oh thanks so much safe4kids that's so sweet of you!! Hugs and have a very nice holiday and prosperous New Year!!
How weird is this?
by safe4kids 19 Replies latest jw friends
You are more than welcome Soledad And just for you...
Feliz Navidad, Feliz navidad, feliz navidad, prospero ano y felicidad. I wanna wish you a merry christmas, I wanna wish you a merry christmas...I wanna wish you a merry christmas from the bottom of my heart.
Dana (who had 4 years of Spanish and can barely remember any of it )
Had Enough
Hey there (((((Dana))))):
It sure is heartwarming to see you're having such positive experiences with your ex. Even if you never do get back together, your kids are still going to benefit from seeing mom and dad enjoying each other's company.
btw....I think Expat's pic is Marvin the paranoid android in The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Hey Expat...am I right??
That's the book Expat used to relate a scene to me that I could use to dwell on if or when I reached the point of wanting to do a swan dive of the upper deck at the district assembly I felt coerced into attending last summer. It worked....I had inner fits of giggles ripping through me that I had to contain regularly through that weekend.
Had Enough
A man who likes shopping and you divorced him.
That's so funny
YAY Dana!!!!
Pretty cool isn't it? It really is a huge thing and I'm so glad for you!! It takes an additional pressure away that I can assure you is a heavy one.
My ex-husband finally got there too but it took him 10 years to do it and much crap in the meantime but I'm very glad to have him co-parenting with me now that our daughter is in her teens. She tried a few times within the last several months to play one parent against the other and was quite shocked when it didn't work and her father and I stood united on the issue at hand.
I am still a little shocked at times when he calls and wants to talk about something regarding her (he was quite non involved from age 4-14) and says things like "what are your thoughts on ..." I even asked him one day "Who are you and what did you do with my evil ex-husband" LOL He even took her shopping for her Homecoming dress a few months back!! I had to tease him about that- "I didn't know they sold dresses at Fleet Farm." We can laugh with each other now and really get together on issues regarding our daughter and it's great!!!
I'm happy for you that this is possible so soon and while your kids are still young.
A man who likes shopping and you divorced him.
I got a kick out of this one too!!!
Hugs at ya Dana!!!!
Hey Dana it's not weird to be friends with the man you made babies with so long ago even though you are happily divorced. I think it's cool and great for the kids.
I get along ok with my ex and in April at our daughters wedding there was a big fuss amongst her n-in-laws to be about where to seat us, by each other or clear across the isle from each other or on different planets.....we ended up sitting next to each other, took all the family pics together and surprised the in-laws! I did decline his offer to dance one dance together, it was a slow dance and I passed on that one however no one but us knew. (until now)
A man who likes shopping and you divorced him.
Too funny! One of the many things I absolutely love about onacruse (Craig) is he loves to shop! He's a coupon clipper and everything, tries to out do me, LOL. Now am I lucky or what?
Katie (shopaholic and loves it)
PS xenawarrior where is your sword swinging vamp? LOL your pic isn't showing up and I didn't do it!
LOL @ Biker- you did it, I know it!! You took it!!!!
Actually, I tried to change my profile picture today and it didn't work too well- still trying to figure it out Help Valis!!!!
he,hee xw! Valis can't help you.........he's only good with blue things and smurfs.
but I tell ya I didn't do it! I didn't!!
((((HadEnough))) It's great to see you posting again I've missed you. Thanks for your kind words; I really am glad for the kids that their dad and I are able to get along as well as we do. I can't imagine how painful it is for children to have their parents in conflict all the time
I had inner fits of giggles ripping through me
Yeah...Expat does have that effect on people, hey? LOL You'll have to tell me what the scene was so I can giggle too! *grin*
Elsewhere Geez man, don't encourage him! Hey, how's your Christmas coming along? I hope it's going swell
Xenawarrior Hey! How wonderful for you and your daughter that your ex finally came around! Sad that he missed out on so many years with her but at least he's finally turned that around and I'm happy for all 3 of you. ((Hugs)) right backatcha
Bikerchic That's great that you and your ex have a good relationship. Funny how friends view it though, isn't it? I got a kick out of your story about your daughter's wedding It really is wonderful to see families able to put aside their differences and hurts for the sake of the children, regardless of how old they are. And I'm happy for you and Craig; you guys are such a sweet couple!
Thanks everyone for your replies...have a great holiday season!
thank you for sharing....it is so great that you can do these things...keep it up...