Send the dishcloths. But the best gift you can give is you. So stay alive, OK?
by Windchaser 47 Replies latest jw friends
Send the dishcloths. But the best gift you can give is you. So stay alive, OK?
mental note to self.....
take nude pic of self w/dishcloths strategically placed on bod for wildturkey........ho ho ho!
Sweetie, you send those dishcloths!
I love getting handmade gifts. As a fellow crocheter, I am also crocheting items as gifts. I saw that very commercial this morning and it caught my attention too. I thought to myself "I hope people don't think that about MY gifts". However, to really drive their point home, Staples showed some really hideous stuff. Not a beautifully designed afghan, or sweater. However, I am certainly not opposed to someone giving me a laptop as a gift.
I know what you mean about people just being polite. Even if a few people are, I wouldn't stop making the dishclothes. Actually, that is something I have never made. Maybe I will try it! Just as soon as I complete the fifty projects I have in the works right now.
P.S. My all time favorite xmas gift was when I was 13 and my Mom made me a pair of crocheted slippers. I loved those slippers and wore them out. She doesn't remember the pattern and I am always on the look out for a pattern that comes close to THOSE slippers.
Wow!! I for one am totally honored that you even would think of me as someone you would like to recieve such a meaningful gift from you! Would I like to recieve a hand made gift which took not only your tallent but your time to make over a "store-bought" item regardless of the monetary value? Hands down YOU BET!
Now about the part where you have been suicidal.....girl that worries me. I wish I was there to give you a great big hug and tell you how very special and important you are in everyones life that knows you and many who don't. From someone who was very suicidal most of my life I know only too well that it takes lots of work to combat that mindset, but it can be done I'm living proof of it. Negativity is such a waste of time, I hope that while you crochet these dishclothes with every loop on the hook you say to yourself; "I Dottie am a wonderful worthwhile person who will find much joy in living." Honestly it is that easy unprogram the old tapes in your head it takes only 3 weeks to make a habit. I hope with all my heart you try doing this. I hope with all my heart that the pain in your heart becomes less and less with every stitch you crochet.
Katie (who sorta doesn't like lime green.....if that's not too impolite)
PS I crack up at that commercial everytime I see it now I'll think of you too Dottie and thanks for the laughs and the warm hearted thoughts.
I would LOVE to receive something you made Windchaser! I am a very sentimental person and collect little things that have special meaning to me.
Please do send me something if you are up to the trouble.
Windchaser -
I'll send you one of my stupid-looking ornaments (they look like porteguese man-of-war -dripping with pearls and tacky as hell but they are really 'art' if you send me one of your crotcheted treasures!
The best remembered and treasured gifts a person can receive are gifts from the heart.
Send your hand-made cloths, they are great, I received some once from my sister-in-law, and I loved them.
Then again knowing that you are ok yourself and not thinking of suicide is a greater gift.
We care.
Scooter, I'll make you three, for those strategic places! hahahaha
BG, my mom knitted my sister and me slippers for Christmas a couple of years! I loved them, too, and they really kept my feet warm in cold Massachusetts.
Biker, it's been in me to kill myself since the day I was born, I think. I learned over the years that the feelings go away and life is really good once I get over those tough spots. I didn't kill myself for the sake of my children. Now I have no excuse, except that I know that these thoughts are just ingrained in me, part of me and that they go away if I give it time. I take medication and it really has helped. The dishcloths help me, too, because you are right, while I'm crocheting, I'm thinking of the person I'm giving it to and I feel good. If ya don't like lime green (which has never been part of my yarn palette, btw), tell me what you want and it's yours.
HEY HEY HEY People....don't be hogging the dishclothes! I want mine!!!!!
Nothing would make me happier than getting something you took the time to make youself Windy!
Damn Wind,
You are gonna be busy now!!!!!!!!!! I bet the list is a hell of a lot longer now then you thought it would be.
I will send you an email with my address only if you do the same so my son and I can send you a x-mas card we make.
I am looking forward to recieving your dishcloth. Our kitchen is blue and beige, but you can send any color you want to. None of our dishclothes match anyway--lol.
You have mail!!!