Satanism is misunderstood

by donkey 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • donkey

    The beliefs, practices and rituals of the Church of Satan have few, if any, points of similarity with the Christian concept of Satan.

    The CoS' concept of Satan is pre-Christian, and derived from the Pagan image of power, virility, sexuality and sensuality. Satan is viewed as a force of nature, not a living quasi-deity. Their Satan has nothing to do wit hell, demons, pitchforks, sadistic torture, demonic possession, and profound evil. Its followers have occasionally engaged in a Black Mass for publicity purposes, in which the Roman Catholic Mass is ridiculed. But, otherwise, their rituals have no connection to those of Christianity.

    Why not find out for yourself? Why blindly believe what religionists teach?

  • Kenneson

    I always thought Satan was the mother of lies, the goddess of this world, and a murderess. Thanks for clarifying that it is just an it.

  • donkey

    I am not a follower of a group.

    However, when reading the principles of the Satanist creed I find myself fairly well described.

    So calvinist you tried to get me to admit if I am a sinner and my answer was no. I don't mind if you call me a Satanist though.

  • NeonMadman
    Why not find out for yourself? Why blindly believe what religionists teach?

    Sounds a lot like the JW's saying that you should come to them for information about their beliefs and practices, rather than listening to what others say. That way, they get to brainwash you without interference. Of course, they expect you to come to them for your information about other religions, too. They see no hypocrisy in their positions.

    The fact is that the JW's are not honest with potential recruits; there is a great deal that they do not tell people during the indoctrination process which, if known, might make the seeker decide differently. That's why it is beneficial to get information from both sides - pro and con - before making a religious choice.

    Now, I know you're talking about Satanism and not the JW's. I use the JW's as an example because most who post here are familiar with them. But I think the principle applies no matter what the religion under discussion. What disturbs me is the implied condescension in the question, "Why blindly believe what religionists teach?", as if to imply that anyone who has a negative opinion of Satanism has been deceived by lying religionists. The fact is that Satanism is well known to promote values that are unacceptable to many in our predominantly Christian culture.

    You must also remember that, in the mind of a Christian, Satan is the "father of lies". So the fact that the Satan you are claiming is so different from the one known to Christians would largely be seen as a subterfuge.

    Now, I'm not trying to discourage anyone lrom learning more about the beliefs of others. If one wishes to know more about Satanism, then he should indeed hear what the believers in that religion have to say. But he should also listen to the opponents, and to former members. It's the only way to get a well-rounded view of the matter. And he certainly shouldn't allow himself to be led into the study from the perspective that all the opponents are liars, and only the adherents will tell the real truth. That's simply an invitation to be brought under mind control.

  • donkey

    Satan is the best friend the church ever had. If it wasn't for the belief in the big evil Satan the church would be out of business.

  • donkey

    I do not recognize Satan as a being any more than God..

    If you interperet Satan as a wicked spirit or being then I am not a follower. The church of satan teaches self love.

  • SixofNine

    Why not find out for yourself?

    because like most anything to do with "spirituality" or religion, it all just more mental masturbation?

  • donkey
    because like most anything to do with "spirituality" or religion, it all just more mental masturbation?

    6 of 9,

    We agree wholeheartedly. Live for yourself thats all that matters, everyone has there own life to live for themselves. Altruism is the ultimate injustice.

  • NeonMadman

    Satan is the best friend the church ever had. If it wasn't for the belief in the big evil Satan the church would be out of business.

    Assuming, of course, that your view is that the church is merely a business. Some are, no doubt about it. But there are different definitions of what a church is. One definition is simply a religious organization that propagates certain doctrines and practices. Some of those "churches" are far more focused on worldly than spiritual things, and there's no question that in some traditions, Satan has been used as a bogeyman to frighten people into submission. That is not, however, the Biblical definition either of the church or of Satan.

    In the Bible, the church is the "body of Christ"; in other words, the body of believers who act in Christ's stead on earth.They receive their teaching and power through the Holy Spirit, and in no way need to rely on the presence of Satan to validate what they do. Satan is merely a rebellious angel, under God's judgment, who works against God's purposes while he is allowed time to do so. He has no power over real Christians. What power he may give to his own followers is ultimately to their detriment. And he is not the mythical king of some underworld hell. He will be among those punished by God when God's time for it comes.

    In making your cynical comments about the church, you are really attacking a caricature of the church, not the real thing. The true church of Jesus Christ is not a dog-and-pony show where people are frightened into submission with tales of red-suited devils, pitchforks and torture. It is a powerful spiritual organism operating on Christ's behalf on this earth. I assume that it suits your purpose to mock religion, again as a way of discrediting what others believe so as to make it easier to persuade seekers to your way of thinking. Such tactics are misleading and dishonest. If you believe Satanism is the best way of life, then prove it so by honest, reasonable argument, and not by mockery and verbal tricks. Until you do so, I would caution seekers to beware your deceptive tactics - exactly what we might expect from a follower of the "father of lies".

  • NeonMadman
    Live for yourself thats all that matters, everyone has there own life to live for themselves. Altruism is the ultimate injustice.

    And now we come to the kernel of the matter, don't we? Because, after all, if we live only for ourselves, what does it matter whether we lie to others, cheat them, steal from them, even murder them? As long as it works for us, that's all that matters, right? Most reasonable persons would call such practices evil.

    Successful societies cannot be built on such principles. Some regard for the rights and desires of others is needed in order to interact successfully with other human beings. That's why we have laws and codes of conduct, definitions of good and evil. It really doesn't matter whether those principles were given by God, or just codified by men because they worked. such defining principles are absolutely necessary to the continued functioning of human society. Under your definition, Satanism can only be an individualistic religion, whose members are by necessity excluded from the mainstream of any human society, because their practices are, by any reasonable definition (human or divine), evil - totally self-centered, animalistic, without regard for the well-being of others.

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