Well, after 30 years, We didnt go.
Actually, two years ago we didnt go either, but that was because we forgot. This time, it was a well thought out decision between my wife, myself and my mother.
My inlaws called us up to "remind" us, but they live a long way away and we simply said we wouldnt be going.
Instead, we celebrated our own memorial, and after doing 3 days of serious bible research, we concluded that we would partake. We had explained several days earlier to my 7 year old that we would no longer be going to any meetings and that we no longer thought that it was "The Truth" even though we had been inactive for 4 years.
This last month has been quite strenuous mentally, and we did a significant amount of study to arrive at the conclusion that we did.
We had read no "external" books, and only minimally on the net, but we got watchtower literature, bibles and lexicons and arrived at the conclusion that they are simply a Pharisaical group that "traverses sea and dry land to make a proselyte" and that any further association even mentally with them would retard us.
This is my first post on the net.
If I did this post wrong, please let me know the "right way"