SWAN wins so far.......
.....every emotive issue you could think of
.....all the WT fault of course.
.....and all in one post.
by ScoobySnax 15 Replies latest jw friends
SWAN wins so far.......
.....every emotive issue you could think of
.....all the WT fault of course.
.....and all in one post.
WT in bed with the UN armageddon in (place date here) babies die from no blood
WELL if I knew we were playing for points I'd have been more specific.
"OMG..it ISN'T the truth :(.."
"Does this mean I wont be stroking polar bears in paradise???"
"Flame wars make me cry" (intentionally goofy)
"I'm not your enemy, I just think you are stupid"
"You rock"
"I used to be in the troof and then I found out it was false"
"..'Hovahs" bwah
"is death really that bad??" :)
Brummie - hoping to get at leat 3 points
Scooby is here for balance.
Scoobysnacks still feels the need to defend his gods.
Scoobysnacks is trolling.
The Jehovah Witnesses are obsessed with control.
Jehovah Witnesess are afriad and to full of fools pride to admit that the apostates are right.
Jehovah Witnesses are afriad of real love.
Jehovah Witnesses ruin familes by dividing themselves from the spirt of Christ.
Jehovah Witnesses repress anger to the point that it is dangerous.
Jehovah Witnesses treat women as 2nd class.
The Jehovah Witnesses can not admit it when they are wrong.
Iwasyoungonce tried every possible way that he knows for over 10 years to simply treat the Jehovah Witnesses in his life including Elders, Family and other Jehovah Witnesses with respect that they did not earn. He gave them leanway that he would have bloodied any other person out of restrain at the request of his wife and because of his "desire" to keep a family together that divided the day that his wife told an Elder "No I won't." Several times Iwasyoungonce (who is not a jw) was humiliated and lied to and about to try and "hurt" (JW's own words) him and his children to get at his wife and to show her that if she would just subjegate herself to the Elders the "hurting" could stop. When Iwasyoungonce told the father JW that they are violent (meaning to distort the truth) people he was told "What you want a car bomb?" Iwasyoungonce talked to his Father who is a US Marshal about the steps of lawful self defense and harrassment laws. It was stated that it must be made perfectly clear that these people are not welcome in your presence or your family period. Which was done. If farther contact is started on the JW part Iwasyoungonce may defend himself. Later Iwasyoungonce bought books about the JW's not from the WTBS and cried out in anger and betrayal. Then he talked to true apostates and joined the Silentlambs movement to try and give comfort to people who had been violated and betrayed in ways that he could not create in a nightmare. His anger went from a uncontrolled wait for an opportunity for payback to a true desire to help these people if he could. Amazingly he found that it was they who helped him. Iwasyoungonce now has no use for revenge and although it does not matter where his JW inlaws are in life he hopes they find what true love is some day, because several times these people admitted that they do not understand love as defined by Iwasyoungonce. And that is sad; for them.
(Most abusers say they do it out of love. But that is not love it is about control)
"People don't (always) say what they mean and they don't (always) mean what they say (always) they mean what they mean". -Gerald Mann
......You're here, and you don't agree.......you must be trolling........
......Jehovah's Witnesses are afraid the apostates are right
.....JW are afraid or "real" love
..... yeah right.........keep 'em coming!
Going out "evil slaving"