Thanks for working so hard to bring so much good cheer Scootergirl - we appreciate it, it's been fun.
Scootergirl .. the angel of Xmas :)
by LyinEyes 17 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you ((((Scootergirl))) for all the hard work you and eyegirl did to make this secret Santa thing a sucess! Whoohooo, it was fun!!
((((((((Animal)))))))) Thank you so much. It means a whole lot. Your gifts to me will always be treasured.
My arms would probably fall off if I were really able to hug all the great people here!
Hand raising high!!! Me too, me too!
It was so much fun, and you made it all happen Scootergirl. Thanks again, SO MUCH!!!
I am so sorry that I didn't see this most wonderful thread before today! You guys are all too sweet.....but, I merely organized this. The true holiday spirit came from each and everyone of you guys! Without you, I would just have a big list of names and addresses (mental note to self......sign up 75 peeps for the 12 free cds w/minimum to buy.......LOL J/K)
For many years I was so sad that I no longer had a "family"......I felt like such an orphan, I managed to work my way thru life-but I always felt like I was missing something. Now, I have a great big old family that I have grown to love (and some that I tolerate! LOL ) I no longer feel like I am missing out....thanks to you guys I have friendships, support and unconditional love that I never had before. I feel so close because of this common bond that we have. I love knowing that whenever I need something, one of you is there to offer themselves. And visa versa.....I can give back what I have taken. You all truely are a blessing to me........
The thanks goes to you, Simon, for having a place for all of us to meet. Special thanks from one tired
Lyin, I was just about to start my own thread about this when I noticed your one.
Happy Birthday!!!
Scoot, again thanks so much for all the hard work you have put into it. I did my one at work and that was hard enough for 22 people!!
I hope you all got what you wanted and that 2003 bring much happiness
Thanks Scooter, you did a great job of organising everyone
Happy birthday ((((((Lyin))))))
Edited to add
oops just noticed this is a few days old - Happy belated birthday Lyin !
Edited by - angharad on 30 December 2002 18:51:39
Scooter , the words and feelings you expressed made me cry,,,,,,,, I feel the same way about all of the people on this board ,,,,,they are my family. And yeah,,,,,,,just like real flesh and blood , we get in little fights, hurt feelings, sometimes,,,, but the love that is there, makes it seems all so trival really.
I too felt like an orphan for so so, now I have friends and family that I wouldnt want to live without.
I have real smiling faces in pictures around my house of many of you, you are so much more than names and expressions from the internet. You are all real and I am proud to know you all.
Oh God,,,,,,,,,,,the love feast.......... wonderful isnt it???
Thanks for all the birthday wishes too,,,,,,,,, not to bring this thread and my high down or any of yours,,,,,, but my dad didnt call on my birthday ,,,,,, he used to always,,,,,,,,, but you all did.
I can not express what that meant to me. Little ole me who didnt feel she had anyone who cared to call her in December........... you all made me cry , made me happy and made my YEAR.
May 2003 be the best year of our lives. All my love ,,,,,,,,, you sister forever, Dede