Who or What is God? Who Cares?

by MrMoe 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Kenneson


    In reference to the Allegory of the Boulder perhaps Anthony Flew overlooks the fact that some regions experience landslides wherein boulders sometimes do end up in the middle of living rooms. Would that be considered evidence of presence?

  • donkey


    To prove if anything exists you first have to define the "something". What makes the "something" tangible? Does it occupy space? Does it have mass? Can it be touched or can you feel it? Can you measure it?

    Perhaps someone should provide such a definition for "god". Perhaps I am presumptuous in my claims that I find no evidence that god exists. What is god? Define what god is and then look for the evidence. I bet most believers cannot even come up with a concrete defintion (and don't quote scripture).

    Spoken by an ASS

  • rem
    Evolutionists and atheist try to explain it all away, say that all life here evolved, and use human science as an argument. Then that brings me to several conclusions, where ARE the missing links? Where are the bones of our supposed ancestors? How did the planets get here? Where did the galaxies come from? Masses of gas or rock hanging in outer space... I mean, look up at the stars, doesn't that put a person in awe of what is out there? So how did it GET here?

    I want answers, but there aren't any, at least non that are satisfactory to me.

    There is a lot that we know about such things. We don't know everything, but many of your questions do have satisfactory answers. For example, there are many books that show the bones of our ancestors (and there are many). I'm reading one right now called Fossil Trail by Ian Tatersol. Many of your other questions are handled by astronomy and physics. A book I read called Five Ages of the Universe by Douglas Adams was very good at explaining the life cycle of stars and how the elements are created from their nuclear reactions.


  • gumby


    Are you an ass as in stupid or as in nice ass? LOL (shit, I forgot if you were a dude or chick....if dude.....delete what I said ).

    Define what god is and then look for the evidence. I bet most believers cannot even come up with a concrete defintion (and don't quote scripture).

    To people who's Gods are invisable.......that is a hard one.

    If a forensic scientist were to go back in time......before man, and had to try and figure out by the looks of things around him, what type or kind of being made the earth and put it here.......how do you think he would conclude? ( if he had to write from the idea a creator did it )

  • gsx1138

    I struggle with the same thing Moe. As my education and critical thinking skills increase I find myself leaning toward secular paganism. I enjoy the experience of ritual but have a hard time wrapping my head around any kind of "higher power" as the evidence for such is severely lacking. I have to say that God is whatever you choose to make it. It can either be an invisible sky spirit or a 10" smurf fashioned from gold. Do as you will, harm noone. Pretty simple words to live by, good luck on your search.

  • MrMoe

    gsx - And as I research, and discuss with my friends such issues, I find I am not even pagan. Or even agnostic. That leaves only one thing, does it not?

  • avishai
    Forgive me if I come across as ignorant or arrogant for that matter, I lack an education and therefore do not know much of what many of you may in terms or research studies on the subject.

    First off, don't be so hard on yourself, all of your posts that i have read are very intelligent, you seem to be quite the autodidact. Second, I was in kinda the same place you seem to be in spiritually a few years ago.

    O.k first off, in my many experiments w/ multiple tarot decks, I find them to be a valuable psychoanalytical tool, no matter who is being "read" including oneself, although whenever I did a reading on me it always seemed to come out " Go figure it out for yourself, I'm not goin' there! And it eventually became a crutch that i felt I no longer needed, life is much more exciting whn you don't know whats gonna happen next.

    As per spirituality, I don't find any set "belief" system to be accurate. I for instance cannot believe in a god that is omnipotent, omniscient & omnibenevolent, as it creates WAY too many paradoxes. I definitely don't believe in the traditional Judeo-christian interpretaiton of a god, cuz that guy is a jerk.

    That being said, I think there are higher intelligences in the universe. Whether they are "creators" or worthy of '"worship, I don't know & it does'nt usually keep me up nights these days. I figure, we're all gonna find out sooner or later anyway, so I don't worry & follow the basic precept of most religions, Be nice! Do as though wilt and harm none, etc. I like pagannism as it is more of a Dionysan religion as opposed to an Apollonian one. I think one should take big bites outa life, moderation is for monks.

  • Introspection

    Amanda, I'm not sure what your current email is but I'd like to email you directly - I can go back and try to find some in my mailbox but it would be hit or miss. I touched on some of this though in my last reply in Siddhashunyata's thread on "Your faith is your weakness." I'll try to catch you in chat, but if you're open to it please email me so I can email you back.

    First of all, I'm sure you already realize how wise your daughter is, as far as I'm concerned that wisdom comes from being in touch with ones true nature. Along the line of the above thead's subject, though, I've found that the most spiritual people (for whatever that's worth) are those who do not need beliefs. By that I mean you don't need to believe that God exists or that God doesn't exist, or even the concept that God or nature is in the likeness of human beings or amorphous or any conceptual framework whatsoever - because that's all mind stuff rather than the real thing. This to me is nothingness - not the nothingness of looking in an empty refrigerator when you're hungry, but pure potentiality. In one piece of spiritual writing it says that form is emptiness and emptiness is form, that kind of sums it up.

    It seems to me that you are truly interested and asking from your heart, but I would just note that it's best to use the mind as a tool rather than letting it use you. You have an honest and open heart that's reflected in your daughter, I feel confident to say just listen to your heart. Hope to hear from you via email - I have one thing to share that I think you'd enjoy.



  • breeze

    Mother Nature...

    I heard this idea many years ago and discounted it immdiately!!

    But lately I am beginning to think that God is just simply Mother Nature guiding all of the Earth and humans.

    Edited by - breeze on 14 December 2002 23:52:56

  • Undecided

    It's very hard to dismiss some kind of creator for all this wonderful universe(messed up world) but you have the same problem explaining how God got here. There are no answers so we might as well just take the ride.

    Ken P.

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