Since leaving the Watchtower, do you still believe that you will live forever, here on earth? Some might think that heaven is the final destiny, while other may just believe in this short life and nothing else. What is your belief and how does it affect your daily life?
Do you still expect to live eternally?
by JH 23 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, eternal life, but not on earth. IMO.
do JWs expect to live forever, or hope to live forever? i expect that anyone who doesnt hope, wont live forever.
just imagine that paradise run by the WTS society and elders as chieftans. wow!.... what a prospect to look forward to! it warms your heart to know that the WTS got everything planned and sorted for everyone who puts faith in them.
Not with the WTS in charge, that would be hell!
I work on just living one day at a time.
oh yes, i still believe that there is such a thing as eternal life. whether it is here on earth or in some heavenly installation. that is a promise from Jesus Christ who is the Messiah. the scriptures were written to glorify Him and to fulfill God's promises to mankind. i don't believe the so-called g.b. who are always changing doctrine to suit them. phewy, humbug. i believe in the words of the Bible. God has never changed or altered what He ever said. this is why i will always believe in my chance of having eternal life.
I like what this individual had to say on that topic: "I intend to live forever. So far, so good."
Steven Wright
Even when I was a JW, and doing all the "right" JW things, I just couldn't see myself living forever. All of the things that made life "fun" were supposed to be done away with, like movies, theatre, tourist attractions. The accumulated wisdom of scholars was going to be replaced by the "scrolls" that were going to be opened. You couldn't even count on the existence of cars, bicycles or other forms of transportation. And even if they did survive, how many airline pilots were going to survive Armageddon so they could take you to areas of the earth to meet other brothers and sisters?? How many ship captains would there be who were able to navigate the seas to take you to remote islands (or even Australia)?? There were just so many unanswered questions like those that made the idea of living forever on earth nothing more than an ambiguous nicey-nice concept that hadn't really been well thought out. The only thing I was told for sure about the Paradise was that Jehovah was going to destroy everything that "the world" had created, and he needed a clean-up crew, namely, the JWs. (Which still begs the question: If Jehovah has the power to destroy everything, does he not also have the power or ability to clean up after himself?? Or is he like some two year old who has a temper tantrum that needs a mommy to pick up after him??) I, for one, did not care for the idea of spending 1000 years cleaning up Jehovah's crap; I have three kids and do enough housework. Thanks, but no thanks. And with other JWs on top of it?? Kill me. Now.
Love, Scully
My belief? I'll find out when I die what God has planned for me.
Scully, well stated (and funny, I might add).
My wife and I were just discussing this topic. She feels that living in a world with Witnesses (she named some who treated us poorly) would not be very desirable at all.
Sure, living forever beats dying, but under what conditions?
Was just thinking about it tonite actually.
I just don't know really, no-one does, thats why most people live in fear.
If you want simple answers we know who will provide those.
Gotta admit the 'life everylasting at last' song was kinda catchy.