At times, some of us tend to think that we are superior. We may come across as thinking we're a little better than everyone else. What do you think? Do you seem to have "an all that" attitude? Do you really feel that you're better than everyone else? Do you "talk down" to people?
Do You Tend To Be Condescending???
by minimus 16 Replies latest jw friends
I guess I am condescending sometimes. I'm certainly not better than everyone else though, noone is "better". We are all equal, right? Except for those dipsticks who phone me up and don't know how to open their emails....and those who ask for help with working the vending machine...then there are those who wonder where their database went even though its been there alll along.....
What a very very silly question for you to ask, little minimus!
As if.
Edited by - Elsewhere on 12 December 2002 10:33:33
Sometimes, sadly, but there is always someone there to pull me back down to earth where I belong.
My wife seems to think this of me. She says I make her "feel stupid". I think this is more of self esteem issue for her though. When it comes to certain matters I don't necessarily think I'm better than others, but I do think I KNOW more than some do. I'm not as smart as I think, which is why I haven't responded to the "Who Is The Smartest Poster" thread.
One of the best lessons I ever learned is that there will ALWAYS be greater and lesser than yourself. There are three things that ensure success in life, one...a good memory. But I can't recall the other two.
....Only when I have to talk down to people.
I believe that for some, it depends on the subject. Some have been so traumatized by the Dub experience, that they, mostly out of fear, see an attack of their current belief system. Then, some tend to act like the Dub jailers they resent. Intolerant of others beliefs or uninterested in a persons need to grow.
Doctor Scott Peck, author of the Road Less Traveled, makes a very compelling argument in his second book, Further Along The Road Less Traveled, regarding the stages we may be in as related to our experience with a belief system. Now, those who attack or condescend, instead of just engaging in a good debate, I will think to my self, oh, he/she is at "stage two," and act accordingly.
Minimus: And what would you know?