My Son

by Windchaser 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • moreisbetter

    Dear Windchaser,

    I'm so very happy for you and your son! It sounds like he may need his mom.

    One thing that disturbs me about your post. Please forgive, I'm rather new here & and don't know you so, these thoughts are just my opinion.

    your comment "I was such a rotten mother" . Now, you stop saying that! Ok, really, stop it. Parents do for their children what they believe is best for them at that moment in time. It sounds to me that you raised a pretty good MAN, who has the maturity to put aside a past he may not have liked to say he loves you, his mom, and is concerned for you. YOU taught him that and you done good!! As for your daughter, you didn't say whether you have any direct or indirect contact with her. Well, you know, moms (& dads)do what they believe is best for their children in the manner they know is best, which in most liklyhood was a mix passed down from thier parents & society &/or religion. But if you are reaching out to her, letting her know you no longer have those JW beliefs (assumption on my part-pls correct if wrong) the prognosis she will come around should be good.

    Keep doing what youv'e been doing! You sound wonderful!

    Merry christmas, and please keep us posted on that grandbaby!!!

    Love, More (mom to 4, grandmom to Hanna who will arrive any day!)

  • Aztec


    Don't ever say you were a rotten mother! We all do what we can for our children and do what we think is best for them at the time. My parents raised me as a witness and I don't hold any grudges against them. They truly thought they were doing what was right. Wind, you are such a sweet and caring person. You know that I hold you in very high regard and care much about you. I'm so happy that you are in contact with your son and are expecting a grandchild! Don't let the past cloud the future.

    With love,


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Wind..I know we have had our differences. But I am really glad your son is in touch. And I have a lot of respect for you for posting what you did. That took a lot!

    Kids can mean so much in our lives!..I don't know if I would make it through Hubby's death if I didn't have them. I have a lot of respect for women on their own!..It scares me to death!

    I really am sorry for all WE have been through beween us!..I wish I could change it all!...


  • ARoarer


    Don't be so hard on yourself that you believe you are a rotten mother. You touched my deepest part of my heart when you mentioned that you gave your son up for adoption. That is a pain within you that has made you feel unworthy of ever being a good mother. Windy, it must have been so terribly traumatic to have been forced to give up your child for adoption. I well know the pain. When I was 17 I became pregnant and my parents put me in a home for unwed mothers. It was run by Catholic Charities, and the nuns. In those days, during the 60's it was a shameful thing to become pregnant and so many teen girls were placed in these homes to give birth in secret and give up their babies for adoption, and the records were sealed. I ached for the baby my parents and the nuns forced me to relinquish to the nuns, and in those days we did what adults in authority told us to do. After my son was born, I went against the nuns and held him for all of his feedings. I bonded to him before they took him from me. I look back on it and believe my anger and pain towards my mother and the Catholic Church was the reason I fell prey to the JW's. To make a long story short, I and my son evetually re-united. I searched for him wit the help and support of my husband, and my son, now in his 30's has been in our lives with our other children since his 20's. He is now married and has had his first baby with his woderful wife. When I learned to acknowledge the pain of the loss of him, is when I felt the guilt and shame of the long kept secret belief that I was a bad mother. I was made to believe I was bad by the nuns, and then later by the WTS. But I know now that this was something they instilled in me to believe about myself. It stayed with me as I raised my other children and no matter how hard I tried to be the perfect JW, and perfect mom, I never believed that I was. Leaving the Organization and dealing with the issues of Watchtower hiding and protecting sexual predators, changed my belief in myself as a mother. I now have come to see that the badness was not me but those whom I had put my trust. Windy, embrace the feelings you buried long ago when you gave up your son, and give that pain a voice, and don't blame yourself. Your adult children need you to be thier mother now just as much as when they were young.

  • bikerchic


    I'm so happy to hear the good news! You hang in there and don't be so hard on yourself, you have your son back in your life and a new daughter in law with a little grandchild on it's way......WOW how exciting! Just keep on doing your best and the rest will work out, your daughter will eventually come around, it just takes time be patient with her and yourself.


  • LB

    Windy you can't have been a rotten mom. Sons don't love rotten moms.

  • moreisbetter


    wonderful advice and beautifully said!


  • DakotaRed


    I'm so glad your son called you and said what he did. I echo LB's words.

    Now, extend the effort to your daughter and explain how you were misled and have opened your eyes and apologize. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    Personally, if either of my daughters wanted nothing to do with me, I don't know that I could bear that pain.

    You're a better Mom than you think, your son just showed you that.

    Lew W

  • Prisca

    ((((((((((windy))))))))) I lost my Mum 21 years ago. I never got a chance to really get to know her. Yes, she raised me as a JW, but I don't hate her for that. Being a JW did protect me in many ways as a teenager, and I'm thankful that I was raised in a loving home.

    Windy, you did what you thought was best for your daughter. It's a shame that she can't recognise that. But who's to say that in a few years, maybe when she's a mum herself, that she will realise that she didn't have such a bad Mum after all. Because you're not a bad Mum.

    I'm glad that you're about to become a grandmother! Congratulations! Look forward to that joy, and don't let the unhappiness of the past rob you of the joy that is yours to have.

  • Windchaser

    Wow, Everyone. I can't believe all these warm responses. Thank you.

    I gave my son up for adoption when I was seventeen, too. It was against everything I believed in when I gave Kevin (yes, I named him) up. My mother gave Jimmy's (the father's) parents a hard time and they, in turn, paid her off - $1,000. This money was given to the Salvation Army's home for unwed mothers and I lived there, a baby factory, for six months. Jimmy's father spoke to me one last time when my pregnancy was made known to him. He told me that there was one stipulation with this money he was giving my mother, that I must put my baby up for adoption. Jimmy had been adopted and they felt it was the only thing I could do to provide decently for my baby. When Kevin was born, I held him. He was the most handsome baby that I've ever seen. When I was able to walk down to the hospital's nursery window, I stood staring at him and a very beautiful woman asked me if he was mine. I said yes. She said that he was the prettiest baby she had ever seen, too. I got to hold and feed him a few times. I told him how much I loved him and that I didn't want to give him up, but I had to. I told him that I would always love him. A couple of months later, I went into Boston to sign the papers. I had to cross Boston Common to get to the subway. I remember seeing birds all around me and crying as I walked through. I didn't care. I had just signed away my heart.

    I got to meet Kevin (renamed Paul) several years ago. He has had a good life and he told me that I did the right thing. His parents also adopted two other children and are really good people.

    My daughter had a very bad childhood. She was born a year after Kevin was born. I was saying, Screw You, I won't give this one up! Five years later, just before I became a witness, I became pregnant again with Eric. He was the one who had leukemia. After ten years of being a jw and feeling very lonely, I moved to the South. The brothers there were more interested in me than they had been in Massachusetts. I married the first one to ask me although I didn't love him. He beat the crap out of me and Deanna. He is Greg's father. He treated Greg well, but Deanna has scars on her back from the hundreds of hits from hickory switches and Eric was treated like he was an inferior because of his illness. I divorced him and married his best friend (I loved him). Although he spanked my children, he was more the mentally abusive kind. Deanna couldn't take it anymore and ran. I'm telling you this because Deanna had more reasons to hate me that just me being a jw. I wasn't a good mother. I had expected perfection from her and she was the only child for almost six years. When Eric got sick, I gave him all my attention. Then, I married awful men who just added to the abuse and neglect.

    I've tried to reconcile with her, but she has become an alcoholic and is very messed up. There is a whole lot more to this, but she has made it very obvious that she wants nothing to do with me. I am always here for her. It's been several years since our last contact. I tried to tell her how much I love her and how sorry I am for the childhood I gave her, but she is so full of anger, she wouldn't listen.

    When Greg called me yesterday he asked if I had heard from Deanna. I know that it hurts him, too.

    I hated my mother when I was a teenager and came to love and respect her after I had children of my own. Deanna has two sons who she left in the care of her in-laws. Having these two beautiful children didn't change her feelings toward me. The damage is that great.

    I think if she knew I was no longer a jw, she would hate me all the more. She would think about all the hell she went through and now I'm out of it, when it's too late for her.

    My life has been pretty screwed up and I guess that's why I'm so grateful that Greg is who he is today, that he was able to lift himself out of it and still have love in his heart for me.

    Edited by - windchaser on 13 December 2002 8:34:28

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