Yeru: When the medieval elders were engaged on a witch hunt towards my family, I told my daughter she wouldn't be attending their secret meeting to gather information against my family. The elders had no right to form this little committee. None of us had done anything wrong to warrant this intrusion into our lives. Even though my daughter was almost 20 at the time, I told her that she would not attend this meeting. The only purpose of the elders was to abuse my daughter and son-in-law so that they could find some dirt on my family. Wow, can you feel the love? I would recommend that your stepson not attend this judicial "witch" hunt. The elders would succeed in making your stepson feel degraded, worthless, and guilty. What right do they have to cause such turmoil, pain, and heartache in your stepson's life. Your stepson has the right to determine what he is going to do in his life. Where is the freedom to choose that the JW's so frequently espouse, but rarely apply.
It is truly hypocritical that this religion says that it supports freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc., but then does all in its power to suppress those who choose a different path than what the WT says is the only path leading to God. In my view, Yeru, refusal to attend their "star chamber meeting" sends a strong message to them. It says, you will NOT have control over my life. You do NOT exercise any true authority over me. You will NOT rob me of the right to choose my own way in life and to find the joy and happiness that every human with free will has the right to do. I hope everything turns out all right. The Shakita's send our love and support.
Mr. Shakita