I always thought angels must be the ultimate voyeurs...
Bodily Fluids
by Farkel 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The great Farkel misses the point, again.
It's all about threshold. Threshold of pain and pleasure. It's the same bible based principle. Some have engaged in illicit sexual behavior even to the point of climax, said the great GB. Operative word is 'even'. Even. Easier to argue with the threshold of the pleasure of the mount to mouth thing, than the thingy in thingy thing; easier, and, well, cheaper. It's more than just fluids. Life get's more complex than that. To start with, fluids have different colours and thicknesses. While the one flows like the milk and honey of the promised land, the other is salty, like plentiful ocean waters. And closely examined, the two can't be correctly called exchanges. In the one, one receives more than they give, in the other, well, it is usually an exchange in the Dutch version. Not much, but there's more joy in giving than in receiving. That, too, is bible based. We move to more important matters. What about the compisition of fluids. Won't even touch that. How about the manner of exchange. Shall we say this has no importance....
I should leave this dark place for now... I return, after some dignifying exchange...
Xena - they went well beyond voyeurs .
The answer is: God didn't create the penis and vagina simply for the sake of the "exquisite" feelings that can be derived from their use. He gave Adam and Eve those organs FIRST of all for the purpose of reproduction, the pleasurableness that comes from their use being only secondary. Therefore, persons who choose to engage in sexual intercourse while at the same time being unwilling to marry are commiting a gross wrong, because they do so in disrespect for the FIRST reason there is for humans having life-producing organs.
No, no, you must have heard Him wrong. God told me those organs were first for pleasure and then reproduction being secondary. Which makes more sense because it can take quite a few tries. Therefore those who fornicate soley for the purpose of reproduction disrespect his first reason.
Of course, your argument is bogus.
: It's more than just fluids. Life get's more complex than that.
Only to those who like to complicate even the most simple of things, and only to those who use simple things in order to dominate and manipulate people.
I would love to see you argue that consensual sex with protection against reproduction and disease and without further expectations other than the sex itself is anything more complicated than a simple, biological exercise.
Are you up to that one?
Therefore, persons who choose to engage in sexual intercourse while at the same time being unwilling to marry are commiting a gross wrong, because they do so in disrespect for the FIRST reason there is for humans having life-producing organs.
In my opinion your statement emphasizes the wrong thing. Marriage in itself does not guarantee that the children which may result from that union will be loved and cared for. Better to say:
"Persons who choose to engage in sexual intercourse while at the same time being unwilling to love and care for any resulting children are commiting a gross wrong, because they do so in disrespect for the FIRST reason there is for humans having life-producing organs."
As for pleasure verses reproduction, unlike other mammals the human female and male sexual desires are not restricted to only those times when fertilization can occur. Mankind has been given the right and responibility to govern when he or she produces offspring and also the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of the act of reproduction without producing said offspring. We are free to choose but also free to really mess up our lives and that of our children if we act without forethought.
Rambling here, sorry!
Edited by - IslandWoman on 19 December 2002 13:45:55
: Rambling here, sorry!
No, you actually made some SENSE this time!
Friday- just curious here , did you wait til marriage to have sex? I mean the concept of loving someone til death do us part is foreign to me .
Marriage in itself does not guarantee that the children which may result from that union will be loved and cared for.
That's true, but with marriage there is a committment to begin with.
Better to say:
"Persons who choose to engage in sexual intercourse while at the same time being unwilling to love and care for any resulting children are commiting a gross wrong, because they do so in disrespect for the FIRST reason there is for humans having life-producing organs."
Well put! Thank you.
The answer is: God didn't create the penis and vagina simply for the sake of the "exquisite" feelings that can be derived from their use. He gave Adam and Eve those organs FIRST of all for the purpose of reproduction, the pleasurableness that comes from their use being only secondary.
Oh so wrong! God made it an extremely pleasurable activity so that every one would want to do it so that human reproduction would be guaranteed!
Same thing with food. God made it smell so good so that we wouldn't forget to eat and starve.
If sex didn't feel good we would probably forget to do it.