The "Clean Organization" Myth

by metatron 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pistoff

    the direction the org has taken is controlling, short-sighted, distorted, misapplied and unchristian.

    When Jesus walked the earth, he was most angry with abuse of power and corruption of those in positions of moral and religious leadership; those with "moral flaws" did not get the negative attention from Jesus that the religious leaders did.

    Fast forward to today, in the "true" religion: what is the emphasis? Is it on the children that have been mistreated? Is it on helping people through problems with behavior? It is more about kicking out those who have not figured out when to lie, when to shutup, and whose fanny to kiss.

    My own congregation has seen some very good people get disfellowshipped, people who went willingly to the elders and who wanted help; for their trust, they were disfellowshipped. Why would those people ever again take anything to the elders? Does it make any sense to disfellowship young unmarried people for sexual things that they willingly confess, and seek help for? Is there anything even in the scriptures to address the topic? Or is it more likely that in the jewish congregation, the one the society mimics more than any early christian one, that young men and women had sex and just did not talk about it?

    To disfellowship people, especially young people, is NOT christian, no matter what Paul said.

  • wednesday
    Fast forward to today, in the "true" religion: what is the emphasis? Is it on the children that have been mistreated? Is it on helping people through problems with behavior? It is more about kicking out those who have not figured out when to lie, when to shutup, and whose fanny to kiss

    .This is so true.. that is usually who end up getting the axe-those who cant beat these guys at their game. look how long it took them to get ray franz. Also, about people who are repentent-why are they disfellowshiped? they should not be-not according to the scriptures.

    Also, if u think the cong. is all cean and wonderful, u should talk to the elders and all. It is not. It has all been sanitized for the apperance of it all. There are rapsits and child molester in the KH-how bad do u have to get? And it is true, a lot of bro won't hire or work for others. I had a really stupid couple do some work for me- and b/c i did not have their paycheck the minute they were done-they came to get it while i was having surgery . Stupid , illiterate, ENTITLED people.

    Jws are as corrupt or more than the average. A lot figure out how to beat the system, the rest end up being df. And i am not a new jw-i have been a jw all my life and am in late 40's.

  • onacruse

    The myth: The WTS has always claimed JW superiority in moral behavior. However, in 40 years of reading virtually everything they published, I can't recall that they ever provided even one objective statistical analysis of this. "The divorce rate is lower...out-of-wedlock pregnancies are fewer"...where is the proof? I now suspect that all of these claims are anecdotal. I willingly perpetuated and fed into them because I wanted to believe such things about my religion.

    "We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves."
    Eric Hoffer


  • JT

    I HAVE TO agree, in my exp as a jw all the congo i knew were CLEAN AND THEY
    so i would have to say THEY WERE CLEAN, but the question must be asked why-
    and i believe these are the following reasons-
    most jw live in total fear, fear to the point where they will turn
    themselves in
    where they will turn in anyone for anything even if they just think the
    person is doing something bad-
    we had a single sister who was seeing a bro- she lived in an apartment
    complex with about 9 other single sisters- well one night about 11:30 my
    phone started ringing off the hook-
    HE USED TO COME VISIT HER but this night his car was still out front and ALL THE LIGHTS WERE out

    well the single sister were calling me to let me know that they were in there "KNOCKING BOOTS"

    that sat morning out in service she told me they were driving down to Norfolk to see his family and would be out of town on sunday
    so when the single sisters called i just said I will look into it-

    of course i knew he was NOT sleeping over at her house she left her car and he left his car and drove down with his sister in here minivan- smile

    so they felt that they were helping to keep the congo CLEAN WHEN IN FACT they were just being Nosey

    so the org creates this RAT ON YOU mindset how sad


    Edited by - jt on 21 December 2002 20:24:13

    Edited by - jt on 21 December 2002 20:25:39

  • DannyBear

    Jw's clean? No bigger a ruse has ever been told.

    Jw's moral turpitude, is evidenced by their ridiculous willingness to accept those who violate biblical/civil law simply because of manifest repentance. Even going so far as to welcome those 'worldly', non members, who have or are practicing "sin", based solely on a purported interest in the bible and who attend meetings, or accept a bible study.

    Sure let some dufus (in want of a better word) screw your minor daughter, impregnate her, cause her to be humiliated in front of three 'cheese/cracker men', then allow the dufus to attend the Watchtower the guy is invited to a jw sponsored wedding reception, baby shower, fellowship gathering, included in the next congregation outing, all because he falls into an 'interested person' catagory!

    What a crock! They simply have lost all sense of reality. Clean? They are so far removed from 'clean' the only acceptable term I can come up with is 'whitewashed'.............but even that word does not express the sheer idiocy of what is practiced in the name of 'righteousness'.


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