Why do Some Ex-JWs go Wacko?

by rebel 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JT
    i think some of them have it in their heads from WT that they are going to die at armaggaden. so they think they are going to die anyway so why not do everything they want. thats what my daughter said. i had to get her to understand thats a WT lie. she then changed her life for the best

    so true so true- in our meetings here at the house i found this veiw esp among those who were dfed for sexual reason, they feel i have sinned, i'm wicked jah don't want me anyway and like you stated I'm going to die anyway-

    this one woman about 44yrs old commited adultry and was dfed, being an elders wife she really got the shaft and she was throwing "Coochie" everywhere- even Lady "C" told me to be careful in talking and dealing with her -SMILE

    anyway JUST like you-- the moment we got her to understand the wt and judical cases and flockbooks were all bogus she shutdown the Free "Coochie" give away program --- smile

    and she is doing fine - she is now in a Meaningful relationship and we will be having them over on the 25th for some turkey and "TATA PIE"

    so life is good - i tell former jw all the time there are 2 things to be on guard with when first leaving wt and they are getting into

    1. Destructive Relationships, - abusive men, other folks wives or husband

    2. Destructive Behavoir- high risk sex, drugs and crime

    when you leave wt everyone expects you to do the above since they have been told thier is no life outside of wt, and i know speaking for myself when folks see me and :Lady "C" we are laughing , having a ball -LOOKING AND SMELLING GOOD- SMILE

    one jw ran into us in the Mall and we were all happy looking and the jw ask What do you all have to be so excited about you have not been to the Hall in years and Lady "C" said THAT IS WHY WE ARE HAPPY- and my baby turned and walked into Norstrom-

    If you can manage to walk those 2 mine fields above after leaving wt you are going to be just fine

  • SheilaM

    Why You ask?

    It took me almost 19 years for my husband to see the lies we were force fed. We were basically dumped by the witness when my husband was in a horrible wreck, he had three ruptured disks and two herniated we asked for nothing but some spiritual support. I left him in a hopital after a bad bought of depression (read suicide atempt) called an elder and was lectured that our service time wasn't good enough, our meeting attendance (read HOW DARE YOU TRY To WORK AND SUPPORT YOUR KIDS). I was never good enough in any congregation, nor my family, unless they needed their cars worked on or their houses.

    Why do we now celebrae Christmas...because we CAN. Why should I believe ANYTHING thye say, do I feel God will judge me for a freakin tree..NAH if he does I should be waiting in line behind the elders that told my husband he HAD to attend meeting despite his injury, then we he did bitched at him that his getting up to stand to releave the back pain was a distraction. So if they are right and I am wrong so let it be. Do I care that a God that f******UP would judge me NO. But you know I know he isn't I'm including a poem I finally got my husband to let me post on silent lambs. I went there first to vent after learning of the abuse that has happened. We only received the spiritual, mental and physical( the later from his parents). This poem should more than answer your question.


    Enjoy youthful soul with eyes trained forward to a false promise. Biblical blinders.
    For one with such a promising and bright future, good times were few. Holy halter.
    Innocent flesh covered with the scars of self inflicted sin. Witnesses whip.
    A back bent under the burden of bearing witness to lies. Evangelical arthritis.
    Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, five meetings a week. Approved association.
    Circuit and district conventions. Myriad on myriad of brothers. So alone in the crowd.
    Our years are only 70 or 80 if we have special mightiness. I wasted 20.
    I remained apart from the world while. No longer. The dog to its vomit?
    I delved into the word and found discrepancies. I wanted to make the Truth my own.
    I asked questions. They went unanswered. Accept on faith = comply or else.
    From delivering talks from the platform and working the literature counter. Servant.
    To bad association publicly reproved. All because I wanted to hear the Truth.
    Cast aside, no longer wanted by those representing a loving God. Marked.
    God hates a liar, I was that. Millions now living will never die. Bullshit.
    I was a liar because I believed and witnessed to the lie. Field service fallacies.
    I dont blame God for hating me. I hate myself for my part in the lie. Door to door dupe.
    I wonder how many lives my preaching ruined. My wifes.
    I will live the rest of my years on this world doubting everything. Color me Thomas.
    I will never be taken again. Once bitten twice shy.
    I traded Truth for light. Faith for fact. Living for hope is now hoping to live.
    70 or 80? Maybe, but not if I have anything to say about it.. I want my 20 back.
    I will however shine a light on the darkness that is the organization. Fact, not truth.
    Fact doesnt need faith, it stands alone. Right is right.
    My flesh is healed, my eyes wander the wonders of life, I stand tall not stooped.

    Author: Christopher Madonia

  • meadow77

    Rebel, I can understand your question, and I know you meant no offense. I think people just make mistakes sometimes. It's unfortunate that mistakes are not allowed in the KH(at least not openly admitted mistakes.) It's unfortunate that these loving, compassionate, and perfect souls can only gain amusement and satisfaction at the expense of others. They miss no chance to gloat and judge. That is probably truly one of the worst sins of all. Doesn't seem very christlike does it. I understand you wish some wouldn't give them so much ammo, but you have to understand that they will judge no matter what. That's what the whole religion seems to be based on. If you yourself have gotten out, than I would suggest that you 100% disassociate them from your concern. Better yet, pray for them with true compassion in your heart, because they are misled, and one day will answer for all their judgments against others. As for the holiday thing, the thing I've learned here is that many never saw anything wrong with celebrating their b-days and holidays. Some may have, but always secretly envied the fun and love that they saw others enjoying during such events. I know first hand, that I saw my bestfriend devour the holidays when she came out of the religion. She celebrated her first birthday at 16, and I have never seen a happier person. Her house today is always the most gaudy one on the block. You see she missed out on so much joy over the years, and I guess she's just trying to catch up. She also has to double her holiday spirit with decorations and such, because her family still doesn't celebrate. She's happier being out of the org, but it is lonely this time of the year when most are sharing love with their families. I think most are just making up for lost time.

  • ozziepost

    In many ways, the "weird" ones, as you put it, resemble a spring that has been pressed down for so long, and when it's released, then suddenly takes off. I'm sure you've had experience with a spring like that. You never know where the spring will go or land.

    Many react like a spring. Their first taste of freedom seems altogether strange to them, and they want to try everything they imagine they've "missed out" on during their time as a Dub.

    I'm reminded of the nursery rhyme which says:

    "Leave them alone,

    and they'll come home,

    wagging their tales behind them."

    Generally we find an equilibrium and start to live a "normal" life. I hope!!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • rebel

    Really interesting comments.

    My friend who I mentioned earlier was the one that moved in with a young guy. He was a real rat, playing around, using her, sponging off her etc, yet she didn't do anything even though she knew what he was like - it was as if she was punishing herself or something. And didn't the elders and anybody else who would listen have a field day! They came out with all the usual "I told you what would happen when you leave" etc. She made herself ill, started taking drugs, had her younger daughter taken off her by social services. I made it my business because she is my friend and I care about her. I don't poke my nose into other people's business normally. I was so annoyed at the comments everyone made - nobody went to help her (of course - she was DFed and 'untouchable') and now that she has sorted her life out, she really regrets it.

    Also, the couple that went mad over Christmas, when I met them and asked them about this, they still didn't believe it was Christ's birthday and still thought it was a load of pagan mumbo-jumbo (their words). I don't know whether it is or not - I have always liked the magical feel of Christmas, the lights etc (reminds me of my chidlhood), but the point is, they were doing if purely for show, so that when JWs came by, they would see their house (and garage, and garden, and pavement outside) all lit up. She said she wanted to give the JWs an eyeful (me included at the time) which I thought was stupid. I don't have to harm myself or betray my beliefs to prove a point to anyone.

  • hippikon

    My opinion

    JWs for the most part are societies rejects, XJWs are the rejects of the rejects. There is going to be a high proportion of nut jobs and you only have to look at some who have posted here in the past to find evidence of that. Some (but by no means all) are kicked out of the borg because they are nut jobs.

    Another factor is the self fulfilled prohecy. JWs are taught that when they leave, they revert back to their evil ways. And if they still believe that, even sub conciosly they will act it out particualy if they didn't leave voluntarily. It's kind of like faith in reverse.

  • rebel

    Just another quick point before I go.

    I am NOT saying it is wrong to celebrate Christmas, birthdays or whatever. I really don't know what they are about - I spent so many years being told what was right and wrong, I never really looked in to these subjects for myself. What I am saying is, if I felt that they were harmless fun and that I was being stifled by being a JW, then I would probably start celebrating them too. However, if I felt they were unscriptural and it botherd my conscience to take part, I wouldn't get involved. I certainly WOULD NOT take part just to prove a point to other people.

    It's the same with drink, drugs etc. I wouldn't want to start abusing various substances just becasue I can. That's not a reason in my book. I know people take things for various reasons. I hit the bottle big time many years ago, whilst I was still a JW, simply to blot something horrific out of my life. It didn't work and I stopped drinking eventually. The comment by one elder that I would have been stoned to death if I had lived in Moses day didn't help much! But my point is, I wouldn't want to start taking anything, make myself sick, ruin my health etc, just to get back at a bunch of JWs. They have done enough damage - why would I want to let them harm me any more?



    After thirty years of cruelty and lies from "You Know Who", I can understand some who are suddenly freed from that purgatory. It's also like releasing a cork from a champagne bottle, it all depends how shook up you've been, at what speed the cork comes out ! We've recently come out but my wife and I are stable enough in our lives, to continue without an organisation, as we have great love for Jehovah and Jesus. But then we consider ourselves fortunate, that we are not shunned by our families and friends and we realise that all situations can be so different.


    Edited by - kaytee on 14 December 2002 9:41:11

  • rebel

    So I guess, when you first come out of the org, you need to be careful. I don't think I would go off the rails, but when I really think about it, I just don't know. I am confident that my family love me enough not to shun me - but what if they do? I don't think I will be able to handle that. I can cope with the shunning by others, but not my own family - it would cut me to pieces. I hope and pray that doesn't happen, but it is early days yet and I just don't know. I hope I have the strength to stay calm and stable and not to go back to the way I was before when my world fell apart - it wasn't a nice experience - maybe I'm not a very strong person.

  • twinkletoes


    Welcome to this forum

    It was so interesting to read your comments. We can relate to the problems you have had to suffer at the hands of the JWs. We had been in the Org. for over thirty years, and had very similar experiences as you and your husband.

    My husband (Kaytee) was also incapacitated for four months, on his back, with an exploded disk, they (the elders) took him off the privilege of "carrying the microphones" at the meetings, because of his low hours in the field ministry - he couldn't even walk to the bathroom with having to lean on me for support.

    My husband disputed the elders' actions, even writing to the Branch Office about this matter. The elders replied to the Branch office saying that a Ministerial Servant had taken him off this "privilege" because of my "lack of hours" (blame some-one else !)......the MS bro. said that he was not privy to the field service reports and that it was all lies.!

    But as you can probably guess - the liars are still up on the platform, lording it over others.


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