My perception is that newbies need a lot of support. It is unfortunately a common occurance that people inclined to become members of micro-minority elitist fundamentalist religions will leave one and get right back into another one as bad as the one they left. It's just human nature. These folks need a lot of support, or they're going to be back in some other frying pan somewhere.
Something else I've noticed is that many, if not a majority of the folks I see posting here, believe in some version of the concept that JWs constitute the one true religion, badly administered. And so through some unknown, un-named process posting bitter messages here is going to affect a change in the WTB&TS. It's not going to happen. And why is that?
As a religious organization becomes institutionalized, as have the JWs, its power for good is curtailed, while the possibilities for evil are greatly multiplied. Some of the dangers of organized religion are: fixation of beliefs and crystallization of sentiments; accumulation of vested interests with increase of secularization; tendency to standardize and fossilize truth; diversion of religion from the service of God to the service of the church; inclination of leaders to become administrators instead of ministers; tendency to form sects and competitive divisions; establishment of oppressive ecclesiastical authority; creation of the aristocratic "chosen-people" attitude; fostering of false and exaggerated ideas of sacredness; the routinizing of religion and the petrification of worship; tendency to venerate the past while ignoring present demands; failure to make up-to-date interpretations of religion; entanglement with functions of secular institutions; it creates the evil discrimination of religious castes like elders, ministerial servants, and ordinary publishers; it becomes an intolerant judge of orthodoxy; it fails to hold the interest of its young people and gradually loses the message of salvation for which it was brought into being in the first place.
Does this describe Jehovah's Witnesses? And it describes Mormons, Moonies, Catholics, Baptists, and you name it.
And yes, newbies on this site should be, in my opinion, helped to realize this and avoid getting back in something just as bad as what they left. And help, too, to realize that there is no chosen people. God loves all his children - even the erring ones.
That's enough from me.