Do you know people in your congregation, who seem so strong spiritually, that it seems impossible for them to quit or even slow down? I've seen many come and go, but some are like pillars, and nothing seems to slow them down. Often I wonder, who will be next to get DF'd or who will slow down next. All the weak ones in my congregation seem to have quit or slowed down alot, and just the pillars are left. Usually these pillars as I call them, were there from the start. I wonder if even pillars can fall?
Pillars in the Congregation
by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends
My mom is definitely a pillar, and while I hope one day she will take off her blinders, I seriously doubt it. I do know of one former pillar who left after her daughter and husband started showing her some things. It was quite a scandal, because she had brought many people in, and when she was leaving, they would not talk to her, and reminded her that she always said never listen to anyone who talks against the organization, even if it were her. That came back to haunt her when she realized she had been deceived and had led others into the deception.
As for pillars falling....just ask Samson
*** Rbi8 Judges 16:29 - 17:6 *** With that Samson braced himself against the two middle pillars upon which the house was firmly established, and got a grasp on them, one with his right and the other with his left hand. 30 And Samson proceeded to say: Let my soul die with the Philis'tines. Then he bent himself with power, and the house went falling upon the axis lords and upon all the people that were in it,
bye bye 4 now
i wouldn't say that those 'pillars' are spiritually strong, i'd just say that they have made the JW thing a way of life, most of the others try to keep up a balancing act....just that there'll always be a day when they'll lose balance.
There are those for whom the JW lifestyle is the more comfortable path. Seeing the "truth" and changing your life takes effort.
Yeah, I took pillars in the congregation,,,,, even thou the elders didnt like it when I took a nap. I don't know why,,,,,,, it was not my fault they lulled me to sleep with their endless babble.
Oh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you mean Pillars,,,,,,,,, oh,, well then never mind......
I believe that some people would simply DIE without "doing" the witness thing. They wouldnt know what to do with themselves. The men wouldnt have the power they have now, the women wouldnt have the social life they have...I know two people like this, and without the "troof"...they literally would have nothing to do but go to work and come home. For them...let them stay. Being out is worse.
Down here in Texas these are the pillars of our congregation:
They're really nice during a talk (yawn) or when anyone is speaking that WT junk from the podium.
Edited by - TresHappy on 11 December 2002 14:38:57
Perhaps they have not got the guts to face the possibility that they may have been wrong.
I believe that it is not only a faith in God or even the Org that keeps them going . An unshaking faith in their own judgement and a total unwillingness to consider any other view , is what keeps them going . No doubt this would be seen in respect of their views on other things as well
I wonder if even pillars can fall?
Oh yes, after prolonged intercourse, er, what was the question again?