Thread for support of diet and

by LyinEyes 40 Replies latest social physical

  • Marcos

    "So anyone eles want to share their fitness routines, do you run , walk, lift weights? What gets you motivated?"

    My idea has usually generated a lot of resistance from the women I have suggested it to but, going to a body-building gym and doing a workout with weights combined with a reasonable diet consisting of 5 - 6 small meals a day works wonders. I lost about 100# this way and now don't worry too much if I go up again because it is all re-doable.

    It is extremely unlikely that you will look like a female Arnold Schwartznegger unless that is your goal and it is very difficult to do that even for a guy. It is very scientific. And, best of all, it is probably the most economical way (in terms of time and money) to get into decent shape and maintain the shape that YOU want.

    But, like any program, it must be consistant and your trainer needs to know what he/she is doing.
    Hope this helps.


    Edited by - marcos on 15 December 2002 19:53:18

  • beckyboop

    Lyin Eyes,

    Blood type A's should be vegetarian--and those who aren't generally end up with their gall bladders removed because they can't process the meat well. I have good friends who maintain their weight very well when they eat mostly vegetarian, and supplement it with fish and occasional chicken or turkey. The best thing about it is how you feel--you feel like your body is actually working properly.

    If you'd like to read more, you can usually find the books at your library, or local health food store. The first book is Eat Right 4 Your Type, the next is Cook Right 4..., and the 3d is Live Right Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo. His father (among others) did a bunch of research years ago, and he continued it with amazing results. He has a web site--

    Here's a couple of quick suggestions--foods that encourage weight gain are: meat, dairy foods, kidney beans, lima beans, and wheat (in overabundance). They interfere with your body's natural digestion process. Foods that encourage weight loss are: vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed), soy foods, vegetables, and pineapple. There's much more information and explanation that makes sense if you research it--hope this helps!



  • flower


    a great site to help you keep track of your diet and exercise daily is

    its a cool site


  • target

    Combining information from different diets works too. Right now I have noticed the the doctors who promote natural treatments are promoting the Eat Right 4 your Type as well as the Metabolic Typing Diet. The two can work together. I am a blood type A and When I read the Metabolic Typing diet I found that it backed up what I should be doing according to the Eat Right 4 your type, just a lot of additional information about your health. In the past when I ate vegetables, fruit and small amounts of chicken and fish, I felt so much better and now I see that is what these two diets say I should eat. I tried the Atkins Diet and I did not feel well on it and I know now that it is because that is not the right diet for my type. Cutting out starches really makes me feel better.

    Now we need to keep this thread going into the new year to get ourselves all motivated and encourage each other to not only lose weight but to get healthier.


  • Cicatrix

    What a great idea, Lyin' Eyes. I can understand the food for comfort thing. I recently left the org, and find myself dealing with the aftereffects (although things have been markedly improving in the last month). Add to that being a full time college student, and I've managed to exercise maybe twice since September. Man, am I feeling it now. I have to walk quite a ways from my car to the school, and I'm winded by the time I get to the door. Not to mention, for the first time in years I've been exsisting on a diet of cookies, pasta, and too much alcohol.

    So, at Thanksgiving, I made a joint proposal to my sisters and their husbands that we all work on getting in shape. They agreed, and we decided to start after the holidays, when there aren't so many "goodies" around to sabotage us. I am going to start walking now, though, because I'm on break from school for a month, and it's a great time to get an exercise routine underway again.

    Over the years, I've found that the best way to stick with an exercise routine is to pick something that you really enjoy doing. I learned that I hate using videos for aerobics, although I do love yoga videos,and use those. I like walking outside the best, so that's what my routine is tailored around. I walk in all kinds of weather (it's very exhilirating to walk in a blizzard if you are properly dressed). I also use our local hiking trails, and I want to get a pair of snowshoes and learn how to use them.

    I also agree that lifting weights makes all the difference in the world. Contrary to popular opinion, unless you lift massive amounts for hours a day, they will NOT usually bulk you up if you are a woman. I've been lifting since I was eighteen. Start with three pound weights and work up slowly as they get too easy to lift. I like the PBS program "Body Electric" for learning proper form, and for great routines set to popular music.

    I've found that when I crave sweets, if I eat a small amount of protein it will make the craving go away.

    In regards to Subway, I skip the bread and have my favorite sub fixings put into a salad instead. That cuts the fat down tremendously and gives you a lot more fiber and veggie nutrition. I only like the steak and chicken sub toppings, though.

  • jack2

    Hey Dede, glad you liked my post - I agree, the ubiquitous Jared is getting sickening. Actually, lately he seems to be on fewer commercials, as Subway has now begun to exploit the 'hot babe' factor (yes, we are expected to believe that those perfect bods are acquired and maintained by eating at Subway). Also, if you take a good look at Jared, he's basically built like jello, and all covered up with a jacket, etc, whenever he appears.

    Anyway, it does do good to discuss this stuff, it helps me too. Though I lost a lot of weight four years ago, at times it's a constant battle not to regain it. I went from 225 down to 172 (53 lbs lost) but found that I had lost too much and found myself very fatigued. So I am now 185 and that feels good. My ideal seems to be 180-185. That gives me the best combination feeling 'light' but not too fatigued.

    So I wish you well, and yes, keep us posted, because as I said, it helps others too.

  • LyinEyes

    Ok folks, I decided on something that is not very popular but for me it is just a trail run...... I am going on the low carbo diet. I am not going to completely eliminate all carbs but for a week I am going to have very little. I am eating alot of salad today. I honestly don't feel so bloated and have had more energy today. I still have the critical munchie hours to make it thru to be a success for 1 day.

    My dad is diabetic ,as were his mother andhis grandmother and 7 out of 10 of his bros, and sis.

    I have a very high chance that this is already starting in my body, buy my last sugar reading and the fact that I had high sugar while pregnant with my daughter.

    The doctor told me to start watching it now, or I will end up taking meds like my dad. My dad also changed his diet years ago , lost weight right off, and his sugar stayed down for awhile. But for him it got to the point diet didnt help anymore alone.

    So I am trying this approach because I know I crave sugar and starches the most. They trigger the binge eating I get when stressed. I don't feel hungry today either.

    This is also so far keeping me in check for picking up just anything and eating it, like a left over cookie that the kids leave behind. You would be surprized to see all the things my kids eat and leave around.

    Well just thought I would embarrass myself and tell you what I am doing with my I will see what happens and let ya know if it helps with this approach for me.

  • liquidsky

    Anyone here into yoga??

  • target

    It seems that Suzanne Sommers has not been able to keep the weight off with her own programs and has now combined them with the Zone Diet. A lot of people in Hollywood are doing the Zone.

    Right now everyone around here is losing weight from this damn flu/virus/whatever it is bug/diet. So far I just have a touch of it. I don't know if it will get a good hold on me yet or not. My son has lost 10 lbs since he has been sick with the bug/flu/virus/diet.

    When we are all recovered, I am doing the fruit/vegetable/low protein/no starch thing I did in the past that seems to work for me and makes me feel good. My husband needs more protein than I do. That seems to be the key. No diet is one size fits all.


  • ballistic

    Well if anyone wants to know, look back on my posts on this forum for the past 12 months and you will see I have lost over 3 stone and given up smoking, and I found it easy.

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