Being that Pearl Harbor is a military location, you know that there isn't going to be anything disrespectful going on near the Arizona......but, until Ground Zero is a proper memorial, I just think people should stay away. Visiting a memorial is fine, but WTC is like an open grave.....just a feeling I have, know what I mean?
I respectfully disagree. I'm from NY, I was there when they went down, I had friends and family lost that day. I regularly visit the site, and ponder and pray. There is a sense of sorrow, and something that you will never forget by visiting now. This is exactly what we need, and something I personally think everyone should experience. Once the observation area is finished and the official memorial is complete, you will never feel the hard hitting reality that you do now. When you walk around the church and view the notes, and condolances from around the world, you will find emotions you didn't realize you had. I believe the complete opposite ash.....I think when these things are gone, it will just be another tourist attraction.