Have any of you ever been to a "quick-build?" For anyone not that familiar with JW lingo, it is when everyone in the congregation gets together to raise a new Kingdom Hall in about a week, or a weekend. Kind of like the Amish do when they have "barn raisings." lol.
I have belonged to several congregations that did quick-builds, but no one EVER invited me to participate. Never mind that I'm totally ripped (being honest, power lifter) and that I have an engineering background. I guess the "meek" ones are the only ones allowed to be outside contributing.
Than again, why would they invite me? I was only born into the JW's, and I guess since they have NEVER invited me to any other functions such as dinner after the Memorial, congregation picnics, Circuit Assembly get-togethers, etc there is no reason for me to do any manual labor either. Oh well, their boney asses need to get out and do some REAL work for a change besides cleaning toilets, or running their own businesses from behind a desk.
Makes me wonder.........have any of the old farts in Brooklyn ever gotten their hands dirty, besides when they count all of their money???? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............
Wing Commander