scooby DOO!!!! GREAT . my advice to you is do what you are doing ,,, when the elders come to your door and start their shit. keep them at the door and excuse your self for a minute go and call the police tell them you are being harrassed. when the police arrive tell them these people are harrassing me and i want to make a compliant. the police will have to do this... that you don't want no more phone calls from them or visits at the door or mail from them...and if it continues you will take legel action .. the police will take a report and give you a pink copy and will instruct the elder not to come back... they are scared shit of the police... and after this encounter with the police at your door.. you will never here from them again..... trust me it works when they would not stop coming to my wifes house i did this 2 years ago .... they have not been back since... best to your family john
Update since yesterday...
by scaredyetresolved 17 Replies latest jw friends
My advice is dont listen to Johnny's advice/// Remember we are NOW starting on the road to LOVE!!!!!!! I dont think that is a loving thing to do John..... I would have considered it persecution when I was a JW it would have made me stronger..... I know I am stupid... But what are you going to do.I just like adding my two cent (((hugs)) I am so glad your celebrating the childrens days.When Christ was born they gave him gifts....
YAYE for you guys!!
Hope your little one has a great birthday party, and all the best for your family on your journey out of the Watchtower and into freedom!!
Seems like you and your family have a very good game plan. I send my best wishes for you on your exit. Also sending Happy Birthday wishes for the little guy......Scoobie,doobie-doooooo!
Big Tex
Because we feel WE will be making our stand loud and clear. That is important to us.
Outstanding! We all will stand before God for what we do in our lives. It might as well be for what WE believe and not what others want us to believe. You've just taken the first step into a larger world. Congratulations and good luck.
Congrats..and enjoy the rest of your lives AND your family.....unconditional love is great!
That is wonderful, I'm glad you were able to make a decision. I believe it is one you will never regret. Watching my husband and kids (19 and 16) at their first Christmas was amazing my hubby is like a child, he tells everyone that he never really lived before. Also my daughter is an Avid Scooby Doo Fanatic So good choice on the cake.
Best of luck
<of the never will regret it, never look back class>
BEST WISHES!!!!!!!!!!