How many here can still take the bible and find any verse like before, without searching through the bible and the index?
Edited by - jh on 20 December 2002 19:45:56
by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends
How many here can still take the bible and find any verse like before, without searching through the bible and the index?
Edited by - jh on 20 December 2002 19:45:56
I guess everyone has his own 'true religion'. Just stick me out in nature by myself and I find my true religion every time.
I'm getting a headache. Couldn't you just post two different threads? At the risk of you changing it again, I will leave my original answer above.
Can I still find scriptures? Yeppers, it's like riding a bike, you may get a little rusty, but you can still do it.
Edited by - windchaser on 20 December 2002 19:51:28
I guess everyone has his own 'true religion'. Just stick me out in nature by myself and I find my true religion every time.
Edited cause topic changed while I was posting...............
Edited by - jesika on 20 December 2002 19:19:28
Sorry I changed topic. Back to the first one. (for good)
Edited by - JH on 20 December 2002 19:40:32
Well, that sucks. Jesika said she rarely posted about the topic you originally had up, and although I didn't understand why she talking about looking up Scripture, I was glad that she posted. Drat!
I do not believe that there is one religion that in itself is the true religion. I think that there are many religions on the right path.
For me, going to a non-denominational church is the closest I will come to joining another religion.
I think the answer lies in having a relationship with God and his son, and that is about it.
To answer the changed topic, I was suprised the few times I have attended church since leaving, and it comes right back. Changed bibles of course, but still brought back some wierd feelings. Still can find all the scriptures, but now I feel I have a better understanding of the bible.
Topic changed? I'm confused......d'oh!
Well for the "do you still know your bible" subject, surprisingly YES. Lastnight Craig and I were looking for a scripture and I had no problem knowing where to find it. I remember thinking how much like riding a bicycle it is. (he,hee Windy) Some things you just never forget.
I think I actually know my Bible better than I did when I was a JW. The WTS so very conveeeeeniently leaves out a lot of scriptures that contradict their teachings.... and now that I know what they are, I use the Bible to my advantage when discussing my situation with JW relatives who think it's sooooooo wronggggggg to observe Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, Canada Day, etc etc.
They hate it when I use their own Bible (NWT) to argue with them. I always start the conversation with "so do you agree that the Bible is the final authority?" Of course, they say "Yes". Which means that any topic that they pull out of a WTS publication, I can use the Bible to "pull rank" on the publications.
Apostasy is fun when done correctly.
Love, Scully