Pre emptive strike!

by GeddyLee 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • GeddyLee

    What a great feeling!! With the witch hunts from the crotchtower coming early next year there was no way I was going to let those toilet scrubbing, window washing, gas pumping, cheese and cracker men ,have the satisfaction of trying to hunt me down, and than tossing me out on their terms. The letter telling them I want no part of their mind numbing cult , is in the mail as of last night around 2AM. This should make some splash around here, I am from a third generation jw family. I pioneered for five years, was an MS when I left quietly almost ten years ago.Dad an elder, Bro a circuit overseer, other brother an elder, so on , so on. I have officially washed the stench of watchower off of me , on MY terms, not theirs! Oh what a feeling!

    Edited by - geddylee on 22 December 2002 13:2:35

  • Kenneson

    Telling it like it is, good for you. Hope it makes "big waves." Congratulations!

  • Pleasuredome

    the way i see it geddy, DA and DF are both on their terms rather than ours. i'd rather be DF but as i said in another thread, i dont care 'cos its not my reality on theirs.

  • JH

    I hope that you put enough stamps on your letter.

  • freedom96

    Have your relatives been shunning you, or will they now? Or will they accept you?

  • GeddyLee

    My family are fanatical JWs. Once I made it clear to them years ago I would never go back, they became cruel and very unloving and have kept their distance. I have lost nothing, and have gained everything, including self respect, peace of mind, and a joie de vive.

    Edited by - geddylee on 22 December 2002 12:34:18

  • kelsey007

    "toilet scrubbing, window washing, gas pumping" May I ask what this has to do with "that"? a proud toilet scrubbing, window washing ex jw ask that? Just wondering why the reference......... BTW though I went to my jw moms friday night and repaired and scrubbed her toilet and cleaned a mirror for her- I did not do her windows... and I did these things while she was out to her JW book study-

  • Surreptitious

    Geddy, do you play bass?

  • JT
    I was going to let those toilet scrubbing, window washing, gas pumping, cheese and cracker men

    i love it

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    hi geddy lee; great for you !!!! screw them..they have shuned you etc... now when they come to your door i would do two things... first i would tell the elders i would to talk to them .... but would they please fix my toilet first, as i took a big dump and it will not FLUSH... PU PU !!! as i know you elders do this better than anyone i know... and you show the fruits of the sprit so well.... while they are enjoying the lovely aroma of the over flowed THRONE.... I WOULD CALL THE police and when the police get there say you would like to make a harassment report... that these TOILET BOWL CLEANERS... want to keep coming to your door when you don't have a problem with the plumbing... and harassing you and your family... make a report and ask the elders to only come when you call and have a throne back up for them to lick up. otherwise you will consider any other contact from them a issue that will need legel action... so remember when the wt police come to your door keep them there till you call the real police and see how they act... they will never come you have peace from the wt at your home... forever and forever.....john

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