Who or What is God? Who Cares?

by MrMoe 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MrMoe

    Lately I find myself struggling with the simple fact that I do not believe there is a God, let alone any realm beyond the physical realm we are aware of. As many of you who know me know I am fond of tarot and astrology, for sometime now I find myself doubting the real significance of it all. Is there something else out there? Is there more to life than this? Is there life after death? Is there more to living and dying? I have been discussing the topic with several friends and find myself leaning more and more that I am not even agnostic. Have I stumbled upon nothingness? And, if there is a supreme being(s), I realize now, I have a strong dislike for him or her or whatever it is.

    Forgive me if I come across as ignorant or arrogant for that matter, I lack an education and therefore do not know much of what many of you may in terms or research studies on the subject.

    I look at human life, and life itself that exists on this earth. Evolutionists and atheist try to explain it all away, say that all life here evolved, and use human science as an argument. Then that brings me to several conclusions, where ARE the missing links? Where are the bones of our supposed ancestors? How did the planets get here? Where did the galaxies come from? Masses of gas or rock hanging in outer space... I mean, look up at the stars, doesn't that put a person in awe of what is out there? So how did it GET here?

    I want answers, but there aren't any, at least non that are satisfactory to me.

    So, I sat on my bed and laid out my tarot cards. Finding I no longer had faith in what they told me, I started pouting. My daughter walked in the room and laid down on the bed beside me. She said "Mommy, can I pick one?" So I fanned them out and let her play with me. She picked Venus (in this deck this is the Love card) and the World. And what is this supposed to mean? Is that some sort of sign? I doubt it. It is just a few cards, isn't it?

    Some reason, I had a tear in my eye, and of course as bright as she is, she noticed. She asked what was wrong. Now, I speak to my daughter the way I would to you, as a human being, not as a child. So I told her that I just found "nothing, and I don't believe in God." My daughter is 4 years old, and spoke some wise words.

    She said "Mommy, God is your friends and the people you care about." I looked at her funny, because somehow those words seemed to make sense. Then, she said, "God isn't in heaven. God is just there. God isn't even a person, it is love."

    I don't have all the answers, I don't know for a fact how we got here, because I don't personally feel any of it can be proven or disproven (that is the fact that the metaphysical exists or does not exist.) I do know that I can't spend my entire life wondering about it. I can't sit back and waste precious time trying to figure it out, because the answers will never be there. And that brings me to nothingness. How depressing.

    And you religious nuts, save me on your posts about God and the bible, because your bible is trash to me.

  • Kenneson

    If love exists, how could it be nothingness? Doesn't nothingness connote non-existence? Yet love is relational and denotes personal existence, the opposite of your conclusion.

  • MrMoe

    Kenneson - What do you mean? Yes, I believe in love and personal existance, but what I find myself excogitating is basically another realm, that is a spiritual one. The void.

  • Kenneson

    Mr. Moe,

    Well, I believe that love fills the void.

  • LizardSnot


    I pray that whatever God is to you...that you will be blessed :)

  • jack2

    Amanda, I wonder some of the same things myself. I never prayed much, even when I was a jw elder.

    I really find what your daughter said to be very interesting and thought-provoking. Who knows, maybe she is onto something.

    One thing you said was that you "lack an education". I am not sure how much schooling you had, but I must say that I have never felt that you lacked education based on your posts or through chats we've had. On the contrary, you display a keen sense of insight that I think is very obvious.

  • JH

    How do you like my bible Mr.Moe?

  • animal

    You are your own god.. you make your own path, good or bad. Simple.


  • donkey


    In one of his books, Antony Flew describes a thought experiment I have come to call the Allegory of the Boulder. Suppose that a guest in your house suddenly declares that that there is an enormous boulder in the middle of your living room. You reply, No, there isnt. I am looking at the space, and there is simply nothing there.

    Thats because it is invisible.

    But if I examine the place where you say the boulder lies, the pile of the carpet is not crushed as it would be if something as massive as a boulder lay there.

    It is also without mass.

    If I walk across the place where you claim the rock lies, I do not stub my toes.

    The boulder is intangible.

    At this point, I would observe that the meaning of the word boulder entails certain attributes, among which are mass, visibility, and tangibility. If there is anything extraordinary in the space referred to, it certainly cannot be referred to as a boulder.

    I believe I have thereby demonstrated evidence of absence.

  • gumby

    Hey Amanda,

    I want answers, but there aren't any, at least non that are satisfactory to me.

    The search for God has gone on since man began. All searches bring different conclusions..........how comforting don't ya think? Not!

    I am where you are at.....whatever that means. I WANT to know shit. I want the same questions answered as you and feel I won't be fully satisfied until I do.

    I was thinking the other day......why can't/won't God talk to me or anyone else? Is it really love to keep silent and invisable to those you are supposed to love? Even if we cry out and plead with tears......he will not speak up, give you a dream, or vision, or anything to let you know he will handle it.

    You parents.....if you were watching your child through a two way mirror, and saw her scared and crying out she wanted you because she was afraid........how long could you watch? God can watch a long time......he has watched at least 6 thousand years of slaughter, starvation, lonliness, and about a 100 other things.....and watches through his 'two way mirror"..... at HIS kids.

    Sorry moe....no answers from me yet.

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