I just had to laugh. The old congregation I used to attend now has two young
unmarried sisters who got knocked up by their 'worldly' boyfriends. One was baptised
but repentant ( they seem to repent when the pregnancy shows) and the other WISELY
never got baptised - so there ain't sh*t the corrupt elders can do about it.
I wish the girls all success in motherhood - but wonder:
How do these things make a "clean organization"? Suppose every congregation
member is an adulterer, fornicator, child molester, or thief BUT ALL REPENTANT?
So, they get divorced, get arrested, get pregnant and everybody sees the results
and adjusts. How does this result in moral uplift? At some point, it all becomes
'normal' and other Witnesses do the same - in Jehovah's "clean organization".
There are elders who can df people and keep the organization "clean"
but that doesn't mean much. Is a city free from crime just because it has
And who watches the watchers? Other good old boys? Their elder buddies
and pals?
And who can disfellowship the Governing Body for officially supporting the
United Nations - just like joining the YMCA or the military?
Are they "clean" if they agree to lie to authorities? or cover up crimes?
or engage in "Theocratic War Strategy"?
Are they clean if they use shunning to coerce people into attending meetings?
Are they really "clean" if they keep losing revenue because Jehovah isn't
blessing them with lots of cash flow?