Well as you see it may not be the way it is..when it comes to welfare there are alot of people on it that would include immigrants from these other countrys.This system is greatly abused by everyone.And we should be taken care of ourselves what makes u think that the goverment should be taken care of everyone? There are poor in every country thats a fact there always will be.There are jobs out there for everyone just sometimes people dont wanna swallow there pride to do them..
Lets see some of them great swedish articles about all these civilians were killing everynight..Propaganda is part of War..And we will hear all kinds of it..every time we dropped a bomb during Desert Storm it was supposedly according to Iraq on civilian sites..We know that as what it is propaganda..Always thought it funny how the signs were in english at these sights..Ya think they added them afterwards so we could read it? hmmmmmmm
No typical Texan....he is Typical american....We are at War on Terrorism our country was attacked and any one harboring terrorist or aiding them are our enemy..Iraq is a threat to not only us but other countrys..We are just the biggest dog on the block so we bark the loudest and bite the hardest..
Your article ya posted may have some truthes to it..and then again maybe its just War Propaganda..Bill Clinton doesnt hold to much weight with me he was a coward anyway..would have been kinda double standard for him to send our country to war when he fled from it when younger ...