Ever been to a "quick-build"?

by WingCommander 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    Have any of you ever been to a "quick-build?" For anyone not that familiar with JW lingo, it is when everyone in the congregation gets together to raise a new Kingdom Hall in about a week, or a weekend. Kind of like the Amish do when they have "barn raisings." lol.

    I have belonged to several congregations that did quick-builds, but no one EVER invited me to participate. Never mind that I'm totally ripped (being honest, power lifter) and that I have an engineering background. I guess the "meek" ones are the only ones allowed to be outside contributing.

    Than again, why would they invite me? I was only born into the JW's, and I guess since they have NEVER invited me to any other functions such as dinner after the Memorial, congregation picnics, Circuit Assembly get-togethers, etc there is no reason for me to do any manual labor either. Oh well, their boney asses need to get out and do some REAL work for a change besides cleaning toilets, or running their own businesses from behind a desk.

    Makes me wonder.........have any of the old farts in Brooklyn ever gotten their hands dirty, besides when they count all of their money???? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............

    Wing Commander

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I was at a quick build in Northwest England in around 1985. Not long after that, they made it invitation only. They were overrun with people avoiding normal dubby activity by going to the build, eating and drinking all day and overrunning the site. You had to fight to get into a brick chain. Happy days (not).

  • ThiChi

    Yes! Habitat for Humanity does it too. I have seen the J-dub QB too.

    Edited by - thichi on 13 December 2002 10:59:59

  • Gig

    Have any of the old farts in Broolyn ever gotten their hands dirty? Does blood-guilt count?

  • NewYork44M

    I was involved in one quick build and worked garbage detail. I usually tried to avoid most of these events. But I got recruited for that one day.

  • CoonDawg

    I remember my first one back in about 1986. They pretty much let anyone come and participate. I couldn't believe it, I was 15 and they let me operate a radial arm saw. OSHA would have had a fit. There were always unqualified people doing dumbass things like stepping through the ceiling from the attic while insulating. Usually happened at least once each quickbuild. I went to another one in 89, but that one was invitation and It was for my grandma's congregation. I worked rooming which acutally meant using my car to shuttle people from the site to where ever they were staying. My grandma, who is one of those racist....but not...JW's actually had a house full of black brothers staying there. I thought it was soooo funny because she was on pins and needles the whole time.

    You're right, they definitely were a lot better than going to the KH on the weekend and it could be a good place to scope out the chicks.


  • caligirl

    I went to quite a few in the 80's. Even had my own hard-hat( isn't that just such a special priviledge?) One I remember because I was alowed to stay up all night with some friends that I met there, and that was the only time I ever got to do anything besides clean the portable toilets! people willing to stay up all night are scarce, so we got to do a little sheetrock sanding. When they first started, they just wanted the labor and would take anyone - then they got all picky and you had to answer 20 questions to do anything besides serve food or clean - if you wanted to paint, you had to be a "professional" -painting your own home did not count. I had an in, sort of, because my Dad headed up one of the departments so he was at almost all of them. It wasn't too long after they got all picky that they started making you fill out an "application" and have it approved by the elders before you were allowed to go.

  • Rogue_Protecter

    Been to a half dozen or so myself...beat going out in service will say that..And it was good place to look for a sister..lol..sounds kinda perverted to any other group of people I bet..I put carpet in was always interesting..come to think about it there was always one person to step thru the cieling at everyone..

    The hall I went to was a quick build..So of course all the sister were there ... Two of the sisters showed up at the QB wearing shorts ...You have never seen so many grown men freak out..I would have sworn they walked in buck naked with the way they were acting...The elders actually took them aside and asked them to go home and change into modest clothing so as not to stumble any brothers...I know your thinking they were pretty ,single and young sisters....no way these were older married sisters and the shorts were almost to there knees..All of us younger ones were laughing at this because we coulda cared less....

  • imanaliento


    I guess we were never invited because our hours were to low.

    funny thing is: we built our own house and still didn't qualify. the inspector said that our son (16 at the time) did the best electrical job he had ever seen.

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Hello Fe203 Girl !

    Which quickbuild was that?

    I went to one build in Wales and we packed the back of our van with cans of lager. There were more people there just socializing than actually doing anything. Anyway someone organised a football match between the Welsh and the English. My ex-girlfriends new boyfriend was in nets for them and we really couldn't stand each other!! Anyway 0-0 and then someone played the ball between me and him - I ran and slid for the ball and the ex's boyfriend simply jumped with his full weight on my leg. I was in agony - I thought he'd broken it (but he hadn't!) Anyway I was carried off the pitch and given a can of lager to ease the pain.

    That was when I was told I'd actually slid the ball under his big fat backside and into the back of the net.

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