Or do you think that you will die suddenly? Do you think that you and I will die because of nuclear war or terrorism?
Do You Think You Will Live To A Ripe Old Age?
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
Will I live to be a ripe old age? I hope so. Everyone in my family tends to live well into their 80's. I plan on living to see my age in 3 digits.
my arm feels numb and my chest hurts, is that bad?
I'll be happy to get six more months. As for a long life to a ripe old age ... there are many promising developments in medical science that will increase the average lifespand to about 200 years ... and will benefit my generation or those younger ... these developments should be available to the general public in the next few years ... maybe I'lll make it afterall.
Well, I feel like I'm still 26. Then I look in the mirror and this middle aged silvery guy looks back at me.
Who the hell is he?
I've fallen and I can't get up. Is that bad too?
I personally wish to live to a ripe old age. I think most countries that now have nuclear warheads, are responsible enough to understand what can happen with those, and will choose not to use them. So, I do not believe that the world will blow itself up with those; provided of course we keep them out of the hands of crazy dictators. But that is another subject.
Apart from having some illness that takes me sooner, I do plan on being on this earth well into my 90's.
I've always wanted to end up as the neighborhood's grumpy old fart. You know... they old guy who sits on his porch in a old rickety rocking chair with a shotgun loaded with rock-salt taking pot-shots at the neighborhood kids who steal fruit from his trees.
I'll make it a point of planting the fruit trees for the sole purpose of tempting the kids to come in my yard.
Hmmm... that's odd... I just noticed the parallel with the Garden of Eden!
Maybe I just have a god complex.
I'm already 66, is that old ?? Please define "ripe old age." You young squirts don't have enough to do these days. Get over here and wash my truck, mow my yard, dig up the flower bed and paint the shed.