Regarding this situation where if you leave or are asked to leave the organisation then your family are not permitted to associate with you or some sort of scenario thereabouts by decree of organizational policy.
I think this is outright evil and sick it's a fatal disease. We've got a mind control cult on our hands here. Sometimes you get too close to things you can't see.
Speaking generally now I don't see how one person remaining within the mindcontrolcult is going to be able to help either themselves or those they love within it by continuing to remain under it's influence. While ever everyones in it no one stands a chance of freedom.
This is of course assuming that one wants to break free. Some don't I know, they are more than happy being part of the cult and buy into it completely without reservation. Others are nonchalant - they know it's bullshit but it doesn't worry them or doesn't seem to. If anyone reading this falls into these categories skip the rest of this post.
This cult is ruining lives and from my experience the lives of some superb people. I'm almost at a loss for words here but as long as you are participating in the WTBTS program a part of you is theirs and that part of you is very distorted, very one sided, very unbalanced, one dimensional, narrow, very brain washed/polluted/poisoned. That part of you has a worldview entirely based upon the fictions of the WTBTS. I don't claim to have any answers or to speak for anyone else but I can say that after seven years of not participating in the WTBTS program I think the healing has begun. The pendulum is starting to swing a little more around the centre. Giving myself that time space has helped pull a lot into perspective. It certainly has not been easy but I strongly recommend it to anyone who can relate to what I'm saying.
This has not meant to be a harsh critical post but a sober one.-SolidSender