Do the fundamentals of Christianity tell you that if you jump off a cliff you will die? Does it teach you that if you try and do surgery on your own brain you will die? Does it teach you that trying to swim across the Pacific ocean by yourself you will die?
No, it doesn't. Why doesn't it? Do you think that having a certain amount of intelligence and common sense will tell you that trying to do those things will kill you? We do not need the bible or Christianity to tell us about things that might be harmful to us. Common sense does most of that. Just because the bible tells us about a few things that might be harmful to us doesn't make those thoughts exclusive to the bible or Christianity. Just as most of the bible stories are stolen from other religious myth so are some of the common sense things people like you try to convince other people is exclusive to the bible.
The bible says don't slit your throat because if you do you will die. Well, that makes sense, that means everything the bible says must be true then. Only a real stupid person will fall for that kind of logic. That is the kind of logic that religions use to entice the bungled and beguiled. Those who have little common sense and need a book or a religion to think for them are the ones you need to preach to, not us.
If a certain amount of common sense and intelligence will tell you that, then why can't the same be true for other things. Do you think everyone who does not read and follow the bible is out doing things that will eventually cause them to die? Do you really think the average human is that stupid?
I don't believe in the bible because of the study and research I have done. That doesn't make me fall all apart and run out and have sex with a hundred women I picked up in a bar and it certainly doesn't make me try and have any medical procedure done by someone waving a translucent rock over my body. Christians like you "think" that if people do not follow what you follow than they are "all" doing the same exact opposite thing you are doing and they are wrong! Just as the JW's think, you think. There is no middle ground with close minded religious thinkers. It is how you were programed to think.
You ask if it is not wise to at least explore the possibility of religious teachings. I agree, I did, I came up with a completely different conclusion than you did. Big shock isn't it? I found the stories and so called biblical fact to be derived from other religions myth. Most of it was taken from both the Hindu and Buddhist myths that were contrive hundreds of years before Christ supposedly walked the earth.
Following teachings contrive from myth is not any different from a person who believes a crystal will heal them. It is all myth, it is all based on a distorted faith that individuals have come to the conclusion to be true. Your faith in the bible is all in your head just as anyone's faith is in anything. That is why it is called "faith." It is what you "believe" to be true.
We do not have "faith" that if we jump off a cliff we will die. We know it to be a fact. We do not have faith in if we slice open our own head to try and do surgery on our own brain we will die, we know it as a fact.
You have faith in what the bible says because you want to. Once you do that you take it and live by it. That is your choice but it does not make it right for the rest of us. Coming here and telling us that what "you" have come to the conclusion of, and trying to tell us we are wrong or "sinning" if we do not see things exactly the way you do is a crock. Who in the hell do you think you are? What gives you the right to judge anyone else on this planet but yourself? Who empowered you to have all the answers in life? Just because you have had some college courses does that make you all knowing and absolutely right about what you have come to the "conclusion" of?
There are thousands of men and women who have studied more than you and are respected more than you that will disagree with you and be able to prove their points just as you may think you can. Who in the world told you that you are the one that is right and they are wrong?
You certainly think a lot of yourself to try and come here and pass off as what you have come to the conclusion of is what we all need to decide is true for our own lives. You are no different from the JW's. It's the same self righteous style but with a little different slant on the message. I am not slamming you, I am simply stating facts as I see them.