In 2004 former President Bush said " Our goal is to return to the moon by 2020"
Why did not Bush having made that statement explain why it would take 15 years to do with twenty-first century technology what took eight years to accomplish with 1960s technology?
LISA ROSE:- " people will believe what they want to believe"
The Rebel:- well then for the sake of argument,let's say I believe the Big Bang actually occurred 13.7 million years ago. ( for the sake of argument let's say, I believe we have the evidence to support the theory) But then look at the % of people who say evolution doesn't exist. In my opinion it would be easy for me to say to those that don't believe in evolution "ignorance is easy, becoming educated is the hard part" As for myself I would rather educate.
Liza Rose at this point it would be remiss of me not to thank you for your earlier post in which you constructively pointed out where you thought my O.P and thinking were wrong on this thread.
Personally I think it irrational that world wide the majority of people believe in a spirit in the sky, and over 50% believe in Ghosts. To me this suggests a large segment of society is prone to irrational thinking. But I think with out " conclusive proof" there is no spirit in the sky, no ghosts these opinions should be respected.
In an earlier post I presented a survey on behalf of E&T technology that found 1 in 4 don't believe man landed on the moon.I believe the M.D of E&T described the moon landing as one of man kinds greatest technological achievements, and therefore alarming 1 in 4 doubted it happened.
Everything should depend on fact, are facts the real problem? Is it not possible to present conclusive proof either way? I believe we have conclusive facts that the world is millions of years old, but we do not have conclusive facts about if there is a " spirit" in the sky.
So people will ( can) believe what they want to" surely this is better than loathing there guts, and saying f,,,k other people's opinion? So instead of locating people's guts, why not respectfully try to transform their understanding. What the hell if I am ignorant on this matter, becoming educated is the best part of the experience. Brilliant in fact, to discover my ideas were superfluous, and I was ignorant.