I was blessed to STAY HOME (I also DA'd myself - recently) and have NINE partake of the emblems at a celebration with two other ex-JW's and our children and a "significant other".
We were amazed! The occasion was JOYFUL! I raised my hands in the air as if to say "All RIGHT!" when I could hear ALL of us crunching the matzoh. Contrasting that to the deafening silence I would have heard at the local Kingdom Hall at their joyless, boring "special occasion" where the friends who have ignored you for months (years?) all flock to greet you with an insincere, "How ARE you? We've MISSED you?".
So, ExPatBrit, I'm feeling really guilty, because you endured yet another one, partly at my urging because of your long-term goal to 'fade away'
Thirdson, What a WONDERFUL idea! REAL love in action! How very ...
Michelle, Es,
As hard as it was for you to let your children go (once you made the break) was as hard as it was for me once upon a time to have my husband refuse to let them go. I was so CRUSHED not to have my children by my side at what I felt was a "command appearance" -- commanded by God's Son.
Hard to empathize now that the scales have fallen from your eyes and you realize just how dangerous the cult can be, but the Matriarch is still blinded and REALLY, SINCERELY feels she is looking out for her children and grandchildren's best interest.
Thank goodness another occasion is now history!
To all,
Aren't we just BLESSED to have the caring and support of one another!
I was so tempted to do as joelbear suggested and sit in my car at the exit to the KH parking lot last night with "Happy Ex-JW. Visit" but censored myself just as I had while a JW. Why? Never went out in field service on "worldly" holidays -- figuring that was just rude, it was their special day. Same last night.
However, I am very grateful for this outlet and also am hoping with the help of my two other ex-JW friends to start a support group in my area. Thinking that after the Dateline:NBC program airs will be a good time to blanket the area with flyers and perhaps even get local newspaper coverage about the group.