I must admit to never knowing it that well in the first place. Comes from years of honing the fine art of inattention at all the meetings I had no choice but to attend!
Do you still know your bible?
by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends
Wind the reason I was talking about looking up scripture is because that is as far as I get with "know the bible".
I found it odd that I hadn't picked up a bible in yrs and found that I could find a scrip with ease.
That is what "know the bible" means to me or the way I took the ?
*************Will try and repost what I had originally****************
I rarely post on this topic, but since it isn't about a particular doctrine I will this time.
I was reading COC and sometimes a scrip would be in ( ) but not quoted on a point that Franz was making. So, I went and got my bf's Catholic Bible ( I dont have one of my own anymore), and I found I went straight to the scrip without giving it much thought.
The only scripts that I remember are 1Cor 15:33 (bad association spoil useful habits ) Ps. 83:18---to prove Jah's name was in the King James Version, and one in Eph (don't remember the chapter and verse,but I know it wouldn't take me long to find it) ----about the dead being conscience of nothing at all to prove hell fire was not true
Other than those I don't remember any others off hand.
I can still look up scripts pretty easy, but to "know the bible", well that is about the extent I choose to have with the book.
It was just very suprising to me that after almost a decade I could still thumb through the bible very quickly and find the book and chapter I was referencing.
I guess bad habits are hard to break-----LOL.
(my comments were from what JH had originally posted as to looking up scripts and having to use the index to find certain books)
*of the ------doesn't discuss the bible anymore class*
I knew where that Scripture was all along...I just let Katie believe that she found it when I couldn't.
((((((((((((((((((Craig)))))))))))))))) awwwww how Sweeeeeeeet is that!
I love it when you do that!
Katie (of the always right class)
Big Tex
Yes and no. I still know the Bible, but finding individual scriptures is not as easy as it once was. Some I have memorized but sometimes I know what the scripture says but I need an exact quote and that's where I get in trouble.
My wife reads the Bible to the kids every night (almost) and she is discovering the joy of other translations. Years ago I bought a Bible that has 8 different translations of the New Testament. Her favorite at the moment is called The Message. Only problem with that is that it is liberally vernacularized (new word!) that she will sometimes need some backup.