The discussion seems to be more about Omniscience rather than Omnipotence. Regardless, it seems to me that you may be overlooking another possibility. That possibility is that none of this is real (read permanent). Have you never had a dream that seemed very, very real? Could it not be that all of this is merely a dream? Could it not be that we are asleep, have never left our home in heaven, and are merely dreaming the dream of separation? A paragraph from the Manual for Teachers in A Course in Miracles puts it this way:
"The world will end in joy, because it is a place of sorrow. When joy has come, the purpose of the world has gone. The world will end in peace, because it is a place of war. When peace has come, what is the purpose of the world? The world will end in laughter, because it is a place of tears. Where there is laughter, who can longer weep? And only complete forgiveness brings all this to bless the world. In blessing it departs, for it will not end as it began. To turn hell into Heaven is the function of God's teachers, for what they teach are lessons in which Heaven is reflected. And now sit down in true humility, and realize that all God would have you do you can do. Do not be arrogant and say you cannot learn His Own curriculum. His Word says otherwise. His Will be done. It cannot be otherwise. And be you thankful it is so."
No one is going to be lost. Joe Alward makes a good point. If God knows it, it must be so. God made us and knows us as perfect, whole, and complete. Nothing can change that although we dream it otherwise.