I'm 40+ female in N. TX. I haven't been attending for at least 8 years. I don't know if I'm DF or DA or just considered inactive. Or disappeared. I was raised a JW as were my parents. My grandmothers were devout until their deaths. Even my great-grandmothers became Russelites. My parents still are JWs and as well as my only sib & her family. I married a ministerial servant when he was 23 & I was 16. We led a blah, blha JW life. He became an elder & we had 4 kids before I was 27.
As an elder, he was DF in 89 based on lies. Before the investigation barely began, the gossip was hot. His closet friends, friends so close they were considered family, business associates & acquaintances from many congs. listened & took part in the gossip. And turned their back on him & his family (no one contacted me to ask how our family was dealing with all of this). It was gossiped about openly while building the assembly hall! What's so sick about this, & what I have the biggest problem with is: AlLL THESE PEOPLE WERE ALSO ELDERS, EVEN A CITY OVERSEER! They KNEW it was wrong to even say one word about it unless they were the 3 on the Judicial Committee. The investigation took months. The appeal was a useless waste of time. He was DF but the gossip continued. As well as the cold shoulder to his family. We struggled spritually & financially, but his dear friends forgot our phone number. Nobody cared about HIS children, 2 of which were in their early teens, and was aware & understood many of the nuances of what was going on. He was reinstated 9 mos later when evidence of the lies was brought to their (elders) attention. but the DF wasn't retracted.
Why do I have a problem with all of this? What made me leave "the Truth"? They murdered an innocent, good man. What I mean by that is his sprirt, his will & desire to serve Jehovah, was destroyed. OH HELL, his will to live beyond financially providing for his children, was destroyed. No, we did not pick up from our "happy little JW" lives where it was rudly interrupted and continued. His children became all he lived for financially. That was his focus, his drive, his will, his only reason for living [from my perspective]: provide the best for his children. (Now that they arre al adults except one, he's changed a little for the better)
I didn't do him any favors either. The change in him was also the last straw in our marriage. It was never the best, but survivable before the DF. I left in '92 because of my adultery. I was privately reproved for my offense because I was genuinely repentent (yes, I was). We did try, but we still could not make the marriage work. We continued living apart for 9 yrs. We divorced in '01. I don't think he has attended a meeting or anything else for as long as I have. He still follows all the rules, (well, getting lax about a few!),
But not me. I had a problem with the religion since I was a child, but it didn't click until I was out. Now, I daily commit a lot of DF offenses. And proud of it. Plus, and this is also kinda personal, not one elder in 3 congregations has tried to contact me in 9 1/2 yrs to find out where I stand. Through my ex & parents, I know some elders know how I feel. I have even been caught smoking, but still nothing. I have not recieved mail from them, nor communication via my ex about any action taken against me.
I have never discussed my thoughts, feelings, negative or positive, my hurt, any of the above s**t, with another JW, current or EX until a week ago. in any way. This is a very strange feeling & has had an interesting impact on my life. Except for a handful of semi non-JW friends & therapists, I've never told anyone for 8+ yrs.. Definitely not the same as telling this to people "who know".
Well, its late. I did not intend this to be long & boring, much less detailed. This is actually what I came here for:
I would like to make email contact with xJWs from the Oak Cliff section of Dallas, central Dallas, ANY Dallas or Arlington TX areas. Anywhere else is welcom as well. young or old. I currently live & work in FW. Just to talk at first. Maybe meet later.
If you've read this far, thanks for hanging in there. Peace, & may you have all that you want.