My Boys Won

by LB 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    I'm coaching highschool basketball at the 1A level which is small schools. We have just 82 students in our highschool now. Today we played in a championship game at a tournament. The best thing is all the other schools were 2a or 3a schools. We were the only small school. We won the entire thing.

    With only 40 boys total in school to chose a basketball team from compared to schools with over 1000 students I'm really proud of my kids. They outhustle everyone every day. I can't tell you how much this means to me.

    And for thanks , they are coming over tomorrow afternoon to help me string up some Christmas lights.

    Life ain't so bad is it???

  • Prisca

    Congratulations to the team and their coach!!

    That's great how they've obviously put in that extra effort and overcame the other schools. And it's sweet that they're coming over to help you with your Xmas lights. Sounds like they're a really great bunch of kids!

  • Iwasyoungonce


    I'm happy for you and your boys.

  • Been there
    Been there

    Congratulations LB and your team of little giants.

    It says alot about their coach, you deserve to be proud. Some how I think they have learned a lesson they can take with them into life...........No matter how much the odds are stacked against you, if you try hard enough and keep at it, you can still come out a winner. GREAT JOB!!!!!

  • LyinEyes

    I am so happy for your team LB. You are always helping your boys to win and it is good to see that happen. I know WildTurkey and our son have had a long hard year in football, not always leading to victory but they have become close because of it. The other kids, our "other sons" have always seemed like an extenstion of our family and we love them dearly, win or not.

    LB, you WildTurkey and RoyBatty seem like some outstanding examples of fathers who really will make a difference in their sons lives. I am sure there are other fathers out there who may not be into sports like ya'll are but still make a strong statement in their kids lives as well..

    So here's to victory, winning for the year, or not,,,,,,,,,lol........ and supporting , loving and being examples for the men of tomorrow, by the great men you are all the dads out there who care to be in their kids lives. I know from seeing in our little town, there is a sad shortage of dads who you who show the ones who have no others ,,,,,,,,,,,,you really are making a great difference for the better for these young men.

  • COMF

    Life is good, hey LB! Congrats!

  • ugg

    you are such a kind and giving person,,,,,CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

  • imanaliento

    congratulations to you and the boys, that really sounds like a great accomplishment for you.

  • LB

    Thanks for your well wishes. The kids are on their way over and expecting breakfast. This is going to cost me I think. Imagine feeding 12 hungry teenagers.

    They have set high goals for themselves. Not the least of is becoming state champions in March. We aren't tall but we are very fast and these kids work so hard it's scary. One asked how he can improve his vertical and I'll gave him some drills. This kid is only 5'10 and can now dunk a basketball one handed. He will dunk with both hands before long, he's very close now. This sort of things makes the long hours worth while.

    It's going to feel really good to open that trophy case monday morning and put the new trohpy in there. The boys haven't won anything for about 8 years now. So we're off to a great start.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Congratulations, LB, and congratulations to your boys!

    It is evident that you know a great deal about basketball and the training and motivation of basketball players: may I ask how you came to possess this knowedge? Did you play in your yoot, rather than sell copies of the W&A! from door-to-door? Did you study Kinesiology and coaching rather than prepare for Sunday's life-saving discussion about the antitypical Umma & Thurman?

    I'm sincerely curious, because I possess NONE of this knowledge - proving that it is not an x chromosome trait - and I'm interested in how people achieve excellence, which is what you have done.

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