DFd for gluttony

by Tyler_Durden 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • joannadandy
    Witnesses seem to have more obese people "per capita" than other groups.

    Umm...can I see some figures on that? I don't think that's true. Are there overweight people, sure! But more than other groups?


    They won`t disfellowship you for gluttony..If they started that,WBTS would lose half the JW membership in a heartbeat..WBTS likes to pick and chose which biblical laws they will abide by,this one would cost too much money..LOL!...OUTLAW

  • OrbitingTheSun

    Make a t-shirt that says: "Gluttony is Good!"
    Elsewhere, that's brilliant! Let's all pick our favorite sin and make t-shirts so that other sinners will know that we are down with sinning!

  • Englishman

    Tyler Durden,

    This is what you do:

    Hop in your car.

    Drive for several hours into Scotland.

    Head for Glencoe.

    Find the nearest Kingdom Hall.

    After the meeting, announce conversationally:

    "God! I could just murder a McDonalds!"

    Englishman. Campbell soup eater.

  • kelpie

    LMAO @ englishman!!!!!!!!!!!!

    that is soooooooo funny..

    ps i like the naked in the kingdom hall thing as well.

  • Farkel

    : My question is: what does it take to convice the elders 'my practise of gluttony' has shamed Jah's name, and I need to be removed from the congregation? haha!

    You have to end up being a lot fatter than their wives and that's damned hard to do!


  • glitter

    Have pizzas delivered to you during meetings?

  • minimus

    All you have to do is tell the elders that they will need to convene a judicial committee meeting with you and that you are too embarrassed to tell them ahead of time. Then meet with them, and with a straight face (and I think that you can do it) tell them that you are practicing a secret sin and that you are a glutton. Tell them that you do not care what they or the Scriptures say regarding your obsession. Tell them that you are truly unrepentant and will not discuss the details of this awful sin. They'll be forced to disfellowship you.

  • manon

    On passover eat the bread drink the wine speak in tongues and undress. Automatic disqualification.

  • NeonMadman
    On passover eat the bread drink the wine speak in tongues and undress.

    Or, to stay with the gluttony theme, eat all the bread, and drink all the wine...

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