the direction the org has taken is controlling, short-sighted, distorted, misapplied and unchristian.
When Jesus walked the earth, he was most angry with abuse of power and corruption of those in positions of moral and religious leadership; those with "moral flaws" did not get the negative attention from Jesus that the religious leaders did.
Fast forward to today, in the "true" religion: what is the emphasis? Is it on the children that have been mistreated? Is it on helping people through problems with behavior? It is more about kicking out those who have not figured out when to lie, when to shutup, and whose fanny to kiss.
My own congregation has seen some very good people get disfellowshipped, people who went willingly to the elders and who wanted help; for their trust, they were disfellowshipped. Why would those people ever again take anything to the elders? Does it make any sense to disfellowship young unmarried people for sexual things that they willingly confess, and seek help for? Is there anything even in the scriptures to address the topic? Or is it more likely that in the jewish congregation, the one the society mimics more than any early christian one, that young men and women had sex and just did not talk about it?
To disfellowship people, especially young people, is NOT christian, no matter what Paul said.