Let him that hath understanding: 6-6-6

by Focus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman
    Pick up the earlier Watchtower Bible Encyclopedia "Aid To Bible Understanding", 1969, and look up JEHOVAH

    The 1969 edition of "Aid To Bible Understanding" was 544 pages and only covered subjects found between Aaron and Exodus. Appreciate the humor though.


  • JH

    F=6th letter = 6

    O=15th letter 1+5=6

    C= 3rd letter

    U=21st letter so 3+2+1=6

    S= SUM which gives 666

    Edited by - jh on 12 December 2002 19:53:48

  • Focus

    J = Letter 10
    H = Letter 8

    I will take from amongst these two six times (as you are thrice damned), and then will make three sixes as follows:

    (8 x 8 x 10) + (8 + 8 + 10) = 666

    By this, you are exposed for what you are. See Eph. 5:11.

    How dare you try and stumble your hard-working brothers as to where Jehovah lieth?

    Sure, he reposeth in the '71 gem, for sure (I do from time to time see who properly reads these droppings... it is my way of finding if rumor be true and apostates are to be found here).

    And Jehovah is in his properly numbered place, at six hundred, three score and six. As "Aid to Bible understanding, containing historical, geographical, religious, and social facts concerning Bible persons, peoples, places, plant and animal life, activities, and so forth" is one work, whether in its first Lesser/partial jubilee form or its second Greater symbolic fulfillment thereof, I am apt to use just the one date to refer to the whole work of scholarship.


    Humor? Humor?? What Humor? I meant no humor.
    And there is no scriptural record that Moses or the Greater Moses (Jesus) ever employed such a device. If so, Humor would have to have been before Exodus, which would make a singularity.

    But this damned spot seems to allow Apostates to post. Is there an administrator anywhere?

    ('Paradise Denied to Mankind - By Theocrazies' Class)

    Edited by - Focus on 12 December 2002 21:30:0

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