Words from my brother

by Elsewhere 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Way to go, Elsewhere! Your logical mind will always win out over his emotional agitation. I think you feel peace because (1) you know you're right; and (2) you expressed your feelings and beliefs the way you wanted to. I get frustrated when I go back over a conversation in my head and think, rats, I should have said this differently or added that. It's SO much easier to say it in e-mail where you can edit before sending!! Keep up the good work! Even if he never changes, you will be true to yourself.


  • Elsewhere

    Big Tex,

    You are right... what I have posted are just a few of the emails that have gone back and forth. So far he has never directly addressed one of my questions. He keeps changing the subject... or at least he trys to. I won't let him. He also keeps resorting to personal attacks... but I just ignore those. and return back to the questions I am asking him.

  • Iwasyoungonce

    Slave class ???Slave class ???? I have never read the term JW in the Bible as used by the WT. Nor did I see exact from the Bible in context scripture having your brothers back. Of course to disprove him you will be required to produce exact scripture. (Over something not in the Bible)

    Elsewhere your brother is very lucky to have you.

    A doctrine debate OK

    The Wt loves the term slave. Slave this and slave that. By serving the WT you are a good little slave.

    "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. So, stand firm, and don't let yourselves be burdened by a harness of slavery."
    - Paul, in the letter to the Galatians, 5:1 The whole chapter is clearer how important the very concept of freedom is to me but that leaves more room to argue the definition of what "is" is. Scully, You said the "Good News." Do you mean;? This below right? "After John the Baptizer was put in prison, Jesus returned to Galilee and told everyone this good news from God: 'The time is here! God's Kingdom is arriving! Make yourself ready and believe this good news is true!'"
    - Mark 1:14-15 If so then what EXACTLY did Jesus say that it is? What exactly did he say to do? Elsewhere, Why are you an athiest? Have you ever explained the courage it takes to be one? (To your brother) I admire people who can say, mean, and believe that there is not a "God" or "Heaven" ect ect. That this is it. You live, you eat, you deficate, and procreate, then at some point you die. (As it is a proven theroy) You would have to have a lot of courage to be that strong. IMO BTW one of my friends who died this year, he was a devout athiest; and one of the finest Christians I have ever known.

  • Prisca


    I know how hard it is to try to "discuss" WT doctrines with die-hard family members, so my sympathies go out to you.

    However, your reasoning is sound, and the use of logic and questions are good. Perhaps use of the word "lies" might have been like using a red flag in front of a bull - try not to use language that attacks or puts him on the immediate defensive. You are trying to get him to use his reason, and not allow emotions rule the argument.

    Let us know how things go. I'll be one of the first to welcome him to this board when he realises his life has been a sham.

  • Realist

    god this reminds me of the discussions with my girlfriend....i ask you all...is there anything more frustrating than talking to real JWs???

    elsewhere...how about you show him the quotes about the pyramids...wouldn't it interest your brother that 1914 is not based on the bible but on measurments of the ceops pyramid???


  • Elsewhere

    I had no idea that my brother is that far into the JW mindset.

    Everytime I have ever talked to him he has always been so nice. It wasn't until I started exposing his beloved organization that his true colors started to show.

    I had no idea he was capable of so much anger.

    I wonder if the rest of my family is the same.

    It just seems so odd to me. Was I like that??? I sure hope not.

  • Windchaser

    (((Elsie))) I, for one, was like your brother. My half-assed mormon step-father and I used to get into it awful. The Trinity was our favorite argument. He loved saying Elohim (proving that God's name was plural, yadda yadda). I stopped speaking to my mom and him for several years because of it. What I couldn't understand was why I would get so incredibly upset with him (when, after all, I had the TRUTH and Holy Spirit, to boot). I would literally shake. Sorry that you are going through this. Sometimes it's best just to leave things as they are.

  • Iwasyoungonce


    You are wise. "Sometimes it's best just to leave things as they are."


    One thing that could be done is to take all the hate filled things he said to you clip them and send them back asking if this is how he treats all people in the name of God. After all "god" is dependent on them keeping his name clean.

    Elsewhere for what it's worth I bet you would make a fine brother. If yours dosn't want ya then we (if anyone is with me) will have to adopt you. If I am alone then I'd take ya any day.

    He owes you an apology and I hope one day you get it.

  • Reborn2002

    Elsewhere, if anyone can relate to your situation, I certainly can.

    Like you, I am an atheist following my exit from the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Like you, I have a brother whom I tried to reason with by showing the glaring contradictions and hypocrisy so apparent within Watchtower doctrine.

    In initial conversations (in which he attempted to "counsel me" and "encourage me to return" as any JW alpha-male subservient to the WTS is instructed to do) I was polite and very concise in my comments. I attempted to be subtle, and to allow him to think for himself instead of anything I said specifically being labeled as "apostate."

    For example, courtesy of http://quotes.jehovahswitnesses.com

    I used topics of conversation which only showed absolute contradictions in the JW belief system as pointed out in the very literature alleged to be overseen theocratically and inspired by God himself. Thankfully, due to my family being in the JW religion for well over 40 years, I have access to the printed bound volumes and decades old magazines which show these quotations are no falsehood perpetrated by "those who would oppose Jehovah's organization" but instead all exact text as printed and distributed by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

    Over the period of several weeks...

    I discussed exclusivity:


    organ transplants:


    vacillation on rape:





    complete with the annual bound volume quotations opened up and laid out to the very page for him to read.

    To my dismay, this effort was to no avail, for every time he would "turn the blinders on" and make excuses for the WTS and it's FDS even at the risk of sounding irrational and foolish. (which was often the case)

    In a desperate attempt to show him more (he has an infant child I did not want subject to this madness with a stolen childhood as I was), we discussed a host of other subjects later including UN affiliation, Russell's gravesite, the more recent silentlambs scandal, etc.

    He would hear none of it. To he and millions like him the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses are above reproach and the only true religion.

    If anything good came from the matter, I am now relieved that I tried to save him, and I showed him the facts, even if he did not want to hear it.

    Despite this, in his demonstration of love so exemplary of Jehovah's Witnesses, he chose to personally villify me and state that I a vehement opposer of God and worthy of death. I suppose he is worthy to judge eh? He ranted on perhaps to goad me that it would be such a shame after Armaggedon to have to explain to our deceased grandparents that I was eternally destroyed, but they would get over it. He then proceeded to use my infant nephew as leverage and adamantly inform me that I would have no relationship with him whatsoever.

    Loving indeed.

    So, this goes to show once someone has been indoctrinated to such a degree, it is extremely difficult to reach them. In fact, for whatever reason, be it fear of change or losing family and friends, some people do not want to change, or do not want their perception of reality complete with it's comforting sense of security to be removed, even if it is a false one.

    Simply put, they would rather live a lie.

    My heart goes out to you Elsewhere. Unless you experience it personally, it is difficult to relate to the anguish wrought down upon people when seeing their immediate family members remain victims of a destructive cult.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 20 December 2002 17:27:41

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