I absolutely believe in ghosts. I lived with one in the house I grew up in. When I look back at it, it was scary. There is no way I would live with one now. But then I had no choice. My whole family saw it, heard it. There is no doubt. It is funny, with all the speculation there is on this board, whether there is a God or not, etc, this is one thing that I know exists. I was there, I saw it.
It never harmed us in any physical way, but it was there. It was able to go through doors and walls, and even though it appeared to float along instead of walking, you could hear it walk up stairs and around the second story of our home.
It was real, and for those who don't believe, I don't know what to tell you. I guess for some you must see to believe. Not to blame you, for had I not seen with my own eyes, many many times, I would be doubtful too.