by Jesika 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Welcome back to the forums Jesika,

    Can't afford to see the movies, but I do check out DVDs at the library since they're free, will wait to see the Rings movie from the library.

  • Jesika

    LOL@ Yiz,

    I was only gone for a couple days!!!!! Like I told you in my email I wasn't feeling well but I am back in full force--lol.

    *thinking she may need to get a life* LOL j/k

    Gil-----better get tickets early, I am sure the show will sell out, well at least I know it will here in Dallas.



  • bikerchic

    Yes Jesika I'm looking forward to seeing the next Lord of the Rings! I finally saw the first one, Craig and I rented it lucky for me he was there to explain it all to me or I would have been lost, he,hee. Now I'm hooked I want to read the books too!

    I'm not going to stand in a long line to see the movie, when it's been out for a while Craig and I will go see it, can't wait though!


  • ashitaka

    I personally think that Peter Jackson can sit and spin, that he is a worthless hack that has nothing better to do than shove the camera in every actors face whenver it is possible.

    But, it is a Tolkien tale, so it's impossible to destroy it altogether.


  • Wolfy

    I'm going to see the Two Towers on Sunday. I bought the extended version of the Fellowship of the Ring(1st movie) and it is well worth the money. There is extra footage and scenes that were not in the Theatrical release.

    I started reading the series when I was 12 and read it again every couple of years. It felt good to be able to use your imagination unlike most things in Dubland.


  • Utopian_Raindrops

    LOL Jess....standing in line at Midnight!!

    Very cute!

    My children and I are VERY excited about the 2 towers!!

    I read all J.R.R.Tolkiens books as a child and have been sharing them with my kids!

    Thing is we don't see a movie till all have finished the book!! My 12 year old has not finished!!

    That's ok my oldest and I have put her on command speed read or we will go without her!!

    Hope you enjoy the movie....and eat some popcorn for me!! Oh and snow caps....and gummie bears.....hehehehehe

    Let us know how you liked it!!



    a flower for the beautiful Jess.....

  • Jesika


    I saw the movie at midnight and again today at 2:00pm!!

    I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We will be seeing it again this weekend!!!!!!!!!!

    Everyone must go see it.

    I also have seen the coverage on Fellowship of the ring on the DVD that was not shown in the movie. It too was worth watching, and if you can afford it buy that as well.

  • shera

    Yes,I'm looking forward to see the second part... I'm waiting until its been out for a week.I hate being crowded.

    Was it as good as the first one?

  • NeonMadman

    I have a JW friend of many years, and for a good number of those years, we have been going on Christmas day to Chinese food and a movie. Now, I'm out, and he's most of the way out, so he and I and our wives and his son and my daughter and her husband are all going to see LOTR-TTT on Christmas day, after a fine Chinese feast. And my wife's family will be celebrating Christmas later in the week, so I won't miss that, either.

    Before that, sometime this weekend, we plan to watch the extended DVD version of LOTR-FOTR that I bought last month, sort of as preparation for seeing the second part.

    It's gonna be so much fun!!!

  • SheilaM

    I've read them all. We haven't seen the Two Towers yet but my son went to the 12:01 showing here last night he dressed as strider boots/leather jacket and cape (darn I should have taken a pic) he got home at 4:00 A. M and had FINALS today LOL!!! Here though if you have perfect attendance your exempt from finals so he slept LOL</P>
    <P>Thought you like that story LOL</P>


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