Almost makes up for it Rachel. I still enjoy scuba more than anything. We're trying to find a little hole in our season that will allow us a quickie trip up north.
Honestly most coaches probably know more about basketball than I do. Yes I did play during highschool but nothing after that. I played some college football is all. Long before becoming a JW I coached soccer. In fact that lasted for about a dozen years. I think part of the reason for success is that while I'm very strict I have allowed the team to make their own rules. I give them imput towards everything, during practice. During a game only I speak unless I ask a direct question. They all accept this.
I'm an old fashioned coach that accepts nothing less than 100% from the players. I also demand higher grades than the school does. They know I will boot anyone from the team that is disrespectful towards any adult. This has happened already so they know I'm not just talk. My tallest player is gone for good. This has brought them together as a team. They know they are good, they know they work harder than any other team, they know they can win it all.
Oh one other thing I do that is a little different is I don't own a whistle. I want them to hear my voice in a gym. I learned this from an old great, John Wooden. We can be playing in front of hundreds of people but when I shout something out all my players hear me, regardless of the noise level. I might yell out four and all five players will hold up 4 fingers. They instantly know what to do.
I think one thing that really helps with kids is talking to them one on one. We can all do this. If it's a family member, neighbor, relative or what. I enjoy going over to the school and hanging out between classes. Just talk to a kid about anything. His grades, car, weather it really doesn't matter. Don't preach of course. Just have a conversation like you would with an adult. They will love you for that.
I think when I was a JW one of the main attractions were the kids. Most are really great kids at the hall. My wife and I enjoyed doing activities with them.
Anway they are here now and climbing all over the place. What would have taken me a week will take these guys an hour. I bet they'll want lunch too.