"A judicial committee should not be formed unless a matter is established" Stuart is asking about the very specific decision "scripturally" to decide if it has happened, quotes the book...
Geoffrey Jackson Royal Commission update
by umbertoecho 232 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Oh god now it's jackson reading the bible about headship. -
cha ching
Ok, back to headship... But now we have a picture of Jackson!!!!!! -
stewart having jackson read 1 cor 14:33-35 -
When was the last time any ex-elder here knows of sisters dealing with a victim and then advising them? I would bet there would be not one first hand example. -
it's about women keeping silent in the congregation and not speaking in the congregation.
stewart showing how jw's don't apply that literally.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Time to start adding things to the bible! Paul was pretty clear about women keeping their mouths shut. -
stewart asking jackson to provide the over-arching guidelines for when a biblical passage should be taken literally or not. -
Village Idiot
I'm a little confused. Are JCs in Australia made up of only 2 elders instead of 3 like the U.S.? -
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
We don't take it literal that a women shouldn't speak. But we do take it literally that women cannot handle any responsibilities.