Filing a Lawsuit to see my granddaughter

by Nancy K 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nancy K
    Nancy K

    Thank you, I really mean it..This may be a dead end, but I guess I've already been thru so much, between my health and this stress, I feel like I have to give it the old college try! Wouldn't it be wonderful if somehow my daughter Vanessa's heart started to soften? I do believe in miracles...I am living proof. NK..........I LOVE ALL OF YOU, the support you guys give me is immeasurable!! (Woops, spelling?)

  • QCA1

    Hi Nancy

    I am a grandma of 2 jw children and if i was in your position i would go all the way and get access.No one in this entire world would stop me least of all the Watchtower.

    I wish you all the luck in the world.


  • Iwasyoungonce


    "This may be a dead end, but I guess I've already been thru so much, between my health and this stress, I feel like I have to give it the old college try"

    Love is never a dead end. I believe you when you say that you love your little girl"s". I hope that one day you can make peace and share (with them) the love that you have for them. You are a "peacebringer" I.M.O.

    "Wouldn't it be wonderful if somehow my daughter Vanessa's heart started to soften?"

    I promise to say a prayer for you and your family.

    I am in your bizzaro world where the WT is concerned. (My children are on the outside and I said that borg forced indoctrination as love will not be tolerated) My trapped family is 3rd generation and currently do not believe there is an outside the Watchtower. (There are only those who have not "The Truth" yet) I have accepted that I can not reason with them much less save them from themselves. The cycle of abuse was broken with my children and we have great relations will everyone but the borg. I admire your loving zeal for your children. I really do. You are an example to me that I have growing still to do.

    Although I do not support the State dictating non parental visitation rights I will pray for you; that a way is found where you can share your love for your grandchild, with her directly.

    Have you considered or tried voluntary arbitration? (As opposed to court itself?) Or, have you talked to Steven Hassan, read his book "Breaking The Bonds." Looking into the SIA ideals might be good for you. Being prepared in reality is your best friend on this trek.

    And again if you never get the opportunity to say all the things that you want to then write a letter for your grandchild. Tell her everything you feel, all your love, dreams, and aspirations for her.

    (Just trying to help)

  • Nancy K
    Nancy K

    Dear IWasYoungOnce, You are very kind..I haven't read S H's book, but I will look for it and your suggestion re: a letter, is a good one! With me it will turn into a book, for sure! Thank you much, I wish all good things to come your way today and everyday..NK

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