Let him that hath understanding: 6-6-6

by Focus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    Among some wonderful material from Elsewhere, http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=42268&site=3 asks where lies the EXACT CENTER (of wickedness).
    Exact Center? BETHEL! Per the current JW "Encyclopedia", "Insight On the Scriptures" Volume 1 p296 states:
    "BETHEL .. became renowned as a center of false worship"
    By their own words are they condemned.

    I will now focus on SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX, with the help of the learned Watchtower.

    Pick up the earlier Watchtower Bible Encyclopedia "Aid To Bible Understanding", 1969, and look up JEHOVAH - you will find the entry for this on page number 666...

    Revelation 13:11-18 says:
    "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had
    two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth
    all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth
    and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly
    wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire
    come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth
    them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he
    had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell
    on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had
    the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life
    unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both
    speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the
    beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great,
    rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand,
    or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he
    that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his
    name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the
    number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is
    Six hundred and sixty six.
    " (KJV)

    Well, so we know what Jehovah-of-the-Watchtower is: the name of the one whose number is 666. Per the Watchtower's own reference book.

    And "The true servants of God would be called out to be 'a people for his name.' (Acts 15:14) Thousands of times in the Bible, the name of God - Jehovah in English - is mentioned. But from whom have you heard this name? You know that if it were not for Jehovah's witnesses you likely would never have heard the name" (The Watchtower, August 1 1971 p466).

    So the Watchtower itself shows that the dubs are a people for the name of the one whose number is 666.. my, my, my. Coincidence, Elsewhere?

    here is this very wisdom explained by Charles Taze Russell (the founder
    of the Watchtower), in the January/February 1882 edition of the Watchtower
    on pages 9 and 10:

    'THE NAME OF THE BEAST, OR THE NUMBER OF HIS NAME.' B. Have you been able to decipher the name and number? I have heard of many who have tried all sorts of names and applications, but none of them ever seemed reasonable to me.
    A. The same has been my difficulty. A little over a year ago I spoke on the subject of this same chapter to the name-less little company of 'this way,' in Lynn, Mass. , and concluded my remarks by telling them that I had never seen a satisfactory explanation of the 666. And, though I thought I had given a correct analysis of the symbols of the chapter, yet I could not claim it to be wisdom, since I could not interpret the number. I suggested, however, that if ours be the correct understanding of the time in which we are living-the 'harvest' of the age-and if our general application of these symbols be correct, the number should soon be understood. I urged examination on the subject by all, for the Lord is sometimes pleased to give wisdom through the weakest of his children. 'Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast ordained praise. ' About three months after, I received a long letter from one of the thinking brethren of that place, saying that he thought he had the key; and I think he has; it certainly fits the lock in every particular. I will give it to you very much as he suggested it. His process of
    reasoning was as follows: Jesus, who gave this revelation to us (Rev. 1:1), well knew that this symbol could not be understood until about the present time, for the reason that the Image was only made in 1846. Jesus also knew, of course, that English would be the language used by probably four-fifths
    of his earnest truth-seeking children, in the 'time of the end. 'He knew, also, that not many wise, not many great, not many learned in all languages would be of the chosen 'little flock. ' Moreover, it was his
    custom to adapt his teachings to the 'common people,' and of this sort his Jewels have been from, the twelve disciples and since. Therefore it would appear that the number 666, should be open to the comprehension of us all-we being the ones told to count-as much so as were the other symbolic numbers of Danl. and Rev. Let us try, then, to apply these figures in English. *(This is the first application in English, known to the writer, but the reasonableness of it is obvious.) First, then, the number is that of the (first) BEAST. Let us see whether it will apply to some of its names, That system which Paul calls the man of sin is the Roman Catholic power = 666.
    12345 61234561 23456
    He is in Revelation called a BEAST
    Roman Catholic 'Beast' = 666.
    The system is also called the 'woman' (Rev. 17:18)
    Roman Catholic 'woman' = 666.
    She calls herself the
    'Holy Catholic Church' = 666.
    She is really and truly (Rev. 17:5) 'The Mother of Harlots' = 666.
    Thus we see that the number fits the BEAST well.
    The second BEAST was anxious to have exactly the same name, and in fact it claimed to have the pre-eminent right to the name- 'Holy Catholic church,' = 666.
    Other names by which it is often known, are -
    'English State Church,' = 666.
    'The Episcopal Church,' = 666.
    'Episcopalian Church,' = 666.
    'The Church of England,' = 666.
    This application of the number, will doubtless appear to some too simple to be accepted, but thus God ever deals with us-hiding truth under the vail of its own simplicity, so that it may appear to the Greek (worldly wise) foolishness, but unto them which believe (not to those who believe without evidence, but who believe on the strongest kind of evidence -the harmony of His Word) the power of God, and the wisdom of God. (1 Cor. 1:23.) The Image causes all who claim relationship, or whom it recognizes, as having a right to buy or sell - teach - to have as a creed, that which shall mark them as having either 'the name' of the BEAST, or the 'number' of his name - 666. Many take the name and in their creeds recite, 'I believe in the 'Holy Catholic Church' = 666. Among those who thus openly mark themselves in their forehead (by their creeds) are Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians and others. But others give a seeming support (mark in their hand) to the general principal by organizing under various sectarian names. After these are blended in the IMAGE, (and no one would be admitted to membership in the Evangelical Alliance, unless he be a member of some such sect), they all are collectively known as the 'Protestant Churches,' = 666. Which we see contains the Beast's number. If we for instance were to organize, though we protest more than all others against the errors of Rome, and also against the errors of the Image and second BEAST, yet we would not be reckoned one of the 'Protestant churches,' because we would not be recognized as orthodox-They would not count our organization a church. Should you inquire for our meetings and ask - Is that a protestant church which meets here? the answer would come - Oh, no; they are not Evangelical. They have no creed to mark them, so that the Alliance can decide whether they are an Evangelical Protestant Church or not.

    Quite hilarious how this 6+6+6 "logic" is applied to modern English spelling - a bit like those pyramid passage lengths expressed in inches (a measure that was meaningless to the Egyptian architects).

    However, New Light prevailed, and a totally contradictory explanation of "666" surfaces in that most absurd Watchtower publication ("The Finished Mystery", 1917, page 215) - allegedly also endorsed by Russell (now dead and in no position to deny this - I can find no record of the Convention Question in reply to which he allegedly gave this explanation, and I warrant no reference to it appears in any Russell publication):

    Revelation 13:18
    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath (understanding) AN EAR count the number of the beast.- 'Here is scope for ingenuity. Let people of shrewd intelligence calculate the number of the Wild Beast; for it indicates a certain man, and his number is 666.'- Weym. For it is the number of a man.- The Man of Sin, the Papacy.- Rev. 19:20; 2 Thess, 2:3.
    (And his number is) Six hundred threescore and six.- In the Greek this number is six hundred (represented by the Greek letter 2), plus sixty (represented by the Greek letter), plus sixty (represented by the Greek
    letter +). It is not as though it read six plus six plus six. 'The following extract on this point is from a work entitled The Reformation, bearing the date of 1832: ''Mrs. A.,' said Miss Emmons, 'I saw a very curious fact the other day; I have dwelt upon it much, and will mention it. A person, lately, was witnessing a ceremony of the Romish Church. As the pope passed him in the procession, splendidly dressed in his pontifical robes, the gentleman's eye rested on these full, blazing letters in front of his mitre (tiara- crown): VICARIVS FILII DEI, the Vicar of the Son of God. His thoughts, with the rapidity of lightning, reverted to Rev. 13:18.'
    'Will you turn to it?' said Mrs. A. Alice opened the New Testament, and read: 'Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.' She paused, and Miss Emmons said, 'He took out his pencil, and marking the 'numerical letters of the inscription on his tablet, it stood 666.'' (Smith.)



    Total 666

    This explanation was approved by Pastor Russell, and was given by him at a Convention Question Meeting. On the pope's crown in the Vatican museum is the recognized and most used title of the pope, VICARIVS FILII DEI (Vicar of the Son of God.) The word VICARIVS is on the top of the threefold crown. The word FILII is on the second circlet; and the words are made from dark, shining precious jewels. The word DEI is on the under part of the threefold crown and is made of 100 diamonds. 'The Tiara is a bee-hive shaped, somewhat bulging head-covering, ornamented with three crowns. It is first mentioned by Pope Constantine, in A.D. 715. It first appears on papal coins in the reign of Sergius III., A.D. 911. At this period it was merely a cap of white stuff. The papal coins of the 11th century leave it doubtful whether the ornamental band at the lower edge of the tiara is intended to represent a crown or merely a decoration. It is only in representations dating from the late 13th century that the circlet appears as a regular spiked crown. The second circlet was added by Pope Boniface VIII., A.D. 1303. The third was added under Clement V., A.D. 1311.' (Brit.) The reason for the addition of any of these crowns is unknown, or why the pope should have any crown at all. The words VICARIVS FILII DEI are, it is said, also carved over the entrance to the Vatican.

    Note the "It is not as though it read six plus six plus six" explicitly ridicules their own earlier (1882) reasoning, which viewed 666 in exactly that way! Flickering crazily, New Light strikes.

    But I have something to point out. Using the 1882 definition of "666" i.e. the one that yields:
    'Holy Catholic Church' = 666
    we ALSO get:

    'Charles Taze Russell' = 666

    to add to what we already proved above, that:

    'Jehovah' = 666

    The Watchtower Society and the Jehovah's Witnesses Cult is an embodiment of SPIRITUAL PORNOGRAPHY, a WOLFISH TRICK, a MOST FILTHY LIE, a CHEAT, a SCAM, a DISGUSTING ABOMINATION, a BLASPHEMOUS INSULT, a WICKED FRAUD, a DISGRACE, a SCANDAL, a PEDOPHILE PARADISE - and a DAMNED OUTRAGE from start to finish.

    (Antitype of CONTRADICTORY BETHEL TWIST ABC AWE Anagram Class)

  • DamnedAt21


    That was quite a post. Powerful stuff!! I admire your conviction Focus.

  • ThiChi
    Approximate number of the Beast

    Roman numeral of the Beast

    Number of the High Precision Beast

    Number of the Millibeast

    / 666
    Beast Common Denominator

    (-666) ^ (1/2)
    Imaginary number of the Beast

    6.66 e3
    Floating point Beast

    Binary of the Beast

    6, uh... what was that number again?
    Number of the Blonde Beast

    Area code of the Beast

    Zip code of the Beast

    The speed limit of the Beast

    Retail price of the Beast

    Price of the Beast plus 5% state sales tax

    Price of the Beast with all accessories and replacement soul

    Walmart price of the Beast

    Next week's Walmart price of the Beast

    Phillips 666
    Gasoline of the Beast

    Route 666
    Way of the Beast

    666 F
    Oven temperature for roast Beast

    Retirement plan of the Beast

    666 mg
    Recommended Minimum Daily Requirement of Beast

    6.66 %
    5 year CD interest rate at First Beast of Hell National Bank, $666 minimum deposit.

    Beast's lawyer's billing rate

    Lotus 6-6-6
    Spreadsheet of the Beast

    Word 6.66
    Word Processor of the Beast

    CPU of the Beast

    BMW of the Beast

    DSM-666 (revised)
    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast

    1232 Octal, Apt. 29A
    Beast's hexed address

    Next-door neighbor of the Beast

    The semi-Christ

    The Number of the Beast on a Pentium

  • Focus

    DamnedAt21 wrote:

    That was quite a post. Powerful stuff!! I admire your conviction Focus

    0. Welcome to JWD, DamnedAt21.

    1. And I admire your reading speed!

    2. Conviction?? Now, if only how I could figure out how to get the Gibbering Baboon Class (G.B. to the r&f) convicted for being the disgraceful conmen that they are, perpetrating widespread fraud on the trusting folk of the world, you'd have something to praise me for.

    3. Here is more, if you are a masochist:
    Try http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=39853&site=3 for a starter.

    (Persecution Points? I'll give 'em Persecution Points! Class)

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Gotta love ya Focus!!

  • JH

    What do you get when you put these from wingdings to arial

    666 Focus is right again

    To do that, edit this post.

    Edited by - jh on 12 December 2002 19:0:12

  • ThiChi
    The number 666, first made famous by the Book of Revelation (chapter 13, verse 18), has also been studied by mathematicians because of its many interesting properties. Here is a compendium of mathematical facts about the number 666. Most of the well-known "chestnuts" are included, but many are relatively new and have not been published elsewhere.

    The number 666 is a simple sum and difference of the first three 6th powers: 666 = 16 - 26 + 36. It is also equal to the sum of its digits plus the cubes of its digits: 666 = 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6. There are only five other positive integers with this property. Exercise: find them, and prove they are the only ones!

    666 is related to (6 + n) in the following interesting ways: 666 = (6 + 6 + 6) q (6 + 1) 666 = 6! q (6 + 1) / (6 + 2) The sum of the squares of the first 7 primes is 666: 666 = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 The sum of the first 144 (= (6+6) q (6+6)) digits of pi is 666: 16661 is the first beastly palindromic prime, of the form 1[0...0]666 [0...0]1.

    The next one after 16661 is 1000000000000066600000000000001 which can be written concisely using the notation 1 013 666 013 1, where the subscript tells how many consecutive zeros there are. Harvey Dubner determined that the first 7 numbers of this type have subscripts 0, 13, 42, 506, 608, 2472, and 2623 [see J. Rec. Math, 26 (4)]. A very special kind of prime number [first mentioned to me by G. L. Honaker, Jr.] is a prime, p (that is, let's say, the kth prime number) in which the sum of the decimal digits of p is equal to the sum of the digits of k. The beastly palindromic prime number 16661 is such a number, since it is the 1928'th prime, and 1 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 1 + 9 + 2 + 8. The triplet (216, 630, 666) is a Pythagorean triplet, as pointed out to me by Monte Zerger. This fact can be rewritten in the following nice form: (6 q 6 q 6) + (666 - 6 q 6) = 666 The sequence of palindromic primes begins 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 101, 131, 151, 181, 191, 313, 353, etc. Taking the last two of these, we discover that 666 is the sum of two consecutive palindromic primes: 666 = 313 + 353. A well-known remarkably good approximation to pi is 355/113 = 3.1415929... If one part of this fraction is reversed and added to the other part, we get 553 + 113 = 666. [from Martin Gardner's "Dr. Matrix" columns]

    The Dewey Decimal System classification number for "Numerology" is 133.335. If you reverse this and add, you get 133.335 + 533.331 = 666.666 [Wang, J. Rec. Math, 26(3)] The number 666 is related to the golden ratio! (If a rectangle has the property that cutting off a square from it leaves a rectangle whose proportions are the same as the original, then that rectangle's proportions are in the golden ratio. Also, the golden ratio is the limit, as n becomes large, of the ratio between adjacent numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.) Denoting the Golden Ratio by t, we have the following identity, where the angles are in degrees: sin(666) = cos(6 q 6 q 6) = -t/2 which can be combined into the lovely _expression: t = - (sin(666) + cos(6 q 6 q 6) ) There are exactly two ways to insert '+' signs into the sequence 123456789 to make the sum 666, and exactly one way for the sequence 987654321: 666 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 567 + 89 = 123 + 456 + 78 + 9 666 = 9 + 87 + 6 + 543 + 21

    A Smith number is an integer in which the sum of its digits is equal to the sum of the digits of its prime factors. 666 is a Smith number, since 666 = 2 q 3 q 3 q 37 while at the same time 6 + 6 + 6 = 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 7. The following fact is quite well known, but still interesting: If you write the first 6 Roman numerals, in order from largest to smallest, you get 666: DCLXVI = 666.

    The previous one suggests a form of word play that was popular several centuries ago: the chronogram. A chronogram attaches a numerical value to an English phrase or sentence by summing up the values of any Roman numerals it contains. (Back then, U,V and I,J were often considered the same letter for the purpose of the chronogram, however I prefer to distinguish them.) What's the best English chronogram for 666? My offering is a statement about, perhaps, what you should do when you encounter the number 666: Expect The Devil. Note that four of the six numerals are contained in the last word.

    A standard function in number theory is phi(n), which is the number of integers smaller than n and relatively prime to n. Remarkably, phi(666) = 6 q 6 q 6. A polygonal number is a positive integer of the form P(k,n) = n((k - 2)n + 4 - k)/2 where k is the 'order' of the polygonal number (k=3 gives the triangular numbers, k=4 the squares, k=5 the pentagonal numbers, etc.), and n is its index. A repdigit polygonal number is a polygonal number that also happens to be a repdigit. Finally, define the wickedness of a polygonal number as n/k.

    Now, an amazing fact: 666 is conjectured to be the most wicked repdigit polygonal number. The alphametic below has a unique solution (i.e., there is only one way to replace letters with digits so that the addition sum is correct): SIX SIX SIX +BEAST =SATAN [by Monte Zerger] Note that 1998 (a recent year) = 666 + 666 + 666. Not only that, but if we set A=3, B=6, C=9, etc., we find, amazingly, that NINETEEN NINETY EIGHT = 666 Frank Fiederer points out that the age of the United States in 1998 is also related to 666, since 1998 - 1776 = 666/3. Finally, we close with an observation that makes a commentary on the folly of attaching a specific meaning to the number 666. If the letter A is defined to be equal to 36 (=6 q 6), B=37, C=38, and so on, then: The sum of the letters in the word SUPERSTITIOUS is 666. Happy 666!

    As a special bonus to whoever writes post 667: do you know what that number signifies? The Neighbor of the Beast!

    Re: 666
  • Focus

    JH wrote:

    666 Focus is right again

    OK, fine. You may keep the cat. Just stop fiddling with your pi.

    And now I have a question for you.

    "MIRACLE WHEAT IN DEMAND .. The notice in THE WATCH TOWER of June 15 that Brother Bohnet has 'miracle wheat' in abundance now, and that he will sell it at $1 per pound and donate the entire proceeds to our Tract Fund, has brought in many orders. These will be filled between August 15 and September 1. No limit as to supply has been noted. Sent by Express, prepaid, the price will be twenty-two pounds for $20; fifty-five pounds for $50; larger quantities at the latter rate. The merits of this wheat over the common variety have been mentioned in previous issues of THE WATCH TOWER."
    -The Watchtower, August 1 1911, p226

    QUESTION: What is special about the above quote, with the Watchtower's "Just Call Me No-Zero-Year" level of mathematical excellence in mind?

    (!=3.1 Class)

  • Mary

    You're all totally wrong and I can prove it:

    $3,265 - what my Visa bill was in November

    $2,250 - payment in November

    $2,000 - purchases for that pagan holiday in December

    $2,349 - payment in January

    this leaves me a balance of $666. This proves beyond any doubt that VISA is the Beast mentioned in Revelation......doesn't it say that no one will be able to buy or trade without the number on his forehead or his hand???

  • JH

    My computer crashed when trying to solve your problem. Must be my windows 3.1 that done that.

    OK I will stop fiddling with my PI

    Edited by - jh on 12 December 2002 19:57:38

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