The Memorial?

by Nickey 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nickey

    I'm a newbie here. But not a newbie to being a JW. I was raised as one. I guess you can say I'm standing on the line.

    Anyway, I'll get into all of that later...

    Lately, I've been wondering about The Memorial. I'm curious as to the true meaning behind JW's doing it. Is there something I'm missing? I've been having this feeling of guilt for attending.

    I guess I'd just like some insight on it and why JW's do it... the true meaning. It's been heavily stressed that I attend and missing ONE Memorial is a very bad thing. As far as I've been taught. But, now... I'm not too sure about that. Somethin' just ain't right.

  • ARoarer

    Nickey, I always felt the same way you do, about it not seeming right.. then after I left I realized what it was. I hated passing the emblems. I felt as if I was rejecting what the meaning of Christ's death was about. I now believe his sacrifice was for me not just an elitist few.

  • Nickey

    Exactly. I did the forbidden and read the bible on my own. Jesus saying for everyone to partake. Yet I sit there and pass the emblems and watch these men munch on them like a snack. It always made me feel like I was rejecting Jesus by saying "No, I'm not going to partake... so I pass this along."

    Marching around like "Oh, I have heavenly hope so I can partake. You just pass it to me. You are just a sheep to graze the earth."

    The Memorial or The Rejection...

  • RunningMan

    In ancient pagan religions, it was common for a tribe to raise an animal that matched their totem. For example, if a tribe's totem was a (to plagarize "Clan of Cave Bear") a bear, they would raise a bear. Then at a festival would kill the bear, drink his blood and eat his flesh. It symbolized the flow of power from the God to the tribe. It also solidified their relationship, by making them one with their God.

    This pagan ceremony has very powerful implications for superstitious, primitive, people. Eventually, it was adopted into Christianity, in a slightly more civilized format. Christians have an annual festival (Easter) marking the killing of their god incarnate (Jesus). They then symbolically drink his blood and eat his flesh.

    Christianity has various communion rituals. Some perform communion regulary, or on special occasions. JW's have altered the communion ritual to an annual affair, and placed a slightly altered meaning on it.

    They, of course, think that they are performing a unique and pure ritual. In reality, it is nothing of the sort.

    If you miss a memorial, nothing will happen. The sky will not fall. However, scorning the memorial is the final sign to JWs that you are beyond hope.

    They think that everyone who leaves them still knows in their heart that they have the truth. If you skip the memorial, you are dirt.

  • bay64me

    I always felt that the memorial was one big hype. There was soooo much emphasis put onto the actual importance of attendance. The talks were usually extremely boring and dragged out and sort-of-higgledy-piggeldy.

    I honestly never thought that an 'invited guest' would make head nor tail of a word spoken word from the platform on that night. AND NEVER would I presume that despite the almost pentecostal plea from the speaker, a surge of bible studies would ensue. NO WAY!

  • bay64me



  • Kenneson

    Would you give a Supper where only two or three partook?

  • Nickey

    Hmmm, interesting. I never thought of it that way.

  • Prisca


    I felt the same as you, and the Memorial of 2000 was the last straw for me. It was so dry and devoid of meaning, and the rejection of the emblems was something I hated doing. I felt it was an insult to not partake, yet if I had, it would have caused more trouble than I was ready for.

    Take a look at some local churches, and ask their ministers about the meaning of Communion. Maybe you'll find a place where you feel comfortable attending, and be able to practise your faith freely.

    Welcome to the board BTW

  • TresHappy

    I have posted my title of the Memorial in other threads, but I call it "The Annual Watch the Bread and Wine Go By Festival."

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