i think some of them have it in their heads from WT that they are going to die at armaggaden. so they think they are going to die anyway so why not do everything they want. thats what my daughter said. i had to get her to understand thats a WT lie. she then changed her life for the best
so true so true- in our meetings here at the house i found this veiw esp among those who were dfed for sexual reason, they feel i have sinned, i'm wicked jah don't want me anyway and like you stated I'm going to die anyway-
this one woman about 44yrs old commited adultry and was dfed, being an elders wife she really got the shaft and she was throwing "Coochie" everywhere- even Lady "C" told me to be careful in talking and dealing with her -SMILE
anyway JUST like you-- the moment we got her to understand the wt and judical cases and flockbooks were all bogus she shutdown the Free "Coochie" give away program --- smile
and she is doing fine - she is now in a Meaningful relationship and we will be having them over on the 25th for some turkey and "TATA PIE"
so life is good - i tell former jw all the time there are 2 things to be on guard with when first leaving wt and they are getting into
1. Destructive Relationships, - abusive men, other folks wives or husband
2. Destructive Behavoir- high risk sex, drugs and crime
when you leave wt everyone expects you to do the above since they have been told thier is no life outside of wt, and i know speaking for myself when folks see me and :Lady "C" we are laughing , having a ball -LOOKING AND SMELLING GOOD- SMILE
one jw ran into us in the Mall and we were all happy looking and the jw ask What do you all have to be so excited about you have not been to the Hall in years and Lady "C" said THAT IS WHY WE ARE HAPPY- and my baby turned and walked into Norstrom-
If you can manage to walk those 2 mine fields above after leaving wt you are going to be just fine