styled chemist who is central to the Zyclon-B controversy is not a chemist and, at the trial of Ernest Zundel in Canada, the judge refused to admit his testimony as an expert witness. At that same trial, Leuchter's testimony, and his credibility as a "revisionist," fell apart under cross-examination. See Lipstadt's analysis of the trial.

    Perhaps a brief historical review of the emergence of Holocaust denial will set the stage for what comes later in this essay. The first important proponent of Holocaust denial was the French communist, Paul Rassinier (Crossing the Line, 1948). Essentially, Rassinier made two major arguments. (1) There is a natural human tendency to on the part of victims to exaggerate what has happened to them and (2) the "atrocities" that did occur were not the fault of the Nazis but of the victims themselves -- particularly the inmate guards whom the SS placed in charge of the camps

    The themes introduced by Rassinier were rather quickly seized upon by antisemitic, pro-Nazi spokesmen in the United States such as the religious right-wing evangelist, W.D. Herrstrom, national socialists such as George Lincoln Rockwell and revisionist historians such as the widely read Harry Elmer Barnes at Smith College. Barnes was especially influential because of his reputation as a legitimate historian.

    By the late 1960s the ideas of Rassinier, Barnes and an English professor at LaSalle College, Austin J. App, had caught the attention of the extreme political right in the United States and in Europe.

    The Institute for Historical Review
    One of the earliest, and most notorious, was Willis Carto. Long an avid neo-Nazi and racial purist, Carto founded the extreme right-wing Liberty Lobby and the fascist publication company, Noontide Press. Early in his career, he was associated with the right-wing political organization, The John Birch Society. After being kicked out of the Birch Society by its Director, Robert Welch, in 1959, he formed the Washington-based Liberty Lobby and its magazine,Spotlight. In 1969 Carto published an anonymous book entitled The Myth of the Six Million. The book was obviously written by revisionist historian David Leslie Hoggan. Similar activities began in England with the publication of a little 27-page booklet entitled Did Six Million Really Die? by Richard Verrall (pseudonym, Richard Harwood). This brief restatement of the Hoggan book was published by Spearhead, a neo-Nazi paper of the British National Front. Both of these publications were presented as "historical revisionism" when, in fact, they were Holocaust denial. Both downplayed Nazi atrocities and blamed the Holocaust "myth" on an international Zionist conspiracy.

    In the United States, Holocaust denial attempted to move in the direction of scholarship with the 1974 publication of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century by Arthur R. Butz. Butz, an MIT trained PhD in engineering was, and still is, a member of the engineering faculty at Northwestern University. Familiar with the niceties of scientific presentation and having a legitimate claim to scholarship (in engineering), Butz lent an air of legitimacy and respectability to Holocaust denial. He argued that alleged gassings at Auschwitz and other death camps simply could not have occurred and, therefore, constitute a "hoax." In the face of testimony to the contrary from the accused war criminals at Nuremberg, Butz argued that they were coerced into such testimony by the clever and powerful lawyers for the victorious Allies and by their belief that, since the world already believed they were guilty, they would have a better chance by pleading guilty.

    Butz' book stirred a significant controversy in the popular press, a fact which did not escape the sharp eye of Willis Carto. In 1978 he funded the creation of the California-based Institute for Historical Review (IHR). The IHR promptly created a publishing outlet of its own, The Journal of Historical Review, a very slick magazine produced in the format of a legitimate scholarly journal. One of the first official functions of the IHR was the organization of "international revisionist conferences" which purported to bring together revisionist "scholars" from around the world. In actuality, its purpose was to bring together deniers from all over the world.

    At that first convention the Institute director, Lewis Brandon (whose real name is William David McCalden, an Irish-born neofascist and racialist, issued a challenge to anyone who could prove with hard evidence that any Jew was ever gassed by the Nazi regime. Even though the challenge was never serious and was merely a media ploy, Brandon offered a $50,000 reward to anyone who would step up and meet the challenge. It would be over a year before someone did accept the challenge. We will return to that case and it's outcome later in this essay.

    Holocaust Denial in an Age of Skepticism
    The impact of these deniers in "revisionist" clothing is greatly abetted by certain characteristics of our times. As we approach the close of the 20th century, we find ourselves living in an age of skepticism -- about everything. There are clear signs that Americans have lost trust in government. This is not so much a result of scandalous, or alleged scandalous, behavior on the part of highly visible political leaders. It goes much deeper than that. In fact, it appears that American citizens have a remarkable capacity to overlook and forgive personal mistakes of political leaders. John Kennedy's alleged "womanizing" has done little to detract from the appeal of Camelot. Speaker Gingrich's recent admission of wrong-doing with regard to tax payments did not prevent him from being re-elected to the position of leader of the Senate. It seems that American may make these human foibles the grist of conversation and the butt of endless jokes; however, they do not figure prominently into our political choices. At a much deeper level, however, a prolonged and senseless war in Southeast Asia, the ramifications of Watergate, Koreagate and arms deals with Iran may have shattered faith in government beyond redemption.

    A popular bumper sticker reads, "Ignore the media, think for yourself." It also appears that we have lost faith in the public media to tell us the truth about domestic and world events. News programs are presented to us in the format of a talk show where every question has at least two and usually many more sides. The end result is the conviction that there is no truth about anything.

    At the university level, the canons of ethical neutrality obligate the professor to objectively present all sides of every issue and allow the student to make up his/her mind regarding courses of action and reaction.

    Some years ago, a Canadian theologian, Pierre Berton, wrote a fascinating book entitled The Comfortable Pew. He called upon church leaders to reclaim a position of moral leadership and moral authority which, in the relativistic climate of modern times, they had abdicated. In Berton's view, the pews of our churches have become very comfortable indeed in the face of situational morality and relativistic ethics.

    The combined effect of these trends may well be that the general population no longer believes that anything is right or, for that matter, wrong. Everything is relative, including truth. Every story has "another side. It seems to me that the postmodern deconstruction strategies of recent years has created an intellectual climate in which it is (a) easy to level questions against any historical construction and (b) easy to believe that history is a matter of perception, language, and political agenda. It seems to me that revisionism is part and parcel of this whole movement. The movement runs the gamut from Oliver Stone's powerful insinuation that, since there is some reason to doubt the conclusions of the Warren Commission, there is a major conspiracy to kill the president of the U.S. -- a conspiracy involving the Mafia, the Vice President, the CIA, the FBI, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Congress (sort of a long jump!) to the Afrocentrist interpretations of history advanced by Leonard Jeffries and Louis Farrakhan. Is the end product of deconstruction the conclusion that there is no ultimate historical reality -- any truth can be recast.

    While none of the above is intended to insinuate that postmodern deconstruction is, ipso facto, Holocaust denial, I am claiming that Holocaust denial is postmodern deconstructionism and is feeding hungrily upon the success of deconstructionist methodology, particularly in a population (world-wide) that is being led to believe that everything is, at least, relative and, at worst, the product of some evil conspiracy. Nearly all revisionist history is critical of existing historical constructions, whether it was the post WWI European historians who used the approach to attack the Versailles Treaty and, in effect, exonerate Germany of wrong-doing, the work of William A. Williams which was leveled against U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War, or the Institute for Historical Review which uses the same methodology to insinuate against the death of 6 millions Jews at the hands of Hitler.
    The crucial question is: are there canons of evidence which are, in fact incontrovertible? The power of revisionism and the intellectual climate is has fostered is nowhere more clearly seen as in the assault upon the Holocaust. If the most thoroughly documented event in human history is assailable through insinuation, is there any way to defend any historical "construction?"

    Deborah Lipstadt reports that a 1993 Roper Poll found that 22 percent of American adults and 20 percent of American high school students believe that it is possible that the Holocaust didn't happen. A 1993 Newsweek poll found that fully 40 percent of American adults express doubts regarding the generally accepted magnitude of the Holocaust. Similar reports have come from Italy, Austria, France, Great Britain and Canada. While these results are disturbing, they must be put in perspective. First, the deniers are grossly in error when they take credit for these doubts. Deniers would have us believe that their "revisionist scholarship" has had the effect of cleaning up the historical account of World War II. In fact, their arguments have been overwhelmingly refuted point by point by scholars such as Lipstadt, Dawidowicz, Marrus, Browning and others. The increased skepticism regarding the Holocaust is highly correlated with the rise of neo-Nazi and neo-fascist ideologies throughout the western world.

    It should also be remembered that the world is now fifty years removed from the immediate realities of the Holocaust as headline news. A new generation has almost completely replaced the one which experienced the war and its aftermath first-hand. This new generation has its own problems, issues and priorities including Vietnam, the restructuring of the world in a post-cold war era, Desert Storm, the Middle East crisis and a host of domestic economic and political woes. These realities added to an atmosphere of general skepticism and mistrust of authority structures have had a far greater impact on modern sensibilities that all the combined efforts and insinuations of the Holocaust deniers posing as historical revisionists. With these observations in mind, we turn our attention to their implications for the future.

    The Crucial Role of Eyewitnesses
    In the fifty years that have passed since the end of World War II and the liberation of Holocaust survivors from the Nazi camps, the most powerful and effective answer to the deniers has been the personal, eye-witness testimony of the survivors themselves. The evidence presented by people who can stand up and say, "I WAS THERE!" None of the deniers were present to witness the facts they deny. Survivors had the power of first-hand experience to counter the claims of the deniers. "LOOK AT THIS BLUE TATTOO!"

    The celebrated case of Mel Mermelstein versus the IHR is an excellent example of this issue. In 1979, the Institute for Historical Review , at its annual convention, offered a $50,000 reward to anyone who could step forward and prove that there were gas chambers at Auschwitz and that any Jews were gassed there. In 1980, a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Auschwitz prisoner A-4685, answered the challenge by presenting affidavits detailing the deaths of his mother, father, brother and two sisters at the camp. The IHR refused to pay the reward so Mr. Mermelstein sued the Institute. The case never actually went to trial. Both sides agreed to a summary judgment by the court, and the court decided for Mel Mermelstein.

    The Honorable Thomas T. Johnson, on October 9, 1981, took judicial notice as follows:

    "Under Evidence Code Section 452(h), this court does take judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944" and "It just simply is a fact that falls within the definition of Evidence Code Section 452(h). It is not reasonably subject to dispute. And it is capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. It is simply a fact."
    The text of the hearing before the Superior Court of the State of California is presented below:

    MEL MERMELSTEIN. No. C 356 542

    Pursuant to the Stipulation for Entry of Judgment executed on July 22, 1985, the Court renders the following judgment:

    1. Defendants LIBERTY LOBBY, WILLIS CARTO, ELISABETH CARTO, LEGION FOR SURVIVAL OF FREEDOM, INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVIEW, and NOONTIDE PRESS, and each of them, are jointly and severally liable to plaintiff MEL MERMELSTEIN for the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00), reduced to the sum of Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) payable as follows:

    (a) Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) on August 1, 1985,and delivered to the law offices of ALLRED, MAROKO, GOLDBERG & RIBAKOFF;
    (b) Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) on September 1, 1985;
    (c) Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) on October 1, 1985.

    2. Should any of the installments not be made by the defendants against whom judgment herein is entered within the time period provided, plaintiff, at his sole option and discretion, shall have the following options:

    (a) To rescind the Stipulation for Entry of Judgment and proceed to trial and any payments received by plaintiff to that date from defendants shall not be returned to said defendants; or
    (b) Plaintiff may request entry of Judgment against each of said defendants, jointly or severally, in the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00).

    3. Defendants LIBERTY LOBBY, WILLIS CARTO, ELISABETH CARTO, LEGION FOR SURVIVAL OF FREEDOM, INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVIEW, and NOONTIDE PRESS, shall issue and execute, by a duly authorized representative, a Letter of Apology to Mel Mermelstein, as follows:

    "Each of the answering defendants do hereby officially and formally apologize to Mr. Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald, and all other survivors of Auschwitz for the pain, anguish and suffering he and all other Auschwitz survivors have sustained relating to the $50,000 reward offer for proof that "Jews were gassed in gas chambers at Auschwitz".
    DATED: AUG 5, 1985


    G. G. BAUMEN
    Attorney for Defendants

    Attorneys for Defendants

    The Court then issued the following order to the defendants as an official:


    "WHEREAS, the Legion for Survival of Freedom, and the Institute for Historical Review, sent by letter dated November 20, 1980, directly to Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald, an exclusive reward offer in a letter marked "'personal'" dated November 20, 1980, offering Mr. Mermelstein a $50,000 exclusive reward for "'proof that Jews were gassed in gas chambers at Auschwitz'" "and further stating that if Mr. Mermelstein did not respond to the reward offer "'very soon"', "the Institute for Historical Review would ' publicize that fact to the mass media' ..."
    "WHEREAS, Mr. Mermelstein formally applied for said $50,000 reward on December 18, 1980; and
    "WHEREAS, Mr. Mermelstein now contends that the Institute for Historical Review knew, or should have known, from Mr. Mermelstein's letter to the editor of the Jerusalem Post dated August 17, 1980, that Mr. Mermelstein contended he was a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald; knew, or should have known, that Mr. Mermelstein contended that his mother and two sisters were gassed to death at Auschwitz; and knew, or should have known, of his contention that at dawn on May 22, 1944, he observed his mother and two sisters, among other women and children, being lured and driven into the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, which he later discovered to be Gas Chamber No. 5; and
    "WHEREAS, on October 9, 1981, the parties in dispute in the litigation filed cross-motions for summary judgment resulting in the court, per the Honorable Thomas T. Johnson, taking judicial notice as follows: "'Under Evidence Code Section 452(h), this court does take judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944'" and "'It just simply is a fact that falls within the definition of Evidence Code Section 452(h). It is not reasonably subject to dispute. And it is capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. It is simply a fact.'"
    "WHEREAS, Mr. Mermelstein and other survivors of Auschwitz contend that they suffered severe emotional distress resulting from said reward offer and subsequent conduct of the Institute of Historical Review; and
    "WHEREAS, the Institute for Historical Review and Legion for Survival of Freedom now contend that in offering such reward there was no intent to offend, embarrass or cause emotional strain to anyone, including Mr. Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald Concentration Camps of World War II, and a person who lost his father, mother and two sisters who also were inmates of Auschwitz;
    "WHEREAS, the Institute for Historical Review and Legion for Survival of Freedom should have been aware that the reward offer would cause Mr. Mermelstein and other survivors of Auschwitz to suffer severe emotional distress which the Institute for Historical Review and Legion for Survival of Freedom, now recognize is regrettable and abusive to survivors of Auschwitz.

    The following letter was sent to Mr. Mermelstein:

    "Each of the answering defendants do hereby officially and formally apologize to Mr. Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald, and all other survivors of Auschwitz for the pain, anguish and suffering he and all other Auschwitz survivors have sustained relating to the $50,000 reward offer for proof that "Jews were gassed in gas chambers at Auschwitz".
    DATED: 7/24/85
    G. G. Baumen
    Attorney for Defendants
    Legion For Survival of Freedom,
    Institute for Historical Review,
    Noontide Press, and Elisabeth Carto

    DATED: 7/24/85
    Attorneys for Defendants
    Liberty Lobby and Willis Carto

    Needless to say, the IHR and the Liberty Lobby have not issued any more challenges of this kind. However, they have claimed, and probably correctly, that the press coverage and publicity they received was worth the price they had to pay. One suspects that this was the motive behind the challenge from the beginning. But additional court cases of this kind would certainly lead to similar outcomes and a growing body of adverse judgements against them would not be in their best interest.

    Nor do they need to employ these tactics. They know full well that the time is rapidly approaching when there will be no more Mel Mermelsteins, or Magda Herzbergers or Elie Wiesels to offer their unique eye-witness testimony. Another couple of decades and there will be no more living survivors of the Holocaust. My great fear is that the deniers will exploit that reality with great effectiveness. This underscores the importance of written testimony in the form of memoirs. Every survivor who can possibly do so should be encouraged to write their memories as clearly and as accurately as possible. We will have among us for yet another generation the children of survivors, such as Joey Korn, who will have a legitimate case for entering court armed with their parents' eye-witness reports.

    Contemporary Holocaust deniers are not revisionists -- not even neo-revisionists. They are Deniers. Their motivations stem from their neo-nazi political goals and their rampant antisemitism. Unfortunately, their arguments are being given credence in a world torn by relativism. Why should we care what they say? Some would argue that the only thing that is at stake in this controversy is the offense caused for those who survived the Holocaust and for the children of those who did not survive. If this were the only issue, we would say to those personally offended, "We are sorry your feelings are hurt. We regret that this assault against your precious memories has been perpetrated by these insensitive people." But, alas, far more is at stake. As the oft-quoted statement by philosopher, George Santyana, must ever remind us that "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." Keeping alive the memory of the Holocaust is the only safeguard, for Jews and non-Jews alike, against such ultimate inhumanity.

    Pathetic lies are told about counterclaims made re the Mermelstein case. The fact is, he legally got his money, and kept it, and never had to pay it back, and did not pay it back. Now, the halfwits have learned, so they play "bait and switch" instead. No more easy cash refuting their crap!

    Since a lot of this crap is aimed at showing how Jews (or "non-biblical Jews", or some other sort of mythic or dehumanized being) is the wicked plot-maker, here is a little background about something related (also from the Skepdic source):

    Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    "The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit it now." --Henry Ford, 2-17-21, whose newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, cited the Protocols as evidence of an alleged Jewish threat until at least 1927

    "To what extent the whole existence of this people is based on a continuous lie is shown incomparably by the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion...." -Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a forgery made in Russia for the then Okhrana (secret police), which blames the Jews for the country's ills. It was first privately printed in 1897 and was made public in 1905. It is copied from a nineteenth century NOVEL by Hermann Goedsche (Biarritz, 1868) whose admittedly fictitious plotline claims that a secret Jewish cabal is plotting to take over the world.

    The basic story was composed by Goedsche, a German novelist and anti-Semite who used the pseudonym of Sir John Retcliffe. Goedsche stole the main story from another writer, Maurice Joly, whose Dialogues in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (1864) involved a Hellish plot aimed at opposing Napoleon III. Goedsche's original contribution consists mainly of introducing Jews to do the plotting to take over the world.

    The Russians used big chunks of a Russian translation of Goedsche's novel, published it separately as the Protocols, and claimed they were authentic. Their purpose was political: to strengthen the czar Nicholas II's position by exposing his opponents as allies with those who were part of a massive conspiracy to take over the world. Thus, the Protocols are a forgery of a plagiarized fiction.

    The Protocols were exposed as a forgery by Lucien Wolf in The Jewish Bogey and the Forged Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (London: Press Committee of the Jewish Board of Deputies, 1920). In 1921, Philip Grave, a correspondent for the London Times, publicized the forgery. Herman Bernstein in The Truth About "The Protocols of Zion": A Complete Exposure (1935) also tried and failed to convince the world of the forgery.

    The Protocols were published in 1920 in a Michigan newspaper started by Henry Ford mainly to attack Jews and Communists. Even after they were exposed as a forgery, Ford's paper continued to cite the document. Adolf Hitler later used the Protocols to help justify his attempt to exterminate Jews during World War II.

    The Protocols hoax continues to fool people and is still cited by certain individuals and groups as the cause of all their woes.

    That was easy, wasn't it? The novel exists, can be tracked down, and the alleged secret protocol thereby shown to be nothing more than a creative work of fiction. Does that stop kooks from believing in it? No, surely no!
    Harmless until it inspires genocide. [End of Part One]

  • Focus


    And here is a little background from the same website about some bed-companions... Now, I do not believe that all Holocaust Deniers are Nazi-sympathizers or anti-Semites (though many are, as the evidence shows). But the two causes often move on parallel tracks, for whatever reason.

    Holocaust Denial and Nazism (National Socialism)

    Nazism ('Nazi' is short for Nationalsozialist) is the term used to describe the nationalistic, anti-Communistic, and anti-Semitic doctrines and policies of Goering, Goebbels, Himmler and Adolf Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' party. The Nazis ruled Germany from 1933 until 1945 when Germany surrendered and admitted defeat in their war of aggression which had initiated World War II. The nazi party has been outlawed in Germany ever since.

    The Nazis preached the superiority of the Aryan master race led by an infallible Fhrer (leader) who would establish a pan-Germanic Third Reich lasting a thousand years while annihilating the Jews and Communists, the main scapegoats for all Germany's problems. Millions of Jews, Poles, Russians, gypsies, Catholics, gays and handicapped people were interned in concentration camps where they died or were executed or experimented on. Millions more were used for forced labor.

    Today, the term 'nazi' is used to designate anyone engaging in or ordering barbarous acts. The term is used to describe those who advocate force, including murder, of a variety of scapegoats whom they blame for their own, the nation's or the world's problems. Included in this list of scapegoats are homosexuals, blacks, liberals, foreigners, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Arabs, among others.

    The term 'nazi' is also purposely chosen for self-description by groups of people who find solace and inspiration in the thoughts and actions of Adolf Hitler. The term is also used by anti-racists to describe groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, Posse Comitatus, the Gospel Broadcasting Association, and others who belong to the so-called Christian Identity movement. The danger of such people is not because they don't understand the evils of nazism, but because they do. They are part of a growing number of people who think there are conspiracies everywhere which can explain why their lives are so dreary and hopeless. They are part of a growing mass of deluded people who think they are superior because of a few genetic codes. They feel they should have a special place in the order of things, but are being denied because of a conspiracy to keep them down and elevate the weak and undeserving. Some neo-Nazis also pay homage to Satan and are great believers in the occult. However, it would be a mistake to think that occultism is the root of neo-Nazism. The causal connection is not a strong one.

    It is true, however, that Nazism has sometimes been characterized by certain skeptics as being significantly affected by occultists in high places. There were occultists in high places in Nazi Germany. There were also Christians in high (and low) places in Nazi Germany. However, to find a causal link between belief in the occult and nazism is a stretch. Think of all the occultists, Christians and other supernaturalists, who have occupied the White House lately. Was Ronald Reagan another Adolf Hitler, and Nancy Reagan another Eva Braun? Is the CIA's waste of time and money on psychic spies proof that democracy in America is at an end? I think the historical evidence is overwhelming that belief in the occult, the supernatural, the paranormal and pseudoscientific knows no political boundaries. Nor does racial hatred.

    The malicious treatment of the Jews and other "undesirables" at the hands of the Nazis is referred to as the Holocaust. It has become a symbol of evil in our times. Like many symbols, the Holocaust has become sacrosanct. To many people, both Jews and non-Jews, the Holocaust symbolizes the horror of genocide against Jews, homosexuals, "Gypsies," Soviet prisoners of war, and the handicapped. Some modern anti-Semites have found that attacking the Holocaust causes as much suffering to some Jews as attacking Jews themselves. The term for attacking any aspect of the symbology or mythology of the Holocaust is "Holocaust Denial." It seems to be the main motivation for the Institute for Historical Review and its Journal of Historical Review which since 1980 has been publishing articles attacking the accuracy of this or that claim about the Holocaust. Yes, one "historical" journal devoted almost exclusively to the issue of making the Holocaust seem like an exaggeration of biased historians. This institute was founded in 1978; it claims to be a "research, educational and publishing center devoted to truth and accuracy in history." If truth and historical accuracy were the only goals of this group, I doubt that it would cause such an uproar. However, it seems that its promoters are as concerned with spreading prejudice as they are with truth. Thus, even those inaccuracies which they correctly identify are met with scorn and derision. For they never once deal with the central question of the Holocaust. They deal with numbers: were there 6 million or 4 million or 2 million Jews who died or were killed? They deal with technical issues: could this shower have been used as a gas chamber? Were these deaths due to natural causes or not? Did Hitler issue a Final Solution order or not? If so, where is it? I am not saying that these are not legitimate issues, nor am I saying that such inquiries should be taboo. What I'm saying is that the Holocaust deniers do not deal with questions concerning the racial laws that led to the arrest and imprisonment of millions of Jews in several countries for the crime of "race." They do not concern themselves with the policy of herding people like animals and transporting them to camps where those who did not die of disease were starved to death or murdered, or, if they were fortunate, lived to perform forced labor. They dont address the moral issues of medical experimentation on humans, of persecution of homosexuals and the infirm. Why not?

    Michael Shermer devotes two chapters of Why People Believe Weird Things (1997) to the arguments of the Holocaust Deniers. (In Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It? [2000] Shermer and co-author Alex Grobman devote nine chapters to the subject.) He takes up many of their arguments and refutes them one by one. For example, one of the favorite appeals of the Holocaust deniers is to demand some proof that Hitler gave the order for the extermination of the Jews (or the mentally retarded, mentally ill, and physically handicapped). Holocaust deniers point to Himmler's telephone notes of November 30, 1941, as proof that there was to be no liquidation of the Jews. The actual note says: "Jewish transport from Berlin. No liquidation." Whatever the note meant, it did not mean that Hitler did not want the Jews liquidated. The transport in question, by the way, was liquidated that evening. In any case, if Hitler ordered no liquidation of the Berlin transport, then liquidation was going on and he knew about it. Hitler's intentions were made public in his earliest speeches. Even as his regime was being destroyed, Hitler proclaimed: "Against the Jews I fought open-eyed and in view of the whole world....I made it plain that they, this parasitic vermin in Europe, will be finally exterminated." Hitler at one time compared the Jews to tuberculosis bacilli which had infected Europe. It was not cruel to shoot them if they would not work or if they could not work. He said: "This is not cruel if one remembers that even innocent creatures of nature, such as hares and deer when infected, have to be killed so that they cannot damage others. Why should the beasts who wanted to bring Bolshevism be spared more than these innocents?"

    In my view, however, the racist community doesn't believe its false notions about the Holocaust for any of the reasons for weird beliefs listed by Shermer. They believe them because such beliefs are empowering. They make the believer feel superior and they allow evil to be rationalized as good. Ultimately, many weird beliefs are the beliefs of groups, not isolated individuals. Understanding the dynamics of social belief is no small undertaking and certainly goes beyond wishful thinking and laziness. The Holocaust deniers feed off of each other's anti-Semitism. But what gave birth to their hatred of the Jews? Resentment and projection of their own inadequacies onto another race? Perhaps. That was Sartre's argument, following Nietzsche's lead, in Anti-Semite and Jew. The Holocaust Denial seems based upon wanting to believe because the belief fits in with the believers prejudices.

    What now follows is from the Columbia University site - http://www.columbia.edu/~lnp3/mydocs/jewish/holocaust_denial.htm
    There is valuable perspective of a Native American reminding us that the importance of the Holocaust is not specifically to do with Jews, though they were a/the major target. I quote some material rightly critical of certain U.S./Israeli attitudes:

    Holocaust deniers try to make their message palatable to left-wing audiences by wrapping themselves in anti-Zionist rhetoric. Jews who deny that Ariel Sharon had responsibility for the massacre at Sabra-Shatila weaken the moral authority that is needed to challenge the neo-Nazis. In order to challenge the lies of Faurisson and company, we have to maintain the highest scruples when it comes to our own history and the history of oppression in general. It would be sheer hypocrisy if we swept uncomfortable facts under the rug. David Stannard, a Jew and author of "American Holocaust", a book about the genocide of the American Indian, points out the following in his preface to Ward Churchill's "A Little Matter of Genocide":

    "But remembering the Holocaust does remain necessary - as it should. So, apparently, do claims for the historically unrivaled magnitude of Jewish suffering during the Holocaust--which should not. Indeed, so insistent is Israel on retaining its 'official story' of the Holocaust that for decades now some of the most outstanding works of scholarship on Jewish history and politics - including volumes by Hannah Arendt and even Raul Hilbert's monumental study, 'The Destruction of the European Jews' - have not been translated into Hebrew. The reason: they critically discuss the behavior of certain Jews in Europe during the years of Nazi rule, and such criticism can not be tolerated by the Israeli theocracy. As Segev notes, in Israel today the Holocaust, by one measure at least, has an even higher status than religion, since the maximum legal penalty for denying the existence of God is one year in prison, while the punishment for denying the existence of the Holocaust is up to five years imprisonment.

    Nor can the existence of OTHER genocides be acknowledged by Israeli officialdom. Thus, the government of Israel has banned from Israeli television a documentary film on the early twentieth-century Turkish genocide against the Armenians, and it has prohibited the Israeli Education Ministry from introducing the story of the Armenian genocide into high school curricula. Moreover, in the United States, Israeli officials of the Foreign Office have joined hands with the government of Turkey in blocking Congressional efforts to acknowledge the Armenian genocide with an official Armenian day of remembrance."

    And here is something which wonderfully inflames any lurking neo-Nazis, and gets them to reveal themselves inadvertently in their true colors (of course, as it is often observed, they are the GREATEST COWARDS). It is from http://www.adl.org/holocaust/introduction.asp :

    Holocaust denial, which its propagandists misrepresent as "historical revisionism," has become one of the most important vehicles for contemporary anti-Semitism. It is the invention of a collection of long-time anti-Semites and apologists for Hitler.

    During the fall semester of 1997, Bradley Smith, "director" of the self-styled "Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust," (CODOH) launched a new salvo in his continuing propaganda campaign to deny the reality of the Holocaust. He is attempting to place an ad in college newspapers around the country that promises $50,000 to anyone "convincing a national television network to air" a ninety minute video that attempts to show the universally accepted account of Nazi genocide is false. The ad is clearly a ploy. Smith must know his money is safe because no TV network would broadcast such a video.

    So why does he go to the trouble? The answer can be found at the bottom of the ad. "If you are interested in earning $50,000 . . . you will find the details of this offer on the World Wide Web" at the CODOH web site. It's the old bait and switch. Smith, who has announced that he is "taking my show to the Internet" is trying to entice college students and others to his web site where he peddles his barely disguised anti-Semitism.

    For a long time Bradley Smith has tried to present himself as an honest chap, a champion of intellectual freedom simply seeking an "open debate"about the "holocaust controversy [sic]." But this debate is a sham. The so-called holocaust controversy does not exist. It is the invention of a collection of long-time anti-Semites and apologists for Hitler.

    "History is far too important to be left to history professors, pundits and politicians. ... History is power" - Willis Carto (Career Anti-Semite)

    Holocaust denial, which deniers such as Smith describe as Holocaust "revisionism," has become one of the most important vehicles for contemporary anti-Semitism.

    The denier strategy is simple and familiar. They distort, even fabricate, history and then broadcast their creations. They have learned from Hitler that "a lie is believed because of the insolent inflexibility with which it is propagated." Smith and his cohorts are engaged in what historian Deborah Lipstadt has termed an "assault on truth and memory."

    The article goes on and on; just follow the link above and scroll from page to page. The site provides amazing "insight" into the agendas of some who "incite" others. The first step is believing WEIRD THINGS.

    And here is a quote from someone described as a "scholar" (LOL!) by one apparently misguided soul on this discussion board:

    The alleged Hitlerian gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which permitted a gigantic financial swindle whose chief beneficiaries have been the State of Israel and international Zionism, and whose main victims have been the German people and the Palestinian people as a whole. --Robert Faurisson quoted in the Guardian Weekly, April 7, 1991 - see http://www.adl.org/

    So one of the most clearly documented complex events in modern history, with nary a loose end in it despite its mult-faceted nature, and with dozens of different TYPES of evidence (that was TYPES; the number of individual PIECES of evidence number in the hundreds of thousands, without double-counting two of essentially the same sort) all converging to produce one almost entirely consistent result, is a "historical lie"? By that standard, the 9/11 World Trade Center attack was also a "historical lie" and never occurred. The "basis" for believing such a hatefully weird bit of nonsense? Well were I a moron I could say: "Initial reports of death tolls were wildly exaggerated. Some of the eye-witness and survivor reports do not exactly agree in every detail during all the confusion and tragedy. Also, there were a couple of fake claims for 9/11 compensation dollars. Some unheard-of "expert" states that evidence exists of subsequent editing/tampering with the video evidence. Therefore it is all A LIE AND A CONSPIRACY". Signed: A Scholar.

    I guess all those nine or ten million civilian Jews, gypsies, Slavs, gays and other "undesirables" just upped and killed themselves of their own accord. Or simply vanished, ascended as saints. The Nazis tried to save them from typhus, spread by lice (but note that in the whole of the populous United States in the previous century, only one or two people per year died of typhus).. the kind S.S. hated having "lousy Jews", you see. And when Nazi chiefs used the word "ausrotten" (which means "extermination", and no other meaning makes ANY sense in the context this was used) as applied to Jews, they somehow meant "deport" (you see, all these native German-speakers really could not speak or write German properly at all), even though they use EXACTLY the same word "ausrotten" later to apply to "lice". Sure, they would transport and deport lice carefully to Madagascar, preserving their insect dignity too.

    That anyone could believe such a weird and evil thing is staggering, is it not?

    BUT PEOPLE DO. FACT. Some only pretend to, but some - often IMO the dumbest, poorest at reading etc. - actually, really, do! Again, this is why analyzing "Why People Believe Weird Things" is so important.

    http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Holocaust/denial.html provides the most concise overview of the Cult of Holocaust Denial I have read. Here it is:

    Holocaust Denial

    One of the most notable anti-Semitic propaganda movements to develop over the past two decades has been the organized effort to deny or minimize the established history of Nazi genocide against the Jews. In the United States, the movement has been known in recent years primarily through the publication of editorial-style advertisements in college campus newspapers. The first of these ads claimed to call for "open debate on the Holocaust"; it purported to question not the fact of Nazi anti-Semitism, but merely whether this hatred resulted in an organized killing program. A more recent ad has questioned the authenticity of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. These ads have been published in several dozen student newspapers on campuses across the country.

    Similar propaganda has established a beachhead on the computer Internet. In addition to creating their own home pages, Holocaust deniers have sometimes "crashed" the sites of legitimate Holocaust and Jewish discussion groups in a blatant effort at anti, Jewish provocation and self-promotion. Additionally, Holocaust deniers have advertised their Web sites by purchasing innocuous-sounding, inconspicuous classified ads in college and community newspapers.

    These paid advertisements and Internet activities have been a national phenomenon since 1991. Though there is no evidence that they have persuaded large numbers of students to doubt the settled record of events which comprise the Holocaust, their appearance has generated acrimony and has frequently caused friction between Jewish and non-Jewish students.

    This is precisely the intent of the Holocaust deniers: by attacking the facts of the Holocaust, and by framing this attack as merely an unorthodox point of view, their propaganda insinuates subtle but hateful anti-Semitic beliefs of Jews as exploiters of non-Jewish guilt and Jews as controllers of academia or the media. These beliefs, in fact, bear comparison to the preachings which brought Hitler to power in prewar Germany.

    This pamphlet has been designed to provide a brief summary of the propaganda campaign known as Holocaust "revisionism," or Holocaust denial. What follows is (1) a "Q&A" description of the movement, its history, and its leading activists, as well as a review of legal and scholarly responses to this propaganda; (2) a summary of the movement's most common allegations, with brief factual responses, and (3) a selection of quotes by the leading propagandists, demonstrating their anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi agendas.

    It is highly unlikely that this report will dissuade the Holocaust deniers from their mendacious and hateful campaign. But this information should provide students and educators with the facts to make informed decisions and vigorous responses to these bigoted lies.

    (For further details concerning the Holocaust denial movement, see also the Anti-Defamation League publication, Hitler's Apologists: The Anti-Semitic Propaganda of 'Holocaust Revisionism')

    The Movement: What You Should Know
    1. What is Holocaust denial?

    Holocaust denial is a propaganda movement active in the United States, Canada and Western Europe which seeks to deny the reality of the Nazi regime's systematic mass murder of 6 million Jews in Europe during World War II.

    2. Who started the movement?

    The roots of Holocaust denial can be found in the bureaucratic language of Nazi policy itself, which sought to camouflage the genocidal intent of what the Nazis called the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question," even as these directives were being carried out. After the war, former Nazis and Nazi sympathizers dismissed the overwhelming proof of the Holocaust established at the Nuremberg war crimes trials; similarly, an obscure group of post-War French Trotskyists and anarchists led by Paul Rassinier (since deceased), seeking to advance their own political agenda, denounced evidence of the genocide as "Stalinist atrocity propaganda."

    However, as an organized propaganda movement, Holocaust "revisionism" took root in 1979 when Willis Carto, founder of Liberty Lobby - the largest anti-Jewish propaganda organization in the United States - incorporated the Institute for Historical Review (IHR). The IHR is a pseudo-academic enterprise in which professors with no credentials in history (for example, the late Revilo P. Oliver was a retired University of Illinois Classics teacher; Robert Faurisson earned a Ph.D. in literature from the University of Lyon; Arthur Butz is an engineer at Northwestern University), writers without formal academic certification (such as David Irving, Henri Roques and Bradley Smith), and career anti-Semites (such as Mark Weber, Ernst Zndel and the late David McCalden) convene to develop new outlets for their anti-Jewish, anti-Israel and, for some, pro, Nazi beliefs.

    Since 1993, Willis Carto has broken with the IHR in a very public, litigious feud. He has devoted considerable funds and rhetorical vehemence to dis. crediting his former employees, and has also established a rival "revisionist" journal, The Barnes Review. At issue in the feud, primarily, is not the history of the Holocaust - which both sides of the dispute argue never really happened - but rather Carto's reportedly dictatorial management style, and the control of a multimillion-dollar bequest to the parent corporation of the IHR. Although the dispute remains in litigation, as of this writing a Superior Court Judge in California has awarded $6.4 million to the IHR in their civil suit against Carto. The judge, in his ruling for the Institute, characterized Carto as "evasive and argumentative" and added that his testimony in large part "made no sense.... By the end of the trial, I was of the opinion that Mr. Carto lacked candor, lacked memory and lacked the ability to be forthright about what he did honestly remember"; ironically, this description could accurately characterize the entire propaganda movement which Carto founded.

    (For further details about this feud and its aftermath, see Liberty Lobby: Hate Central, ADL Research Report, 1995.)

    3. Where is Holocaust denial active today?

    IHR has tapped into an international network of propagandists who write for the group's Journal of Historical Review (JHR) and meet at its more-or-less annual conventions. The leading activists affiliated with IHR have included Mark Weber, Bradley Smith and Fred Leuchter (USA); Ernst Zndel (Canada); David Irving (England); Robert Faurisson (France); Carlo Mattogno (Italy); and Ahmed Rami (Sweden). Of these activists, Bradley Smith, who served for many years as IHR's "Media Project Director," has attracted the most notoriety in the U.S., due to the series of "revisionist" advertisements which he has placed in college newspapers since 1991 for the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH).

    Nonetheless, IHR has suffered noticeably from its feud with Carto. Since breaking with its founder in 1993, the professional staff at the Institute has shrunk from seven to two - Mark Weber, now serving as director, and Greg Raven, who operates IHR's World Wide Web site - and its increasingly infrequent publications have consisted mostly of reprints from previous issues of the Journal of Historical Review, along with at times desperate appeals for funding. Most recently, IHR announced that its 1996 conference would be postponed indefinitely.

    4. What is CODOH?

    Though Smith claims the "Committee" is an independent entity devoted to promoting "open debate," it has operated essentially as a vehicle for IHR propaganda. CODOH was first headed by Smith and Mark Weber, then-editor of the JHR; its founder was the late William Curry, a longtime supporter of the IHR. Every other associate of the group has also been a public participant in IHR conferences. CODOH ads and flyers list the IHR address and cite IHR sources almost exclusively. Additionally, Bradley Smith's Web page on the computer Internet - which is fairly elaborate and has constituted the bulk of his activity since 1995 -provides links to the IHR site, as well as other Holocaust-denial outlets. Smith, moreover, appears to have suffered from

    the same decline in fortune affecting the IHR. He has not written a new editorial-style advertisement since 1993, and his pre-existing ads appeared in only seven newspapers in 1995, and one in 1996, down from 13 in 1993. Instead, Smith's current campus outreach tends to consist of inconspicuous, anonymous classified ads promoting his Web site; the only indication of Smith's agenda in these ads is a reference to "Unanswered Questions About the Nazi Gas Chambers."

    5. Are there other propagandists promoting Holocaust denial on the World Wide Web?

    In addition to overt neo-Nazi groups, such as the National Alliance,1 which promote denial of the Holocaust as part of a comprehensive racist and anti-Semitic agenda, one of the most active Holocaust deniers on the computer Internet is the German-born Canadian hatemonger Ernst Zndel Zndel whose anti-Semitic activities extend back to the mid-70s, and include associations with the IHR and the neo-Nazi publication, Liberty Bell, as well as the authorship of books such as The Hitler We Loved and Why, has established perhaps the most extensive Holocaust-denial Web site on the Internet. Often updated daily, Zndel's home page, operated by a previously obscure Southern California writer named Ingrid Rimland, publishes materials in English, French and German and includes audio recordings of Zndel's own speeches. In addition to his Internet activities - which he, like Bradley Smith, promotes by purchasing inconspicuous ads in college and local newspapers - Zndel also produces a cable-access TV program as well as German and English-language shortwave radio broadcasts, each of which is also devoted to Holocaust denial.

    6. Are there laws regulating Holocaust denial?

    In Canada and Western Europe, Holocaust deniers have been successfully prosecuted under racial defamation or hate crimes laws. In the United States, however, the First Amendment guarantees the right of free speech, regardless of political content. Nonetheless, though the First Amendment guarantees Holocaust deniers the right to produce and distribute their propaganda, it in no way obligates newspapers or other media outlets to provide them with a forum for their views.

    7. What do American legal precedents indicate about such propaganda?

    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 1974 decision, Miami Herald Publishing Company v. Tornillo , that "A newspaper is more than a passive receptacle or conduit for news, comment and advertising. The choice of material to go into a newspaper... [constitutes] the exercise of editorial control and judgment." Simply stated, to require newspaper editors or broadcasters to provide Smith, or any other individual, with a forum would deny the newspaper or other media their own First Amendment rights to operate a free press, without government coercion; such requirements would also diminish the public's ability to distinguish historical truth from propaganda.

    Like the editor of a private newspaper, the editors of all private and most public college newspapers have a First Amendment right to exercise editorial control over which advertisements appear in their newspaper. The only situation in which an editor of a state university newspaper would not have this right would be if the university administration controlled the content of the campus newspaper and set editorial policy. In such a case, the university would essentially function as an arm of the government, and prohibition of newspaper advertisements based on content would violate the First Amendment. There are few universities, however, where the administration exercises this type of control over the student paper.

    At public elementary and secondary schools, the administration has the right to refuse to print Holocaust-denial advertisements in a student newspaper; the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 1988 decision, Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, that "educators do not offend the First Amendment by exercising editorial control over. . . the content of student speech in school-sponsored expressive activities so long as their actions are reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concern." Based on that decision, it is clear that public school officials have the same right as student editors to reject Holocaust-denial advertisements, since this propaganda encourages bias and prejudice, offends many individuals and has a negative educational value.

    The one case directly involving the substance of Holocaust-denial propaganda in an American court was a 1985 lawsuit brought against the IHR by Mel Mermelstein, a Holocaust survivor living in Long Beach, California. In the early '80s, Mermelstein had responded to a cynical IHR publicity campaign which offered $50,000 to anyone who could prove that Jews had been gassed at Auschwitz by submitting evidence that members of his own family had been murdered at that concentration camp. When the IHR failed to comply with its promised terms, Mermelstein filed his suit. In July 1985, the lawsuit was settled in Mermelstein's favor. The settlement, approved by judge Robert Wenke of the Los Angeles Superior Court, called for the IHR to pay Mermelstein the $50,000 "reward," as well as an additional $40,000 for pain and suffering. Moreover, at a pre-trial hearing, the Court took judicial notice of the fact that gas chambers had been used to murder Jews at Auschwitz.

    Several months later, Mermelstein won another victory against the Holocaust-denial movement. In January 1986, a Los Angeles Superior Court jury awarded Mermelstein $4.75 million in punitive damages and $500,000 in compensatory damages in a suit he had filed in 1981 against Ditlieb Felderer, a Swedish Holocaust denier whose publication, Jewish Information Bulletin (it is in fact none of these), had mocked the killing of Jews at Auschwitz and had attacked Mermelstein personally. Later that year, the IHR and Willis Carto sued Mermelstein, claiming he libeled them during a radio interview given in New York. In 1988, they voluntarily dropped the charges.

    8. What have academic authorities said about Holocaust denial?

    The History Department at Duke University, responding to a CODOH ad, unanimously adopted and published a statement noting: "That historians are constantly engaged in historical revision is certainly correct; however, what historians do is very different from this advertisement. Historical revision of major events. . . is not concerned with the actuality of these events; rather, it concerns their historical interpretation - their causes and consequences generally. There is no debate among historians about the actuality of the Holocaust... there can be no doubt that the Nazi state systematically put to death millions of Jews, Gypsies, political radicals and other people."

    David Oshinsky and Michael Curtis of Rutgers University have written, "If one group advertises that the Holocaust never happened, another can buy space to insist that American Blacks were never enslaved. The stakes are high because college newspapers may soon be flooded with ads that present discredited assertions as if they were part of normal historical debate. If the Holocaust is not a fact, then nothing is a fact...."

    Peter Hayes, Associate Professor of History and German at Northwestern University, responded to a Smith ad by stating, "bear in mind that not a single one of the advances in our knowledge since 1945 has been contributed by the self-styled 'Revisionists' whom Smith represents. That is so because contributing to knowledge is decidedly not their purpose . . . . This ad is an assault on the intellectual integrity ... of academicians, whom Smith and his ilk wish to browbeat. It is also a throwback to the worst sorts of conspiracy-mongering of anti-Semitic broadside.... Is it plausible that so great and longstanding a conspiracy of repression could really have functioned? ... That everybody with a Ph.D. active in the field - German, American, Canadian, British, Israeli, etc. - is in on it together?... If one suspects it is, might it not be wise to do a bit of checking about Smith, his organization and his charges before running so implausible an ad?"

    Perhaps most significantly, in December 1991, the governing council of the American Historical Association (AHA), the nation's largest and oldest professional organization for historians, unanimously approved a statement condemning the Holocaust-denial movement, stating, "No serious historian questions that the Holocaust took place." The council's action came in response to a petition circulated among members calling for an official statement against Holocaust-denial propaganda; the petition had been signed by more than 300 members attending the organization's annual conference. Moreover, in 1994, the AHA reaffirmed its position in a press release which stated that "the Association will not provide a forum for views that are, at best, a form of academic fraud."

    Holocaust Denial Themes
    The following are summaries of major assertions employed by Holocaust-denial propagandists, with brief factual responses.

    1. The Holocaust Did Not Occur Because There Is No Single "Master Plan" for Jewish Annihilation

    There is no single Nazi document that expressly enumerates a "master plan" for the annihilation of European Jewry. Holocaust-denial propagandists misrepresent this fact as an exposure of the Holocaust "hoax"; in doing so, they reveal a fundamentally misleading approach to the history of the era. That there was no single document does not mean there was no plan. The "Final Solution" the Nazis' comprehensive plan to murder all European Jews - was, as the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust observes, "the culmination of a long evolution of Nazi Jewish policy."2 The destruction process was shaped gradually: it was borne of many thousands of directives.3

    The development and implementation of this process was overseen and directed by the highest tier of Nazi leadership, including Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Adolf Eichmann, Hermann Goering and Adolf Hitler himself. For the previous two decades, Hitler had relentlessly pondered Jewish annihilation.4 In a September 16, 1919, letter he wrote that while "the Jewish problem" demanded an "anti-Semitism of reason" - comprising systematic legal and political sanctions - "the final goal, however, must steadfastly remain the removal of the Jews altogether."5

    Throughout the 1920s, Hitler maintained that "the Jewish question" was the "pivotal question" for his Party and would be solved "with well-known German thoroughness to the final consequence."6 With his assumption to power in 1933, Hitler's racial notions were implemented by measures that increasingly excluded Jews from German society.

    On January 30, 1939, Hitler warned that if Jewish financiers and Bolsheviks initiated war, "The result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe."7 On September 21, 1939, after the Germans invaded Poland, SD chief Heydrich ordered the Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units operating in German-occupied territory) to forcibly concentrate Polish Jews into ghettos, alluding to an unspecified "final aim."8

    In the summer of 1941, with preparations underway for invading Russia, large-scale mass murder initiatives - already practiced domestically upon the mentally ill and deformed - were broadly enacted against Jews. Heydrich, acting on Hitler's orders, directed the Einsatzgruppen to implement the "special tasks" of annihilation in the Soviet Union of Jews and Soviet commissars.9 On July 31, Heydrich received orders from Goering to prepare plans "for the implementation of the aspired final solution of the Jewish question" in all German-occupied areas.10 Eichmann, while awaiting trial in Israel in 1960, related that Heydrich had told him in August 1941 that "the Fhrer has ordered the physical extermination of the Jews."11 Rudolf Hoess, the Commandant of Auschwitz, wrote in 1946 that "In the summer of 1941... Himmler said to me, 'The Fhrer has ordered the Final Solution to the Jewish Question... I have chosen the Auschwitz camp for this purpose.'"12

    On January 20, 1942, Heydrich convened the Wannsee Conference to discuss and coordinate implementation of the Final Solution. Eichmann later testified at his trial:

    These gentlemen... were discussing the subject quite bluntly, quite differently from the language that I had to use later in the record. During the conversation they minced no words about it at all... they spoke about methods of killing, about liquidation, about extermination.13
    Ten days after the conference, while delivering a speech at the Sports Palace in Berlin that was recorded by the Allied monitoring service, Hitler declared: "The result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews... the hour will come when the most evil universal enemy of all time will be finished, at least for a thousand years."14 On February 24, 1943, he stated: "This struggle will not end with the annihilation of Aryan mankind, but with the extermination of the Jewish people in Europe.15

    Approximately 6 million Jews were killed in the course of Hitler's Final Solution.

    2. There Were No Gas Chambers Used for Mass Murder at Auschwitz and Other Camps

    Death camp gas chambers were the primary means of execution used against the Jews during the Holocaust. The Nazis issued a directive implementing large-scale gas chambers in the fall of 1941 but, by then, procedures facilitating mass murder, including the utilization of smaller gas chambers, were already in practice. Before their use in death camps, gas chambers were central to Hitler's "eugenics" pro, gram. Between January 1940 and August 1941, 70,273 Germans - most of them physically handicapped or mentally ill - were gassed, 20-30 at a time, in hermetically shut chambers disguised as shower rooms.16

    Meanwhile, mass shooting of Jews had been extensively practiced on the heels of Germany's Eastern campaign. But these actions by murder squads had become an increasingly unwieldy process by October 1941. Three directors of the genocide Erhard Wetzel, head of the Racial-Policy Office: Alfred Rosenberg, consultant on Jewish affairs for the Occupied Eastern Territories, and Victor Brack, deputy director of the Chancellory, met at the time with Adolf Eichmann to discuss the use of gas chambers in the genocide program.17 Thereafter, two technical advisors for the euthanasia gas chambers, Kriminalkommissar Christian Wirth and a Dr. Kallmeyer, were sent to the East to begin construction of mass gas chambers.18 Physicians who had implemented the euthanasia program were also transferred.

    Mobile gassing vans, using the exhaust fumes of diesel engines to kill passengers, were used to kill Jews at Chelmno and Treblinka - as well as other sites, not all of them concentration camps - starting in November 1941.19 At least 320,000 Chelmno prisoners, most of them Jews, were killed by this method; a total of 870,000 Jews were murdered at Treblinka using gas vans and diesel-powered gas chambers.20

    Gas chambers were installed and operated at Belzec, Lublin, Sobibor, Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau from September 3, 1941, when the first experimental gassing took place at Auschwitz, until November 1944.22 Working with chambers measuring an average 225 square feet, the Nazis forced to their deaths 700 to 800 men, women and children at a time.22 Two-thirds of this program was completed in 1943-44, and at its height it accounted for as many as 20,000 victims per day.23 Authorities have estimated that these gas chambers accounted for the deaths of approximately 2E to 3 million Jews.

    Holocaust-denial attacks on this record of mass murder intensified following the end of the Cold War when it was reported that the memorial at Auschwitz was changed in 1991 to read that 1 million had died there, instead of 4 million as previously recorded. For Holocaust deniers, this change appeared to confirm arguments that historical estimates of Holocaust deaths had been deliberately exaggerated, and that scholars were beginning to "retreat" in the face of "revisionist" assertions. Thus, for example, Willis Carto wrote in the February 6, 1995, issue of The Spotlight, the weekly tabloid of his organization, Liberty Lobby, that "All 'experts' until 1991 claimed that 4 million Jews were killed at Auschwitz. This impossible figure was reduced in 1991... to 1.1 million.... The facts about deaths at Auschwitz, however... are still wrong. The Germans kept detailed records of Auschwitz deaths.... These show that no more than 120,000 persons of all religions and ethnicity died at Auschwitz during the war...."

    In fact, Western scholars have never supported the figure of 4 million deaths at Auschwitz; the basis of this Soviet estimate - an analysis of the capacity of crematoria at Auschwitz and Birkenau - has long been discredited. As early as 1952, Gerald Reitlinger, a British historian, had convincingly challenged this method of calculation. Using statistics compiled in registers for Himmler, he asserted that approximately 1 million people had died at Auschwitz; Raul Hilberg in 1961, and Yehuda Bauer in 1989, confirmed Reitlinger's estimate of Auschwitz victims. Each of these scholars, nonetheless, has recognized that nearly 6 million Jews were killed overall during the Holocaust.24 Polish authorities were therefore responding to long-accepted Western scholarship, further confirmed subsequently by documents released in post-Soviet Russia; the cynical allegations of "Holocaust revisionism" played no part in their decision.

    3. Holocaust Scholars Rely on the Testimony of Survivors Because There Is No Objective Documentation Proving the Nazi Genocide.

    Another frequent claim of Holocaust "revisionists" concerns what they describe as the lack of objective documentation proving the facts of the Holocaust, and the reliance by scholars on biased and poorly collected testimonies of survivors. However, the Germans themselves left no shortage of documentation and testimony to these events, and no serious scholar has relied solely on survivor testimony as the conclusive word on Holocaust history. Lucy Dawidowicz, in the preface to her authoritative work, The War Against the Jews 1933-1945, wrote, "The German documents captured by the Allied armies at the war's end have provided an incomparable historical record, which, with regard to volume and accessibility, has been unique in the annals of scholarship.... The National Archives and the American Historical Association jointly have published 67 volumes of Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA. For my work I have limited myself mainly to published German documents."26 The author then proceeds to list 303 published sources - excluding periodicals -documenting the conclusions of her research. Among these sources are the writings of recognizable Nazi policy makers such as Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hoess and Alfred Rosenberg.

    Similarly, Raul Hilberg in his three-volume edition of The Destruction of the European Jews, wrote, "Between 1933 and 1945 the public offices and corporate entities of Nazi Germany generated a large volume of correspondence. Some of these documents were destroyed in Allied bombings, and many more were systematically burned in the course of retreats or in anticipation of surrender. Nevertheless, the accumulated paper work of the German bureaucracy was vast enough to survive in significant quantities, and even sensitive folders remained."26

    It is thus largely from these primary sources that the history of the Holocaust has been compiled. A new factor in this process is the sudden availability of countless records from the former Soviet Union, many of which had been overlooked or suppressed since their capture at war's end by the Red Army. Needless to say, the modification of specific details in this history is certain to continue for a number of years to come, considering the vastness and complexity of the events which comprise the Holocaust. However, it is equally certain that these modifications will only confirm the Holocaust's enormity, rather than - as the "revisionists" would -call it into question.

    4. There Was No Net Loss of Jewish Lives Between 1941 and 1945.

    Another frequent "revisionist" assertion calls into question the generally accepted estimates of Jewish victims of the Holocaust. In attempting to portray the deaths of millions of Jews as an exaggeration or a fabrication, Holocaust deniers wildly manipulate reference works, almanac statistics, geopolitical data, bedrock historical facts and other sources of information and reportage.

    For example, "revisionists" commonly cite various almanac or atlas figures - typically compiled before comprehensive accounts on the Holocaust were available - that appear to indicate that the worldwide Jewish population before and after World War II remained essentially stable, thereby "proving" that 6 million Jews could not have died during this period.

    The widely cited "6 million" figure is derived from the initial 1945 Nuremberg trial estimate of 5.7 million deaths; subsequent censuses, statistical analyses, and other demographic studies of European Jewry have consistently demonstrated the essential accuracy of this first tally.27 After nearly 50 years of study, historians agree that approximately 6 million Jews perished during the course of the Nazi genocide.28

    In The War Against the Jews, Lucy Dawidowicz offers a country-by-country accounting of Jewish deaths.29

    5. The Nuremberg Trials Were a "Farce of Justice" Staged for the Benefit of the Jews.

    Yet another centerpiece of "revisionist" propaganda attacks the objectivity and legal validity of the postwar Nuremberg Trials, where much information about the Holocaust first became public, and where the general history of the genocide was first established.

    The actual process of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice was a lengthy and complicated effort involving the differing legal traditions and political agendas of the United States, England, France and the Soviet Union. As the historical record shows, the allied victors, if anything, erred on the side of leniency toward the accused Nazis.

    Discussions concerning allied treatment of war criminals had begun as early as October 1943.30 In the summer months following Germany's surrender in 1945, British, American and Soviet representatives met in London to create the charter for an international military tribunal to prosecute "major criminals" whose offenses extended over the entire Reich, and who therefore could be punished by joint decision of the Governments of the Allies.31

    By early autumn, the Allies had resolved their debates over whom to prosecute and how to define the crimes committed during the Holocaust; the first trials began thereafter in Nuremberg, before an international military tribunal. The chief defendant was Hermann Goering, but the prosecution also selected 20 other leading officials from the Nazi party, German government ministries, central bureaucracy, armament and labor specialists, the military and territorial chiefs.32

    These trials did not result in either "rubber stamp" guilty verdicts or identical sentences. In fact, of the 21 defendants, three were set free; one received a 10-year sentence; one a 15-year sentence; two, 20-year sentences; three, life sentences, and 11 received the death penalty.33

    The defendants, moreover, had access to 206 attorneys, 136 of whom had been Nazi party members.34 Furthermore, as Raul Hilberg stated, "The judges in Nuremberg were established American lawyers. They had not come to exonerate or convict. They were impressed with their task, and they approached it with much experience in the law and little anticipation of the facts.35

    A second round of trials resulted in 25 death sentences, 20 life sentences, 97 sentences of 25 years or less, and 3 5 not-guilty verdicts.36 By 1951, following the recommendations of an American-run clemency board, 77 of the 142 convicted criminals had been released from prison.37

    1 For more information about the National Alliance, see William L. Pierce: Novelist of Hate, ADL Research Report, 1995.
    2 Israel Gutman (Editor in Chief), Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Volume 2, New York, 1990, p. 788.
    3 Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews (Student Edition), New York, 1985, p. 263.
    4 See Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945, New York, 1975, pp. 150,166.
    5 Gutman, Volume 2, p. 489.
    6 Ibid., p. 489.
    7 Gutman, Volume 2, p. 490.
    8 Holocaust, Jerusalem: Keter Books, 1974, p. 104.
    9 Gutman, Volume 2, p. 657.
    10 Ibid., p. 492.
    11 Ronnie Duggar, The Texas Observer, Austin, 1992, p. 48.
    12 Gutman, Volume 2, pp. 641-642.
    13 Ibid., Volume 2, p. 657.
    14 Duggar, p. 48.
    15 Holocaust, pp. 105-106.
    16 Gutman, Volume 2, p. 453
    17 Martin Gilbert, The Holocaust, New York, 1985, p. 219.
    18 Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews, Volume 3, New York, 1985, pp. 873-876.
    19 Gutman, Volume 2, pp. 541-544.
    20 Gutman, Volume 2, p. 542; Volume 4, pp. 1483, 1486.
    21 Gutman, Volume 1, pp. 113, 116.
    22 Holocaust, p. 86.
    23 Ibid., p. 87.
    24 Reitlinger, who conducted his research before Hilberg and other scholars, arrives at a more conservative figure of approximately 4.5 murder victims; he nonetheless estimates that one-third of the internees at concentration camps died as a result of starvation, overwork, disease, and other consequences of their captivity. Although his murder count is somewhat lower than that of later scholars, his overall death count remains consistent with subsequent research.
    25 Dawidowicz, p. 437.
    26 Hilberg, Vol. 3, p. 1223.
    27 Dawidowicz, p. 402.
    28 Peter Hayes, Associate Professor of German History at Northwestern University, states, "after years of studying this matter, I know of no authority who puts the number of Jews killed [emphasis in original] by the Nazis at less than 5.1 or more than 5.9 million men, women and children."
    29 Dawidowicz, p. 403.
    30 Hilberg, Vol. 3, p. 1060.
    31 Hilberg, Vol. 3, p. 1061.
    32 Hilberg, Vol. 3, p. 1066.
    33 Hilberg, Vol. 3, p. 1070.
    34 Hilberg, Vol. 3, p. 1075.
    35 Hilberg, Vol. 3, p. 1076
    36 Hilberg, Vol. 3, p. 1077-1078.
    37 Hilberg, Vol. 3, p. 1079.

    I hope the above clears up a few things for some confused ones who think there is some controversy over what happened to all those millions of poor souls. THERE IS NO CONTROVERSY. There is just truth on the one hand, and a pack of distortion and lies on the other.

    I have even read the nonsensical view expressed on this forum that "scholars are debating whether the Holocaust occurred". Though the person who made this claim hastily back-pedalled upon being challenged, honesty compels me to state that NO SCHOLAR debates whether or not the Holocaust occurred. For to do so is as absurd as to debate whether or not one has a brain (whose existence is proved by one's ability to debate, etc.). The matter is proved, with the same certainty as is a theorem in math, and the proof can be found on the Internet in ten thousand places and in every good library. Such debate as there is between people with honest (or better yet, NO) agendas relates to "how much" and "exactly how" and only involve minute adjustment in percentage terms. For example, morbid and sordid as it is, it is of course legitimate to debate whether the best estimate of Jews murdered by the Nazis was 5.2 million or 5.4 million, and whether 1 million Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz, or 1.1 million, and so on. I really prefer not to dwell on such mind-bogglingly horrific events, but I would not fault those who would do so. And I believe that the message of ALL HOLOCAUSTS is "Never, never again": stop talking about them, and you will leave the field to those with chilling agendas - or their dull-witted stooges.

    History has proven that one MUST NOT trust an advanced and sophisticated and cultured and refined people (e.g. the Germans, but I contend it has application everywhere) NOT to fall into the thrall of vicious liars, cheats, propagandists and murderers like the Nazis, and then become to a greater or lesser extent complicit in terrorization, widespread persecution and mistreatment and then torture and planned and executed mass-murder of unpopular minority groups and of demonized outsiders. It is the intolerance and the resultant dehumanization (a necessary part - the propagandist must harden the heart of his recruits, as if they view their victims as fellow humans they may become weak and start to question what they are doing) which marks the evil process, and the first stage in this process is the VERBAL targeting of specific groups.

    It follows that this first stage must be countered and refuted, whether the victim was "Jewry" attacked by those with malevolent agendas, or the Birdseed Class dehumanized by the WTS as being fit only for destruction by the imaginary jehoover-bin-Watchtower (permitting them to be SHUNNED).

    Anyone who wishes to calmly and rationally discuss with me ANY of the """evidence""" produced on this forum (or elsewhere) in support of ANY of the Holocaust-denying claims of Holocaust Deniers may do so (I explicitly state that I can refute ALL their claims). If it is to be done, it must be done small point by small point, as I have many fish to fry. A typical cut-and-paste from one of these "true history" (LOL!) websites contain a dozen errors and/or lies and/or distortions per page. You must choose just a few individual points (your choice: choose wisely) and I will demolish them. But only after I can see (from your argument) that you have looked elsewhere already for evidence. Yes, I promise refutation, but not spoon-feeding or a kiddie school. I do NOT want or seek this work, in which I will not learn anything new (I already know how to grossly abuse language as a communication tool and instead use it to cheat, mislead and distort: I choose never to do so, and I neither need nor want refresher courses in the dirty deceptive techniques of the deniers) and reiterate that such refutation as I will provide is already available in a multiplicity of places on the web and Usenet if you know where to look.
    To save me the bother, here are a few starter places. I have never found anything objectionable or dubious at any of these websites (if you do, tell me where, please):
    AFAIK, all these sites have come into existence purely because of the numerous outrages perpetrated by the Holocaust Deniers which have provoked those who hate lies into responding. I understand the depth of their feelings. These brave souls have become the targets of despicable neo-Nazis and their physical violence and intimidation (I acknowledge that there is counter-violence: check the Biblical reference to living by the sword...). They actually risk their lives so the generation of tomorrow know what is true, learn the fruitage of hatred and do not repeat the errors and evils of the past.
    In Usenet, if I have to name but one from a horde of sensible posters (who routinely destroy the endlessly repeated distortions of the deniers, who keep parading the same discredited material while not letting on it has been refuted), I have found the posts by "Daniel Keren" to be clear, rational, accurate and factual. He seldom indulges in rhetoric. I know nothing else about him.
    To read him on any related matter, surf to:
    and where you see "Author: " enter [email protected]
    Put any search word(s) in the appropriate boxes, and press the "Google Search" button.

    I should have no need to say this, but reading skills vary, and the filthy and utterly false smear that I represent or sympathize with one of the world's worst terrorist groups (whatever that one may be, I really have little clue.. I suspect the 'Association for Clear English') may remain in the minds of many. I explicitly state that I am most certainly not pro-Jewish (I'm not pro- or anti- any race or nation; each being as bad as the next) or pro-Judaism (I will happily condemn the Talmud etc. as a work of bigotry, hatefulness, nonsense and fable which rivals the Old Testament) or pro-Israel (IMO a few of the major and _official_ Israeli actions are absolutely reprehensible, actionably criminal and worthy of execution, or threat on recurrence, of imposition of harsh international sanctions, and are no longer excused by the prior misconduct of this midget country's vast neighbors who thrice tried to annihilate it), am fairly sympathetic to the Palestinian cause (though not at all to the desparate means to which some young men, misguided or misled, tragically go) and am anti-Zionist (in any of its radical or cultic forms; I'm not too au fait with what Zionism involves, but have encountered a couple of ignorant and bigoted self-stated "Zionists"). I'm happy to be viewed by those who HAVE to pigeon-hole as being Gentile, Jew, Arab, Negro, Eskimo, Mongrel, Martian or whatever: such distinctions are completely irrelevant to me, and speculation thereupon merely supplies evidence of the flatulence and maturity (lack of) of the speculator. I will neither compromise my anonymity nor entertain discussions where I will be compelled to lie in order to retain such anonymity.

    Expression without evidence of statements that I am pro-WTS, pro-Scientology, pre-censorship, pro-Freemasonry, pro-any (manipulative) religion/cult, etc. may on the other hand result in a painful virtual meeting with Santa Claws: the last such one here left the little pup who tried it yelping at my shadows for a week. I have to sharpen from time to time.

    It is conduct involving lies, hypocrisy, deceit, hidden agendas, the promotion (witting or unwitting) of hatred or unfounded prejudice against groups of people and attempts to recruit for cults that comprise things I detest, and which I will upon occasion - only where there is clear malice on the other side - actively and, in the opinion of some gentle souls, ferociously oppose, using (always strictly legal and ethical) means which may go well beyond what my protagonist may have expected, beyond what he may be intellectually capable of predicting or anticipating, and beyond what he may consider (being more used to being the victimizer, he does not like being on the receiving end: the double standard is at times breathtaking) proportional. That is, as best as a little innocent puss like Focus can, at least. Sometimes, turning the other cheek just encourages the weird kook to go and slap (or do far worse to) some one more vulnerable still.

    Understanding Why People Believe Weird Things... can help the many good folk here, whom I know to be more or less like-minded, to understand how best to combat those of the "Weird Things" that actually and materially harm others. You don't need to buy the book; just think for yourselves WHY some people believe and do what they do. Look to CAUSE (what got them there) and to MOTIVE (why they stay there). That way we can help prevent the spread of the infection, and hopefully help them too.

    Now, let us get on to the freight train schedules for the big sidings on Venus (North) - a good way to upset the idiotic Scientologist buffoons (I won't go into why it does so; but having been also accused here of being a leading Scientologist, I thought I should throw that in for good measure). I am sure I believe in a few Wierd Things myself, though I'm not sure which they are. What I am sure of is that they don't hurt others.

    What? You got here? You read all the above?? Have you nothing better to do??? You must believe in Weird Things but the Focus Cult has a maximum capacity of one (a bit like Heaven overflowing with #144,001) and a target capacity of zero. We are spot on target and intend to remain there, thanks all the same.

    Think for yourselves.

    (Anti-Cult "I fight the Watchtower Borg and not individual or groups of JWs" Class)

    Edited by - Focus on 6 December 2002 15:37:0

  • avishai

    Great stuff, focus! I sure do wish Pomegranate & Jjrizzo were still here to read this post!

  • orangefatcat


    Love Orangefatcat

  • Satanus

    Can you explain how the 6 million number was arrived at? Today, there are about 12 to 13 million jews.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ...."Shermer then tells us how he debunked Van Praagh on Unsolved Mysteries. Yet, none of the others in the audience was sympathetic to Shermer. One woman even told him that his behavior was "inappropriate" because he was destroying people's hopes in their time of grief"....

    Apparently not an unusual phenomena. Ian Plimer, Melbourne University Professor of Geology who is at war with the cult of "creation science" says the same thing happened to him when he first publicly debunked the creationists. People dont like their dreams being torn down. they want to believe.

    Edited: Ah yes, I remember what the other thing was now... Early on in the piece you said that people have moved from one ridiculous cult to another. again, I agree there is evidence this occurs with some people ,I spent weeks meeting with a pair of Amwayites who had stumbled into Amway after leaving the Adventists, and other folk who had been into the " church universal" who were now in the Dan Gayman "church of Israel" . Some people are cult journeymen. They appear not to learn .

    Sorry I didnt read the whole thing Cat man.profuse apologies

    Edited by - refiners fire on 6 December 2002 17:30:23

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I must tell you though Focus, I consider Biblical Racism to be a most dangerous doctrine. Especially to those who are Bible readers.

    In My Opinion once the basic proposition that the European white is "Israel" is accepted, there is a whole superstructure of scripture which can then be quoted to demonstrate the destiny of the European white.

    It is by no means like the, say, jehovahs witness postion on the preaching work or the blood issue, with a couple of random scriptures plucked from different Bible books to support the idea.

    The idea of the White man as "Israel" is a Filter, or a pair of tinted glasses, thru which massive sections of the old testamernt can be read. Once god has given you the "revelation" of your "identity" the Bible can be re read in its entirety and understood "truly" from Genesis forward.

    Of course, accepting the notion that the Japanese are "preadamites" is a little difficult if you ever talk to a japanese student at the Moorabin college of TAFE. Very nice and very polite kids. To accept the necessity to hate a race enemy (a notion which the Old Testament has plenty of scripture to support by the way) I think you have to have a lot of anger inside you to start with.

  • wasasister

    Thank you for posting this valuable information. I look forward to reading it when I am at liesure. It does explain a great deal about those whose small minds are easily swayed by impressive sounding words.



  • Focus

    SaintSatan wrote:

    Can you explain how the 6 million number was arrived at?

    I can.

    Should I?

    I did say this was not kiddie prep: no spoon-feeding, prior research by questioner needed. There are plenty of sources for this sort of basic data. The starter places I provided "above" will get you there. However, since Satan was not the first non-human liar mentioned in the Bible and never seemed to have actually killed anyone, and since I enjoy your posts - I shall indulge you.

    Firstly, it isn't six million Jews. It is somewhere between 5 and 6 million. The "six million" is press hyperbole that has now moved into common parlance and is used idiomatically.

    The answer to your implied question is: by calculation, followed by careful cross-checking.

    Here is a count by venue.
    Auschwitz 1,000,000-1,100,000 per Franciszek Piper's study etc.
    Treblinka 700,000-750,000 or more per the estimate of the Federal Court of Assizes, Dusseldorf etc.
    Belzec 550,000-600,000
    Sobibor 175,000-200,000
    Kulmhof 150,000
    Lublin 50,000
    Concentration camps (Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Dachau, Stutthof, and others), camps with killing operations (Poniatowa, Trawniki, Semlin), labor and transit camps 150,000
    Romanian Golta complex and Bessarabian transit camps 100,000
    Croatian and other camps 50,000 maximum
    Open air shootings: Einsatzgruppen, Higher SS and Police Leaders, Romanian, and German armies in mobile operations; shootings in Galicia during deportations; killings of Jewish prisoners of war and shootings in Serbia and elsewhere over 1,300,000
    Privation deaths in ghettos in German-occupied Eastern Europe over 600,000
    Theresienstadt and privation outside of ghettos 100,000
    Tranistria colonies (Romanian and Soviet Jews) 100,000
    plus unspecified numbers dying in death marches, from privation while in transit, in specifically designed killing vehicles using carbon monoxide, etc.
    TOTAL: Between 5 and 6 million Jews murdered.

    Raul Hilberg's authoritative three volume "The Destruction of the European Jews" (1985, Holmes & Meier) provides many, many hundreds of references for the above. Detailed reports by the official Auschwitz Inspector Francke-Griksche in spring 1943 to S.S. boss Heinrich Himmler showed 0.5 million Jews already having been exterminated at that one camp alone (note this is not the camp commander boasting, but the outside Nazi investigator), though the slaughter continued at an accelerating pace for another year and a half.

    Here is a count by country of origin.
    Germany 195,000
    Austria 53,000
    Czechoslovakia 255,000
    Denmark 1,500 (escapees to Sweden included in dispersed refugees below)
    France 140,000
    Belgium 57,000
    Luxemburg 3,000
    Norway 1,000
    Holland 120,000
    Italy 20,000
    Yugoslavia 64,000
    Greece 64,000
    Bulgaria 5,000
    Rumania 530,000
    Hungary 200,000
    Poland 3,271,000
    USSR (regions overrun by Nazis) 1,050,000
    Less dispersed refugees (308,000)
    TOTAL: 5.72 million fewer Jews
    This count is obtained comparing censuses of Jewish civilians before and after the war in all the territories controlled or overrun by the Nazis. After making allowances for births (up to such time as capture - which was usually immediately followed by extermination - occurred, and occasionally after, both sexes were together) and deaths in which the Nazis were not a direct factor (using an enhanced mortality rate because of wartime conditions, of course), we get:
    TOTAL: Between 5 and 6 million Jews murdered.

    See http://www.nizkor.org/qar-complete.cgi for much more of this sort of Holocaust 101, please, as well as the italicized material at the start of this thread.

    I take this opportunity to add that a standard revisionist/denier slur from the Zundelsite and similar sources is the production of an authoritative looking "list" (akin to what is reproduced in bold and red at http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=40003&page=2&site=3 ) that shows that the estimated death toll at Auschwitz-Birkenau has varied enormously: figures from about 70,000 to over 6 million are shown, so the invited conclusion is that everything is wholly unreliable.

    Let me show you the depths of deceit here.

    This list is basically a combination of a hoax and a cheap "smoke and mirrors" stunt. Some even use that list WITHOUT stating that it SPECIFICALLY AND ONLY RELATES ONLY TO DEATHS AT AUSCHWITZ, therefore attempting to discredit the whole Holocaust by having a "6 million" figure in the same list as a figure almost a hundred times lower. Get the picture?

    Now, let us look at this list closely.

    If one actually follows up the references (rather than relying on the quoted data, rather like the Watchtower wanted you to do with the Evolution book and its earthquakes data) back to the source material, one observes three phenomena:

    * speculation by journalists etc., misunderstandings, requotings etc. - irrelevant to the many scientific determinations that have been performed of the number of such deaths;

    * figures for Jewish and non-Jewish deaths, and between venues, estimates of deaths by SPECIFIC means of killing, origins etc. are confused, "inadvertently" or otherwise; and

    * gross deceit by the revisionists/deniers who made the list: for example, if one examines the reference material one sees that the figure of 74,000 is a partial total only of "registered inmates" who died at the camp, therefore excluding the vast majority, who were gassed within a few hours of disembarking from their trains and who were never inmates, let alone registered ones. As another example, only totals for certain periods of time may be included.

    The purpose of that list is for revisionists/deniers to "prove" that Holocaust figures are very unreliable. All the list ACTUALLY proves is that many reports speculate (which we knew anyway), that the list deliberately suppresses caveats and details, and that the makers of the list are blatantly dishonest in how they put together the list, as the figures purporting to be different claims re the same thing are different claims re DIFFERENT things !!! Might as well add "Survey in CNN World Report 9/11/2002 Aus. 79,000" to their "list", where the report was actually a journalist's guesstimate of the number of short circuits caused by bungling electricians in the Australia during 1951-2001.

    In contrast, historians in the West have never differed by much on their estimates. The figure arrived by the IMT at Nuremberg in 1946 was 5.7 million Jews killed. As more evidence emerged, the estimates grew closer and closer together. Now it is (best estimate, my opinion) about 5.4 million Jews killed. The Nazis did a very good but far from a perfect job of covering up their horrendous crime, and contrary to the claims of revisionists they had plenty of time for this, for their war was obviously lost years before the killing "fields" were overrun - see http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=41752&site=3 for my commentary on this.

    It should also be pointed out that the "5 to 6 million" figure for Jewish deaths at the hands of the Nazis) is consistent with some of the lowest "Auschwitz" figures on that list - the deniers/revisionists always manage to forget to mention this. I wonder why. Kenneson pointed this out, but his quiet voice of reason was drowned out by the massive cut and pastes of those who wished to intimidate him...

    Here is dear old Adolf Hitler from Mein Kampf:
    "the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they are more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes."

    Think how those who admire the author of the above villainy now employ his methods...

    Today, there are about 12 to 13 million jews

    I haven't checked your figures, but I fail to see this as other than a non-sequitur. Am I missing something (rhetorical question)? I'll answer what I guess must be your issue here.

    Point One.
    Hitler only managed to exterminate Jews in countries the Nazis overran. And he did not get to absolutely all of them there (the Danes helped most of their Jews to flee just ahead of the Nazis, for example; in Italy and France, they never quite got round to killing large bunches of them, for political reasons, etc.). And many who could had fled long before the Holocaust began, moving as far away from Hitler as they were able to manage during the 1930s (the Americas and the U.K. receiving many Jewish immigrants). HITLER'S CLEARLY STATED GOALS OF JUDEN-AUSROTTEN were a secret only to the present generation of blind, dead and dumb Holocaust-Deniers.

    Point Two.
    Hitler didn't conquer the whole world, SaintSatan, or even 10% of its land area. Hitler only "got to" about 15% of the world's then population (very approximate estimate). You ain't writing this in German, are you, as would have surely been compulsory if he had? And free speech here, of the sort afforded to us and to the Holocaust Deniers by free societies, would have been denied all of us by their hero.... Specifically, Hitler did NOT overrun:
    * a large part of the European Russia (despite his best efforts);
    * a large part of European Soviet Republics;
    * the United States (despite evidence to the contrary from past weeks here);
    * the United Kingdom and Eire;
    * Spain and Portugal;
    * Sweden and much of Finland;
    * Switzerland;
    * a few other small European territories and states;
    * Turkey;
    * Palestine;
    * the Arab world, including a host of countries;
    * Canada and Mexico;
    * Central America
    * the continent of South America
    * anything but a tiny fraction of the continent of Africa
    * Siberia
    * the continent of non-Siberian Asia;
    * the continent of Australasia etc.

    And Jews were to be found in these places: especially, especially plenty of them in the first-mentioned ones. These were the diaspora - the scattered ones (as well as the ones who over the centuries had converted to Judaism). So, showing no regard for the feelings of poor neo-Nazis and anti-semites, plenty of Jews were still alive in diverse parts of the globe at the end of World War II. Most of [u]European Jewry, though, had been exterminated, which had been Hitler's goal. Ignore the lie that Jews are a race apart - their huge ethnic differences show they are a people united mainly by religion.

    Point Three.
    And since that time almost 58 years ago, bless their souls, they have made baby Jews, though their breeding rates appear not to be ideologically set so high as to ensure the earth is swiftly overrun, as the clergy of Islam, Catholicism etc. seem to want their tribes to accomplish (a current average of 7 births per female-lifetime in Catholic areas of South America... what a tragedy). There have been a few converts too.

    So he "only" killed approaching half the world's Jewish population at the time, and since then there has been a small resurgence in their numbers (much slower than the average rate of population growth for the world over 1945-2002) as is to be expected given the tragedy all Jews know had befallen "their" people.

    Question answered, SS.

    Now I set one for you to answer Check the reference to Treblinka (use "Search") on this DB, and find the ludicrous blunders made by the Holocaust Deniers on the matter of their "ground disturbance" detector. Find how they utterly contradicted their own claims, thereby proving themselves idiots or liars/hoaxsters or incompetent, and how they tried to cover up their embarrassment by quietly dropping their own "man". Hint: It has to do with how the foundations of "farm" buildings THEY had shown were there also failed to show up with their expert...

    I am running out of posting credits, so I'll take this opportunity to thank refiners fire (of course, he noted that I did not reproduce just a paean of praise to Shermer's book, but a balance of opinion) for his observations. I agree with him, and add the reference from Carl Sagan's Broca's Brain along the lines of remarkable resistance to logic on the part of some who hold beliefs.

    Also, I thank wasasister for her kind comment. She was one of the brave ones who stood up to the onslaught here, and was attacked for her efforts by those who did not check how her repeated politeness had been rebuffed and replied to so disrespectfully. Her analysis of the root cause of much bigotry is correct, IMO. I sense she was trying to help the cult victims, and not attack them despite their deliberate provocation. A wiser man than I (if I were a man) may have written:
    "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time - and it annoys the pig.[/i]" No relevance!

    Note this thread is about 'WHY PEOPLE BELIEVE WEIRD THINGS?' - and not 'HOW PEOPLE (CONTINUE TO) BELIEVE WEIRD THINGS?'. The latter question is simple to answer: by shutting their minds to reason and sense, shouting down those who point out their errors and then running on to make new preposterous ejaculations, without amending their views given the refutation of their previous ones.

    ("Demons Infest Earth's Atmosphere! A Fine WTS Publication" Class)

    Edited by - Focus on 6 December 2002 19:13:18

  • Satanus

    Thanks, focus. That puts it nicely in a nutshell for a math challenged person.

    I fail to see this as other than a non-sequitur.

    The connection of the 12-13 mil that was in my mind (but did not state) to the question, was the possibility for a math person to work backward from this number to the war, the reduction through that stage, and so on.



    Well spotted.

    I consider Biblical Racism to be a most dangerous doctrine. Especially to those who are Bible readers.

    To accept the necessity to hate a race enemy (a notion which the Old Testament has plenty of scripture to support by the way) I think you have to have a lot of anger inside you to start with.

    I agree. And would add that the ot is hate literature. It is the foundation and justification for much oppression today. Sometimes i wonder hate of gentiles persists in the judaism of israel.


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