When I sent my private e-mail, I hadn't read down the rest of the thread. (Won't make that mistake again! )
Foremost is this, I think: When you leave what the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society CALLS Jehovah's Organization, you are NOT leaving Jehovah. And what makes you think that Jehovah won't listen if you do pray? You have not rejected God, we see by your posts, just the rules made up by men on matters where the Bible itself is silent.
The Bible DOES say:
"I earnestly hoped in Jehovah and so he inclined [his ear] to me and heard my cry for help." -- Ps. 40:1
"Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you." -- James 4:8
"Be courageous and strong. Do not suffer shock or be terrified, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go." -- Joshua 1:9
So don't feel you have to 'face the worries of the world without a higher power.' (And you'll make your own way in finding out just Who that is.)
Second point, you and Mark are correct. The Organization is not loving. It is unified, but NOT loving. It is polite, but not LOVING.
It is hospitable (to strangers), but not loving. So it's followers cannot be true disiples of Christ can they? -- John 13:34,35 Have trust in what you feel/know to be true about how the others in your life outside the organization are more loving.
Thirdly, perhaps your 13 year old is missing her friends. You said you were. When I told my children that I wasn't going back the most frequently mentioned objection was not over anything doctrinal or even whether or not it was a good decision considering how controlling the organization was. It was, "But then we can't see ____ anymore!" You don't mention the ages of your other children, whether older or younger, but are there activities (dance classes, sports teams, etc) that they've foregone as Witnesses in which they would like to participate? That might help them to make new friends or just help present classmates to know that they're beginning to be free to be regular kids again. My kids are all singing in school choirs, for example, even though there may be patriotic or religious songs as part of the program.
Fourthly, Mustang is correct. The elders are contacting inactive and disfellowshipped ones during the Memorial season. My call came in early March -- with an invitation to the Memorial and a plea that they wanted me to live forever in Paradise, so get back to meetings.
[8>]. My friend's came about a week ago (she's been inactive for five years). My other disfellowshipped friend hasn't gotten her call yet, but I heard somewhere that elders have been admonished to make certain that they call on all the df'd ones at least once per year. So, not coincidence, but not any "Message from God," either. They're just trying to follow "theocratic order." (= rules from the Org.)
Fifthly, Mark makes another interesting point. 'Jehovah' is nowhere to be found in the original Greek of the New Testament. The citations the Watchtower uses for its justification of inserting the name are from Hebrew translations which themselves arbitrarily inserted YHWH into their translated text because, of course, the Jews are monotheists. The Society makes such a big deal out of ONLY worshipping Jehovah (because of disbeliveing the Trinity) that they forget Philippians 2:9-11. Those Scriptures tell us that it is OK to worship Jesus. (You don't have to believe the Trinity to do so, either!) In fact, acknowledging that Christ is Lord brings glory to God the Father, according to verse 11. The Almighty cannot become less, because Jesus is exalted -- it is God who exalted him.
Lastly, I am not trying to proselytize, even though this message is full of Scripture citations. It is only because you have previously stated that you don't reject most of the WT teachings, that I have tried to use the Bible (NWT) to make you feel more certain of the rightness of your present course. (Reading a different version is also good advice from Mark.)
My advice is to keep praying, keep reading the Bible, keep discussing your new insights with your children. You will find many things are not as you supposed while still in the Organization. Ultimately, you may decide, as some here have done, that the Bible is not God's inspired Word, or that it is not the ONLY record of inspired writings. Keep THINKING! (Hard for us to relearn after years of giving our minds over to the Borg!)
Casper, you're in my prayers.